<jingle jangle>
Peace&Love and Jack (super Border Collie) enter the Cafe 101....
<stretching and yawning> Good Morning, Everyone... I moved boxes around and put up more fencing last night... before I left for the office this morning, I sorted through some Stuff on the back porch... I'm looking forward to the day when I can simply come home from work and relax and watch for deer in the driveway...
I took my flute outside last night, around sunset, and played a few notes... WOW... it sounded soooo awesome in the trees!!
Lola, it's good to see you Happy... cigars are OK, but I really love smelling a good pipe tobacco... do you remember the old Meerschaum pipes, from the 60's...??
those were great pipes!!
<walking over to the Cafe's counter> Sal, I'd like one of your Double-Shot Vanilla Latte's, please? Thanks! Yummmm.... Sal makes the best latte's in New York City!!