Why BBB is pissed at Arnold Schwarzenegger

Reply Fri 29 Aug, 2003 11:52 am
I don't care a fig about Arnold's sex life, then or now. What really pisses me off is that he knew this stuff would come out and he went ahead with his political plans without regard to the effect this info would have on his young children. And its not just the old stuff, the news about his womanizing since his marriage to Maria will also be comming out.

He is supposed to care so much about children, yet he seems blind to how his children are supposed to cope at school and other places when their father's raunchy behavior is exposed. And why didn't Maria make a stand to protect their children? I didn't think she was a wimp, but maybe so.

And Arnold's sex-object attitude towards women won't make his children or his wife feel any better.

If you love your children, you just don't indulge in your own self interest at their expense. Arnold is a world class egotistical asshole!


A raunchy interview bedevils Schwarzenegger
1977 chat includes blunt talk on drugs, sex
Lance Williams, Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Staff Writers
Friday, August 29, 2003
©2003 San Francisco Chronicle | Feedback
URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2003/08/29/MN33107.DTL

A 26-year-old interview in which a youthful Arnold Schwarzenegger described his libertine life as a champion bodybuilder has popped up on the Internet, roiling the campaign of the Republican candidate for governor.

The interview, with the now-defunct men's magazine Oui, was a raunchy question-and-answer session pegged to the release of the bodybuilding documentary "Pumping Iron," the 1977 film that rocketed the young Austrian bodybuilder to stardom.

In the interview, Schwarzenegger, then 29, acknowledged using "grass and hash, -- no hard drugs." He described participating in group sex with a group of bodybuilders and a "black girl" at Gold's Gym in Venice (Los Angeles County), saying "having chicks around is the kind of thing that breaks up the intense training. It gives you relief, and then afterward you go back to the serious stuff."

And in a discussion of bodybuilders, he referred to gay people as "fags," saying, "I have absolutely no hang-ups about the fag business; though it may bother some bodybuilders, it doesn't affect me at all."

A reference to the interview was posted on the online Drudge Report Wednesday night, and the full text appeared on the Web site www.thesmokinggun.com. Copies of the interview were e-mailed to political mailing lists around the state, and excerpts were read aloud on talk radio in Los Angeles.

When queried about the interview at a press conference Thursday in Fresno, Schwarzenegger said he could not remember it, repeating three times, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I am here to talk about my economic agenda," he said. "I have no memory of any of the articles I did 20 or 30 years ago."

But only the night before, Sacramento radio station KFBK talk show host Mark Williams specifically asked Schwarzenegger about the Oui article, which had just been posted on the Internet.

According to an Associated Press account of the broadcast, Schwarzenegger responded:

"I never lived my life to be a politician. I never lived my life to be the governor of California.

"Obviously, I've made statements that were ludicrous and crazy and outrageous and all those things, because that's the way I always was. I was always that way, because otherwise I wouldn't have done the things that I did in my career, including the bodybuilding and the show business and all those things."

Spokesman Rob Stutzman said he believed voters would understand that the old interview must be seen in context of the times and the world in which Schwarzenegger then worked.

"This is the bodybuilding world, and he's in the entertainment industry," he said. ". . . (Schwarzenegger) has said that if you go back in history, there are outrageous things he has said."

Meanwhile, advocates of gay rights criticized Schwarzenegger for his use of the word "fag."

"I think he's got a problem, bordering on a fixation" about gays, said Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco.

Michael Andraychak, president of Los Angeles' Stonewall Democratic Club, which opposes the recall, called on the actor to apologize, saying gays react to "fag" much as African Americans react to "the n-- word."

Toni Broaddus, program director for Equality California, the statewide gay- rights group, said she was troubled by Schwarzenegger's description of group sex in the gym.

"That many men and one woman -- it was very troubling, because it did seem close to rape," she said. "It just didn't sound like the kind of thing that you want the leader of the world's sixth-largest economy bragging about."

The interview was published in Oui's August 1977 issue. It was conducted by freelance writer Peter Manso, author of highly regarded biographies of actor Marlon Brando and novelist Norman Mailer. In a phone interview Thursday, Manso said Schwarzenegger had never contested the accuracy of any of the quotations in the article. His interviews with the actor were tape-recorded, he said.

Manso recalled the young Schwarzenegger as charming, narcissistic and unusually candid. Even at that early date, he was interested in a political career, the writer said.

