Sat 30 Aug, 2003 03:10 pm
Welcome back, Mr Bush. A lot sure has happened during your month's vacaction. I realize you've been occasionally busy with your fundraisers and all, and there was the cookout this week at the ranch for the reporters. How smart of you not to allow them in the main house, although I understand some of them got to look in the guest house when they asked to use the bathroom. Did you have those port-a-potty things on the lawn?
A lot of exciting things have happened in Iraq. Have you decided yet how you're going to handle it? I understand the Pentagon has funded the 2,000 troops we got from Poland. What about the rest? Is it true we've now got two from Latvia?
And how about those Ten Commandments? Although I thought originally there were twelve. Still, the sight of all those good men lying down with their chins on the ground - sort of looked like when they pray in those foreign countries.
And I guess you'll spend a little time with poor Ashcroft? Sounds like he's losing it.
But I guess you've been busy, what with all those calls to the folk who have lost loved ones in Iraq. I guess you'll be inviting them to visit the White House, in honor of their kin's bravery.
Goodness, you've sure missed some exciting times. But you probably needed the rest. Maybe another month wouldn't hurt?
Giving Molly a run for her money? Excellent observations.
Hail to the Barbecue Chef
And just tonight they showed clips of Poppy taking his vacation at the time of the Gulf War. Now he was running his boat all over, laughing it up, while the country was being told about the imprtance of oil.
They're not alone - but this family doesn't seem to have a moral bone in its collective body. And don't they think maybe there's something a little strange about being the leader of a country, but not there for periods of time because they're on vacation?