Fri 29 Feb, 2008 07:15 pm
Next time you hear one of the evening news broadcasts, or read an analysis of the upcoming Texas/Ohio primary, listen to what the 'experts' are discussing.
From National Review:
One thing we're learning from this election: These really are different parties.
First, look at the Democrats. Listen to the discussion about their strategies. Hillary needs to win more blacks and men. Obama must capture more Hispanics and peel away more white women. Both need to fight for "the youth."
Now look at the Republicans and how we talk about them. Can McCain win over conservatives? Should he apologize for his support of amnesty or his opposition to tax cuts? Can Romney convince pro-lifers? Will Huckabee ever make inroads with economic conservatives? Were Rudy's positions on gays, guns, and abortion too liberal?
Re: Democrats and Republicans...
A Lone Voice wrote:Next time you hear one of the evening news broadcasts, or read an analysis of the upcoming Texas/Ohio primary, listen to what the 'experts' are discussing.
From National Review:
One thing we're learning from this election: These really are different parties.
First, look at the Democrats. Listen to the discussion about their strategies. Hillary needs to win more blacks and men. Obama must capture more Hispanics and peel away more white women. Both need to fight for "the youth."
Now look at the Republicans and how we talk about them. Can McCain win over conservatives? Should he apologize for his support of amnesty or his opposition to tax cuts? Can Romney convince pro-lifers? Will Huckabee ever make inroads with economic conservatives? Were Rudy's positions on gays, guns, and abortion too liberal?
R's are talking about issues and ideas.
D's are dividing up people groups, assuming that all within the 'group' think alike.
Re: Democrats and Republicans...
real life wrote:
R's are talking about issues and ideas.
D's are dividing up people groups, assuming that all within the 'group' think alike.
Good and accurate observation, real life. Democrats are groupees and Republicans or conservatives are individuals. Dems are fighting for some group's rights. Conservatives believe in individual rights and responsibilities, which I thought this country was founded on.
You guys are funny.
The Republicans have a problem. They hate Spanish speakers. They hate homosexuals. They hate atheists. They hate pacifists. They hate feminists. They hate "liberals". They hate anyone who cares about civil rights.
The Republican party has alienated Blacks and Hispanics and Muslims and homosexuals and any woman with even a touch of sympathy for feminism.
with all of the people they hate and have alienated, they are left with an angry white minority. This is not a good way to maintain political power.
Conservatives have grabbed a disproportionate share of political power by their unholy alliance of Christian fundamentalism and greed. This alliance is now breaking (and this is long overdue).
I believe we are about to see nothing less than the end of the Republican party and a big shift in a conservative movement that has become morally and philosophically bankrupt... as well as deeply out of touch with the American public.
The elections this November; both presidential and congressional, will show that I am correct.
demagoguery personafied folks.
okie wrote:demagoguery personafied folks.
I cannot believe that the cross jesus bore up Calvary had more heft to it than the irony you have loaded on yourself in this post.
You guys are dead wrong, and we just disagree totally philosophically. ebrown loves to throw out accusations of racism, hatred, greed, the list goes on, and not only is it totally wrong, but very offensive. It is pure demagoguery, but then I have come to expect it out of the likes of liberals these days. I think your mindset is not only wrong, but actually dangerous. I should sit down and read Jonah Goldberg's book, "Liberal Fascism," and from what I hear about it, you guys should read it. Open up your mind instead of swallowing your liberal bilge that you learned somewhere.
okie wrote:You guys are dead wrong, and we just disagree totally philosophically. ebrown loves to throw out accusations of racism, hatred, greed, the list goes on, and not only is it totally wrong, but very offensive. It is pure demagoguery, but then I have come to expect it out of the likes of liberals these days. I think your mindset is not only wrong, but actually dangerous. I should sit down and read Jonah Goldberg's book, "Liberal Fascism," and from what I hear about it, you guys should read it. Open up your mind instead of swallowing your liberal bilge that you learned somewhere.
Whatever you do, don't read John Podhoretz's review of the book.
