blatham wrote:merry christmas, all
Wart on the nose, he said!
very funny husker and hiama.........and don't you ever forget it.!
Blatham.........Merry Christmas to you as well. Just hold your breath and it will soon be over. Oh well, don't hold your breath. But just wait. Tomorrow is the day of awakening.
A wonderful day. Children and spouses & children gathered, house full of color and good cheer - nice gifts too. #2 daughter brought over her serious boyfriend for mutual initial inspection by Dad & Mom. He is a lawyer, a public defender, Berkeley grad and very liberal, Jewish too. Daughter was VERY nervous that Dad would spook the young Gallahad's sensibilities with all his overbearing conservative talk and values - worse might not like him. Turns out he is a neat guy who thinks for himself and doesn't pretend to know what he doesn't. I like him. Daughter ecstatic. Dad happy too. Even Gallahad seems pleased.
I hope all of you have a happy day.
me too.......nice day except for the obnoxious among my relatives.......but everyone has some, or most of us do. Daughters home from college, daughter with granddaughter here last night. Middle daughter expecting the arrival of new boy friend tomorrow.....foot ball player, frat guy, but intelligent......makes As (he's her Spanish tutor, giggle....she even made an A- in Spanish.....she has always had miserable grades in Spanish) so I like him already.......he's a liberal too, but she's not worried about how much I or her Dad will like him. She's one of the lucky ones. Good day all in all......but I'm ready for the re-awakening tomorrow. I need to get out into the real world.....enough of this cooking and cleaning the dishes and wrapping and unwrapping, picking up little peices of gift wrap.........back hurting, getting out decorations, putting them away, blah, blah blah, it's a good thing I'm having so much fun with my kids.
Looking forward to tomorrow. It's back to normal time. everyone drunk and sleeping around here? Christmas is over........let's get back to debauchery.
see you tomorrow, osso........I'm climbing into bed too
home again..........praise the powers that be.
Great afternoon at Giant's stadium in San Francisco watching Navy defeat New Mexico 34-19. Now a sleepy evening getting ready for the weekend ahead.
It seems that both Lolas have returned to their nesting places in Manhattan.
In the news today...Pale Male and Lola (the hawks) have begun building a nest at their former site...HOORAY!
Really? The other one did too? I missed that...
Georgeob in SF, nice to hear about.
Here on holiday 'till the 5th. When does the rain stop?
I think it stops around Monday... for a bit..
Hooray indeed. A bird named Lola just has to be a good bird. And her guy sounds like a winner as well. New York is a lovely city to come home to. Now, what shall I do for New Year's Eve?
Well, you could fool around a bit with the bird.
Happy New Year.
My plans exactly george. Funny.
And Happy New Year to you too.
Happy New Year everyone.......
Around ten here, but 2005 for New Yorkers, and late in the day for Aussies.
Happy New Year to all of us, Tico and Deb and all for pages and pages back.
About an hour into 2005 here. Some freinds and some family on hand, a great dinner , a buncha deserts, a cracklin' fire, Dick Clark on the TV, some fine champaign at midnight ... hope nobody out there did any worse. I wanna thank all A2Kers for bein' a big part of a pretty good year for me.
Here's to 2005 bein' even better for all of us.
And for all of THEM too - whoever your particular THEM might be.