Re: War in S. America? - What is our Obligation if any
Robert Gentel wrote:OmSigDAVID wrote:it 'd be a good idea to kill Chavez
and overthrow his regime..
Its a good idea to kill ALL nazis and commies --
all forms of socialist totalitarianism.
We shud be realists.
Communism is merely a flawed political ideology,
nothing worth killing over merely for the beliefs.
Assassination is such an extreme form of censorship...
rather totalitarian of you.

Communism is merely a flawed ideology ?
Olympic Class
It murdered literally millions of innocent people,
and it enslaved literally hundreds of millions more,
forcing them to live their in a constant state of terror
of the secret police ( Checka, NKVD, KGB, GRU or whatever else ).
It was obsessed with taking over the world.
It was a form of world government, world slavery.
LUCKIER victims only got killed.
I stand by my idea
that killing Chavez is a good plan,
and we shud not pass up the excuse to do it.
Nazis and commies are too dangerous to tolerate.
I am most acutely aware of my personal freedom
( freedom = non-interference from government )
as a result of the Founders' crippling government 37 different ways here,
in the Bill of Rights in 1791. I
appreciate my freedom.
I savor it, along with the deaths of nazism and communism.