Well, I finally got around to watching the first few episodes.
To tell you the truth, if I had been watching them on straight TV, I doubt I would have tuned in for the 2nd episode. Even 24 hours later, my interest would have been gone.
However, I watched the 2nd immediatley after the first and became a little more interested. I accidently played the episode where it was after the wife of the fighting couple had a miscarriage at his office. So, I was intrigued as to how that had started. Went back and watched the girl/coach one, then the soldier/bomber one, then finally saw the married couple the first time. Finally saw Paul visiting his old mentor.
Now I'll watch the rest, but more because it's sort of quirky, and I just enjoy looking at Gabriel Byrne.
Re the first episode.....yawn.....I just don't get off on watching some wacked out chick (albeit a doctor) telling her sex in the restroom stories and then confessing how she's "in love" with Paul.
How typical. Patient transferring erotic fantasies to doctor caring for her.
Also, Paul hasn't taken out his persciption pad, not once. I may be wrong, but doesn't someone go to see a phychologist or counselor first, then is ususally seen by a phychiatrist to continue therapy, and evaluatate for medication? I mean, I'm no expert, but I saw a therapist for a year, and only went to the phychiatrist because she had to perscribe the SRRI.
He he just a cash only business? Where the insurance forms? Everyone just tosses $150 on his coffee table and leaves.