Don't worry, I won't. If I care about the book, I will read it and do my own review instead of finding out what somebody else thinks about it. Maybe you should do the same. Try thinking for yourself.
okie wrote:Try thinking for yourself.
Translation... try thinking like sheeple from Oklahoma...
"Remember, Jesus never rode a elephant."
I did a lot of thinking after attending a roundtable last week. I heard many conservatives talking about how the programs liberals/progressives push forward can be abused. I kept thinking about it after I left and then I realized that conservative policies can be taken advantage of too.
The difference I see it who abuses these policies. Individuals abuse liberal policies, and industry abuses conservative policies. Given this observation, I'm inclined to promote progressive politicians for the reason that we can hold individuals accountable. Our legal system is too easily sidestepped by big bussiness.
As for Democrats talking about different groups etc, good. Democrats tend to try to govern for all the citizens, not just some of the citizens.
The republicans of the past did too, but as of late, I just don't see it. I am however pleased that McCain was choosen for the republicans. He's an alright guy. He's not my candidate, but he's the type of politician which can help remodel the Republican party, even if he loses.
ebrown_p wrote:You guys are funny.
The Republicans have a problem. They hate Spanish speakers. They hate homosexuals. They hate atheists. They hate pacifists. They hate feminists. They hate "liberals". They hate anyone who cares about civil rights.
The Republican party has alienated Blacks and Hispanics and Muslims and homosexuals and any woman with even a touch of sympathy for feminism.
with all of the people they hate and have alienated, they are left with an angry white minority. This is not a good way to maintain political power.
Conservatives have grabbed a disproportionate share of political power by their unholy alliance of Christian fundamentalism and greed. This alliance is now breaking (and this is long overdue).
I believe we are about to see nothing less than the end of the Republican party and a big shift in a conservative movement that has become morally and philosophically bankrupt... as well as deeply out of touch with the American public.
The elections this November; both presidential and congressional, will show that I am correct.
Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Alberto Gonzalas.
Yea, they hate blacks and hispanics.
w, they are the exceptions who proved the rule.
woiyo wrote:ebrown_p wrote:You guys are funny.
The Republicans have a problem. They hate Spanish speakers. They hate homosexuals. They hate atheists. They hate pacifists. They hate feminists. They hate "liberals". They hate anyone who cares about civil rights.
The Republican party has alienated Blacks and Hispanics and Muslims and homosexuals and any woman with even a touch of sympathy for feminism.
with all of the people they hate and have alienated, they are left with an angry white minority. This is not a good way to maintain political power.
Conservatives have grabbed a disproportionate share of political power by their unholy alliance of Christian fundamentalism and greed. This alliance is now breaking (and this is long overdue).
I believe we are about to see nothing less than the end of the Republican party and a big shift in a conservative movement that has become morally and philosophically bankrupt... as well as deeply out of touch with the American public.
The elections this November; both presidential and congressional, will show that I am correct.
Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Alberto Gonzalas.
Woiyo... you seem to have forgotten Larry Craig.
I didn't know that General Powell, Miss Rice and Mr. Gonzales were Muslim homosexuals . . . you learn something new every day!
It is intereting that Nader could once again give the presidency to the Republicans.
Zogby Poll. March 13-14, 2008. N=1,001 likely voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.2.
General Election Trial Heats (3/13/08):
McCain (R) 44 % Obama (D) 39% Nader (I) 5% Other/Unsure 5%
McCain (R) 45% Clinton (D) 39% Nader (I) Other/Unsure 6%
Advocate wrote:It is intereting that Nader could once again give the presidency to the Republicans.
Zogby Poll. March 13-14, 2008. N=1,001 likely voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.2.
General Election Trial Heats (3/13/08):
McCain (R) 44 % Obama (D) 39% Nader (I) 5% Other/Unsure 5%
McCain (R) 45% Clinton (D) 39% Nader (I) Other/Unsure 6%
If Obama cannot convince people to vote for him instead of Nader, then he does not DESERVE to be president. You don't get the presidency handed to you, you earn it. An Obama loss would be OBAMA's fault, NOT Nader's.