HI Soz!
I wanted to do more exercising too - then I sprained my ankle

. I will get to it and in the meantime - I have found that this working at home thing is fabulous for weight loss (for me at least). LOL the not going out to eat, not getting home late or eating out has made a great change in my eating habits. I only eat when I'm hungry - not during the commute, or lunch break, and at home.
I would like to do other things especially with him and the puppy more but right now I have to keep my nose to the grind stone to get it all set and build sales and all of that. Aint easy.
It is a double edged sword I know - since I can or can't work whenever I want. But, if its slow I can go do something else too.
When he's away or working (like this week) I take on more hours too.
You do have to be pretty determined to keep it all up and going well.
The telecommute shared office would be great for someone not using home office for tax credits!