JPB wrote:boomerang wrote:I grew up in the 60s when EVERYbody smoked and I've had an on again off again on again off again affair with nicotine. So I'm not sure if the "go ahead and smoke" theory works for everyone. Maybe these days where you can't smoke anywhere and people call you names if you smoke (at least where I live) that isn't such a problem. Plus, smoking now seems a rich man's game.
9th grade sounds about right. Is there something happening with your brain at that point that makes you succeptable to risk?
I was about that age when I tried ingesting some things that I don't really want to mention.
yep, it's the right age to snub risk and the right age to want to begin to self-medicate. Nicotine has a calming effect (after a slight buzz) and kids that age are incredibly agitated. As with any habit, some get addicted and some don't. I too have a casual relationship with nicotine, have had since I was a teen. I have two sisters, however, with a 2-3 pack/day habit. No telling really who's going to get hooked and who isn't.
I agree JPB. My husband never once picked up a cigarette. He hated that his Mom and Dad smoked. My Mom and Dad never smoked...well Dad smoked a pipe...we never really considered that smoking - though it is.
In 9th grade I changed schools. I was in the bathroom with some of my new friends and they offered me one. Not wanting to say no to these kids I accepted. I loved it. I loved the way the nicotine made me feel. I did not do it all the time. Just when I was out with my friends.
I still will when I am out with my girlfriends, I love a beer and a ciggy on the backporch. Though I would never do it consistently. I don't like the taste in my mouth afterwards. And my husband abhors it. He gets annoyed with me when I tell him what we have been up to! Oh well...
I do believe it has a lot to do with personality. Whether that first cigarette is accepted might have to do with whether you are a people pleaser or not. My husband is not. I am. I just got lucky I guess in that I don't crave it at all. My husband is also a control freak. Will not let anything rule him. Whereas - I am not a control freak - as much anyway.... hmmm
Soz...thanks for the link. I am starting to read as much as I can to help my boys.