Tue 2 Sep, 2003 01:11 am
Yes, tis I, the cobalt-lady! Back from the business required of moving from one state to another, and into my new abode in Iowa City, Iowa. It has been a most fruitful time - and no time to spare for ususal pursuits. This question is posed to my many friends here - where will YOU be in the Election 2004 action?
I am devoting the next year and some of my life to online social action of a political nature. Some of you may know that I have been hard at work with a rugged, amazing group of online blogging friends to form a superblog and now it's online. As a section manager, i will be overseeing about 4 to 6 articles a week in my area, but the whole of the effort is quite a big deal. While it is against TOS rules within this site to mention the other website, I did want to say hello and to invite comments from one and all here in this thread. Do you limit yourself to posting in online forums? Are you so sick of the never-ending "revelations" that you want to just cocoon? Will YOU be taking an active role within a candidate's quest? Let us know! I'll tell if you will,
Peace, Love and Hugs,
Hi, cobalt. Glad to hear that you're now all settled in.
No active, physical role - got real limitations on that - beyond my control. But if you've got any suggestions on how time and writing can be used - thanks. Following the rules....Tartarin has my email address, if you have anything for me.
You're right about the sick part.
Hey mamajuana! Nice to see you online. Yes, I do have some ideas where good political writers can spend time and braincells but no "money" doing SOMETHING. I see no one else seems much interested in this topic, so I am disappointed. Is it the timing of the topic, or that people are just so dang hopeless they don't want to get involved? At some point I became tired of just posting away and not feeling like I made much of a difference. But, now I am "fired up" as it were, ha ha! I'll write to Tartarin to pass along my own email to you through her.
BJ / cobalt / Beej
Well I hope to have "Bush-Info" org up and running again, complete with a Dean page.
I also hope to try and get more active in Dean's Campaign.
NeoGuin - glad to hear this! Will you have an online site? Or DID you have one and it was languishing? Lots of Dean fans over in Open Source Politics - you might want to take a look at the candidate llinks there and link up yourself with some Dean supporters. Some of my best friends are them types, ha ha! I am still looking out for John Edwards though to see if he survives the early sacrificial lamb probabtionary period of the "official" campaign period.
Open Source Politics
So, no GOP folks going to write in this topic and tell what their plans are?
John Edwards? Not serious. Ambitious, but a long way to go.
The site has been languishing, I planned on restarting July 4th but things got a bit confusing. I should have it up by Nov 4.
And I'm linked to Open Source Politics.