There was "a sense that Arnold had figured out his life, he had come to America, and this was his new life aborning," Manso said. "He was going to wind up in Hollywood . . . and life after films, he imagined either a business career or a career in politics."

The bodybuilder's use of pot was touted in the article's headline: "he smokes dope, stays out late and forgets to take his vitamins," it said.

"I make my protein drink with whiskey," Schwarzenegger told Oui. "People think I'm crazy, but that's the way I am. I get stoned, I do my own thing."

Schwarzenegger's comments on gays came when Manso asked him if he got "freaked out by being in such close contact with men" while lifting weights. The bodybuilder portrayed himself as tolerant of gays.

"Men shouldn't feel like fags just because they want to have nice-looking bodies," he said.

"Another thing: recently I posed for a gay magazine, which caused much comment. But it doesn't bother me. Gay people are fighting the same stereotyping that bodybuilders are: People have certain misconceptions about them just as they do about us. Well, I have absolutely no hang-ups about the fag business."

Schwarzenegger told the group-sex anecdote during a discussion of the rigors of bodybuilding.

"At the same time, though, bodybuilders generally manage to have a good time," he said. "Bodybuilders party a lot, and once, in Gold's -- the gym in Venice, Calif., where all the top guys train -- there was a black girl who came out naked. Everybody jumped on her and took her upstairs, where we all got together."

"A gang bang?" Manso asked.

"Yes," Schwarzenegger replied.

Jack Pitney, professor of government at Claremont-McKenna College, predicted voters would cut Schwarzenegger more slack than a career politician would have received over the remarks. Voters will make allowances for Schwarzenegger's youth and his career in Hollywood, he said.

But Barbara O'Connor, professor of political communication at California State University-Sacramento, said the interview "is certainly not going to endear him to the conservative wing of the Republican Party."

Candid talk of sex, drugs and gay men
Excerpts from Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1977 interview with Oui:

Oui: "Do you use dope?"

Schwarzenegger: "Yes, grass and hash -- no hard drugs. But the point is that I do what I feel like doing. I'm not on a health kick. I know I should take vitamins, for example, but I forget half the time."

Oui: "Do you get freaked out by being in such close contact with men in the gym?"

Schwarzenegger: "Men shouldn't feel like fags just because they want to have nice-looking bodies. Another thing: Recently I posed for a gay magazine, which caused much comment. But it doesn't bother me. Gay people are fighting the same kind of stereotyping that bodybuilders are."

Oui: "Can you push yourself too far?"

Schwarzenegger: "Bodybuilders party a lot. Once, in Gold's -- the gym in Venice, Calif., where all the top guys train -- there was a black girl who came out naked. Everybody jumped on her and took her upstairs, where we all got together."
E-mail the writers at [email protected] and [email protected].
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,184 • Replies: 13
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 03:03 pm
I totally agree with your opinion about him - but doesn't he fit in well with the Kennedy clan? like peas in a pod! murder, rape etc and they walk away and for some reason people still vote for them and admire them Shocked
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 03:18 pm
Vivien- Whom did Arnold rape and murder? I believe that you are painting with much too broad a brush.

I don't know enough about Arnold to give a political opinion, and I don't even live in California. But I think that one cannot hold something that he said against him, as a kid in the 1970s. I would venture to say that a great many young people smoked pot, and had sex orgies in those days. Remember, that was during the sexual revolution, and before AIDS.

As far as his reference to "fags", in those days, the word was not politically incorrect. Gays had not yet become a political force, and the word was used quite often. This is not to condone its use, but to help people understand.

Obviously a bodybuilder making a movie in the 1970s needed to portray an over-the-top macho image. Give the guy a break. I think that it is important that Californians judge Arnold by what he is NOW, not what he was then.
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 03:28 pm
Phoenix, Arnold was in his 30s when he gave that magazine interview about his sexual behavior, not some young stupid kid. I would hate to see his children see some of the photos of him with women, at least one of which has been posted on A2K, so they are easily available.

And his womanizing has continued beyond the date he married Maria.
That's why I detest the harm he is doing to his children to satisfy his own ego.

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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 03:33 pm
Wouldn't it be more fair to remember English is not Arnold Schwartzenegger's first language.
I once heard a Frenchman say that he had no qualms about swearing in English, saying anything at all in English that most of us wouldn't say aloud.

