Re: Another thing about McCain
Refresh our memories edgar on your take about Swiftboaters against John Kerry.
I don't seem to recall that you found their accounts persuasive and yet some of them actually served with Kerry in Vietnam.
Were any of the people in this video prisoners in the Hanoi Hilton at the time McCain was or, for that matter, at any time at all?
Dornan is a cockroach of a man. He is, plain and simple, despicable. His participation in this video is enough to damn it to hell. His suggestion that McCain collaborated with the enemy but refused their offer to release him because he knew his military and (yet to be even considered) political careers would be over if he did is not only disgusting it is idiotic, and to be expected from someone who probably never suffered much more than a toothache.
Are we truly to believe that McCain collaborated with the enemy, (presumably because he couldn't take the torture) but refused to take a free pass home because he was worried about his career?
McCain cannot put on his own jacket without help because the Vietnamese took a fancy to regularly breaking his collar bones and shoulders.. Whether or not he should be president, he certainly should receive our respect and appreciation for what he suffered on behalf of his country.
What is amazing is that McCain has not physically struck Dornan. 200 years ago Dornan would have either been shot dead by McCain on a field of honor or fled to save his cowardly skin.
Anyone who buys this crap is the same human cockroach as Dornan.