Thu 4 Sep, 2003 05:57 am
Having already awarded all the trillions of dollars in profits from oil and reconstruction projects to friends of his Administration, in today's news reports, Bush is now seeking 60 to 80 billion dollars from taxpayers to pay for keeping forces in Iraq and to pick-up the bills for his generosity to friends.
Of course, this is in addition to attempting to con other members of the U.N. into pouring their taxpayers' money and lives into the exercise, in return for NOTHING.
Regarding the other much-proclaimed (for domestic consumption) 30 other nations participating in peace-keeping and reconstruction in Iraq, this is more intentionally misleading 'spin', since a simple calculation should tell anyone interested that the actual numbers only average 500 personnel (not necessarily military) per nation. Not exactly the overwhelming and enthusiastic support for the Administration's invasion implied by Colin Powell on T.V. last night.
and what was the 30 pieces of silver that Colin got?
Having learned how to lie well, perhaps he has Presidential ambitions, when Bush retires?