Citizen Works: This Week's Action Item 9/2/03
Join a day of action protesting the new FCC media rules
On Thursday September 4th, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will officially implement the controversial new media ownership rules that the Commission voted to enact in June. These rules, which passed despite very vocal citizen opposition, would eliminate restrictions on allowing the same media companies to own television, newspaper, and radio outlets in the same market, among other dangerous provisions that would give fewer and fewer giant corporations more and more control over what we see, hear, and read.
On September 4th, citizens all across the country will be going to their local radio stations to speak out against the new rules. As this week's action item, we urge to join the in on this day of action. For information on the day of action, see:
Also, we urge you to call your members of congress and demand they use their power to overturn the FCC decision by supporting Senate Bill 1046. For more information on the progress of the legislation, see:
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