Thu 28 Aug, 2003 06:03 pm
Power outage in London
All these gigantic power outages all over the planet are attributed to 'grid failures'. Allow me to have my doubts on this. Grid failures can't have such large scale effects, and the coincidence of this happening in both the US and the UK, as well as in parts of Russia and Europe, is too big to be chanceful.
I would rather assume the Pentagon is testing one of its electromagnetic weapons, inspired by the neocon strategy of public terror.
I wonder, do the nations in question have deregulation, or state control? In my book, deregulation is just a means of manipulating the public as well as robbing them with overpriced bills.
The russian electricity system is wellknown for its failures - those are nearly "common" in some formr Russian republics.
To what other European blackouts do you refer?
from the BBC:
Quote:Energy Minister Stephen Timms has asked the National Grid for an urgent report on Thursday's blackout and London Mayor Ken Livingstone has demanded an inquiry.
The blackout stopped about 1,800 trains and closed 60% of the Tube network.
Commuter trains in London and the South East should be working normally on Friday morning, say rail officials.
A National Grid spokesman said its engineers were still trying to discover the cause of the problem after the company lost a circuit supplying Wimbledon, Hurst and New Cross areas.
The London power supplier EDF has ordered an investigation, the BBC's transport correspondent Tom Symonds said.
He added: "EDF said such a power failure is very rare. They said it is not something they could have done anything about.
"They said there may have been a problem with some of the switches on the National Grid but more than that they are not prepared to say."
"Some problems with the switches."
Yeah right. That should be "some problems with public resurgence"
Revealing graphs, Walter.
Oh, boy, Wolf. Another conspiracy.
The whole Bush policy is one big concocted extreme rightwing conspiracy, roger. Nothing of it is true, yet every one of its moves is meant to influence us.
I'm sure the power grid in London is just fine.
What were the other blackouts in Europe?
Is there anything that is not a conspiracy?
I think all the conspiracy theories are concocted by nebulous persons in the greatest conspiracy of them all.
Walter, there were several power blakcouts in Holland, Belgium, Italy and Georgia during this month, but these were reportedly caused by the overheated power plants' cooling water. I don't see an immediate conspiracy there.
The so-called massive grid failures in the liberal kingdoms from New York over Toronto to London are, in my opinion, more likely a
terror warning than an authentic coincidence.
What the hell,
electricity failures can be cool.
ITALY, a Whole country goes donw?
I found your forum trough a search engine, and I was puzzled to see you enden this subject about a month ago. I'm a swiss living in mexico, and I find rather odd that a whole country as Italy can have a total electrical gridlock. I'm not as stupid as to design a WHOLE country's most basic need not to be ABSOLUTELY fail safe.
that leaves me 2 options:
either I'm smarter than every engenier who designs the world's electrical infrastruture, and billons of human beyings are reliying on terrible designed basic systems.
or: There's something bigger behind a whole country going blackout.
and yet authorities tell us again and again "it was a simple chain of coincidences. Very rare, but never mind, it's been fixed, now let's forget about it"
everything these days is controlled by computers, and computers are controlled by those who know how. Is it possible anyone with the "know how" could be interested in showing it's "power" by doing something like this and threatening world stability?
NAH!!! who could ever be interested in something as trivial as "power"???
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