ossobuco wrote:I don't know anything about all this, but it's a tough way to die.
Yeah it is, and there are probably all sorts of terrible circumstances in her life that led up to it, but where do you draw the line?
I have no idea what her early life was all about, but I would not be surprised to learn it was horrific.
Does the harm of the past excuse the sins of the present?
There are worse things than being a Madam, but let's not minimize the foulness of such a role. For there to be a Madam there must be prostitutes, and the chances are that if a woman is a prostitute, she has led a rough life herself, and so at best, a Madam is exploitative. Probably a prostitute herself once, but smart and capable enough to rise above the role, and yet entirely dependent upon the misfortunes of young women who find themselves compelled to sell their sex.
This is the moral dilemma of the post-modernist Liberal.
For the PML there is no such thing as evil. All "bad" behavior can be explained as an inevitable product of a misfortunate past, and how can the malfeasor be blamed for the inevitability of his or her bad deed?
The fundamental problem with this world view is that Society cannot function properly within its constraints.
Life progresses on a macro level.
Evolution is a macro level process. In order to preserve and advance the species, countless individuals are sacrificed.
If Nature (read Evolution) insisted on the preservation of the individual irrespective of the species, where would we be now?
Fortunately, a horrific past does not, necessarily, assure a twisted present.
There are numerous examples of "survivors," who not only resist the pattern laid out for them, but unbelievably exceed expectations.
Beethoven is one.
Patrick Moynihan is another, and there are many, many more.
Society must be more cold hearted than a PML, more like a conservative.
Malfeasors, no matter what their excuses, cannot have an unlimited number of chances. Such a system is not sustainable. Perhaps it would be nice if it were not so, but it is!
Considering the inherent and overwhelming urge in every human being to live, it is deeply troubling when anyone reaches a point where they are capable of crossing this utterly fundamental line.
My own sense is that suicides don't want to die, they simply want to cease living. They want a cessation of awareness, not of life. Oblivion versus Death. It seems a difference without distinction, but I think not.
There can come a point when awareness is so painful than one will do anything to drive it away. The chances are pretty good that before the DC Madam killed herself, she was emersed in alcohol or drugs. The problem with this this cycle is that that inevitably one has a sober moment, and all the filth and ruin comes tumbling down.
At such a point there is another bottle, another needle or a gun.