ebrown_p wrote:Can anyone define "brainwashing" for me?
Are we talking about what adults teach children? Are we talking about enculturation? Or, are we talking about some ritual process?
I am not looking for an emotional response. I just want an objective logical explanation of exactly what is being alleged by the term "brainwash".
((if I could only brainwash my kids to to clean their darn rooms...))
You could brainwash your children to clean your rooms, but I am sure
you abhor the methods to do so, as much as I do. You only can brainwash
children with forced and mental abuse.
Let's not forget that none of these children were taught anything but
religious doctrines in its simplest form: you either do as I say or you're
damned and rot in hell. Physical reprimanding does the rest to make
these poor souls like putty in those bastards hands.
By the way, on CNN you also can see a video when Larry King interviewed some of the mothers and wives from the Texas ranch. They are all
brainwashed to the point, that they all claim to never have seen young
girls getting married to older man (King's question). When asked, all
the women look down and say the same thing - to their knowledge they
have never seen it.
After you have seen this video you will understand that these children
cannot stay with their mothers. The abuse will not stop there.