Thu 6 Mar, 2008 11:53 pm
In India, Pandit Nehru was charismatic leader who became the first Prime Minister of India. India became a basket case under his administration.
Prime Minister Trudeau went in like a hero but left somewhat hated by a good quantity of Canadians especially in the west where he gave them the finger.
In Ontario, Canada a great orator and debater, Robert Rae, took office and turn Ontario into shambles with a huge deficit and he destroyed Ontario Hydro which operated one of the safest nuclear plants in the world using heavy water Candu nuclear reactors.
Would a great orator like Barack Obama suffer the same fate?
Charisma is a form of seduction, and yes many people have been able to win an election by seducing the public with out having any political skills. This is one of the knocks on democracy as a form of government, people will elect no talent cheats to lead them, and at that point everyone is screwed. Obama is a skilled politician, so for him Charisma is one more tool in his tool box, it is not all that he is.
The performance of charismatic leaders is no better or worse than that of non-charismatic leaders. Picking a few charismatic failures does not prove the point. You could always look at Nixon or Carter as non-charismatic failures.
engineer wrote:The performance of charismatic leaders is no better or worse than that of non-charismatic leaders. Picking a few charismatic failures does not prove the point. You could always look at Nixon or Carter as non-charismatic failures.
I don't know that you are you have any documentation for this opinion?
People from back grounds of experience which normally would not be considered for the post do get elected to a job based upon charisma, and when that is all they have they often fail spectacularly. Obama is an example of this thin resume. More proof that they are up to the job is demanded of those who are not charismatic, thus there is a better chance that they can do the job.
Being charismatic has NOTHING to do with how competent a person will be. For that you have to judge by what the person has done in the past.
kickycan wrote:Being charismatic has NOTHING to do with how competent a person will be. For that you have to judge by what the person has done in the past.
Politics is an exception to that rule, Charisma is a plus when trying to make deals happen.
If that's true, then you are contradicting your own earlier post about Obama.