But, the gang rape? Possibly he didn't know what "gang rape" meant? Entirely? Can't imagine a grown man telling the public of a gang rape in which he participated, as if it's all fun and games. How damn gross.
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 03:43 pm
29 is still old enough to know better than to give an interview to the raunchier version of Playboy. Ahnold is all cosmetics -- the accent could have been gotten rid of years ago but the Hollywood filmmakers decided to leave it alone as it had some kind of box office appeal. That's what were asked to vote for -- box office appeal with no substance and a perchance for running enterprises into bankruptcy. That's not when he was just 29.
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 03:58 pm
From Slate:

The Movie Arnold Doesn't Want You To See
Posted Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 1:27 PM PT

Last year, Slate's Virginia Heffernan celebrated the 25th-anniversary re-release of Pumping Iron, the documentary about the 1975 Mr. Olympia competition. Pumping Iron is the movie* Arnold hopes California voters don't rent between now and Election Day. The film captures the Austrian Oak in all his vicious, megalomaniacal glory: Arnold bullying, tricking, and psyching out his dopey rival Lou Ferrigno. Arnold extolling his own ambitions: "I was always dreaming about very powerful people, dictators, people like Jesus, being remembered for thousands of years." (And Arnold lighting up a fat celebratory joint—don't you dare try that now, Gov. Schwarzenegger.)
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 04:14 pm
If one really believes that many of our politicians in power don't light up or have been known have more than a few drinks (no real difference). I think Ahnold needs to be kept after school to:

1. Learn how to speak English and lose the phony accent.

2. Learn that using his name power to get a government financed after school program pales in comparison to what administrative skills are need to get California back on track (advisors or no advisors).

3. Learn that putting his family through the smut dredged up from his past is not only stupid but insanely self-indulgent. I don't see them remaning married other than Maria is fixated on big dicks.
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 05:11 pm
Arnold bullying, tricking, and psyching out his dopey rival

Mammajuana- Obviously Ahnald has the background to be a perfect politician! Laughing
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Reply Sat 30 Aug, 2003 07:21 pm
If you're going to accuse someone of rape just because you want to,
please realize that gang-bang and gang-rape are very different things.

Personally, as stated in another thread:
If Arnold is not a real politician, maybe that's his best asset! Politicians tend to politic and grub for power, rather than address community problems that need solving. I would trust an "I don't care what mud you sling" direct, crass attitude -- long before the traditional shyster in a suit.

Also, a Hollywood personality is 100% contrived. When interviewed for a hardware magazine, use the hardware lingo and attitude. When interviewed by OUI, use the language of that audience. Connect with them on their terms. Every movie, competition, and media gossip is a presentation, not the actual person. I have no way of telling who Arnold really is as a person any more than Madonna, Iacocca, or Bush. I don't care what kind of accent or personality an employee has, as long as they get the job done! I'd rather look at a candidates business plan, resources, and agenda.
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Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2003 02:42 pm
Uh, pardon, that exercise is indeed a "gang-bang" an orgy with other body builders, not a gang rape. Have to clear that up. Quite a difference there.

Silly me, not knowing the difference. Guess the difference would be the lady involved invited the gang-bang. But, definitely didn't "deserve it" happening without her consent.
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:01 am
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Vivien- Whom did Arnold rape and murder? I believe that you are painting with much too broad a brush.


it was a sweeping statement (one of my many many faults) - i just feel that anyone associated with the megalomaniac Kennedy's is doubly suspect! what about Chappaquidick? then there was a rape case that was dropped or something? Marilyn Monroe? loads of incidents that i can no longer remember but worrying in a family determined to create presidents at all costs.

He has Nazi connections and I don't feel is a good candidate for political office and the thought of a President S terrifies me!
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Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:37 am
Ahnold is foreign born and cannot become President. As to the other "guilty by association" notions, it's not fair to saddle Ahnold with any of that -- he has enough drawbacks to his candidacy without piling on insinuation. He's been in public now saying he should not have said those things in the interview -- meaning he is sorry he was caught doing those things. Isn't that enough?
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Slappy Doo Hoo
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2003 09:50 am
I can't believe gay activists spoke out against him...so he said the word "fag." BIG DEAL. Get over it, he said it 25 years ago. It wasn't a derogatory statement. The guy could barely speak English then, anyway. All he was saying was he was tolerant of gays...how often did people say that in the 70's?
The guy lived a party lifestyle...he's also a huge success story.

PC is gay.
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