Hi Arella,
I know your post is for Hawkeye to answer, but I would like to make some observations.
Firstly, this particular subject touches on one of the reasons I am no longer Christian. That is, because certain laws change over time, it is obvious (to me) that, God's laws should be a matter of principle, not rule (ie with many of the given laws - said law at any particular time in history may be related to the times, culture, and environment...and is related to a principle...so the times etc can change, making the rule redundant, but not the principle)
Quote:a. God's word is eternal. It's never going to just go away. Man changes over time, God does not. Oh, and the dietary laws are no longer in effect with the New Testament.
You do understand you just said "God's rule changed"?
On the same note, I would like to point out that the vast majority of Christians worship God on Sunday. The many justifications I've heard for it seem rather flimsy at best...but if so, it's another rule that's changed.
Then there are the previously mentioned sanitation laws given to the the Israelites (in deuteronomy if I remember right), and others also.
Quote:b. I am going to make an assumption here. I take it you are thinking, at least in part, of "the wife should submit to her husband" scripture? People leave the rest of that out. It's "as he submits to Jesus Christ", meaning if he is living his life as he should be and following God's will, he's going to be making the correct decisions. I can't say that I know any Christian men that are overly masculine. I am sure there are some but I don't think the majority carrying the masculine thing to extremes like Islam men do.
Do you know many christian women who believe in this? It seems to me that this is largely, if not almost completely discarded by Christianity (which isn't a bad thing). The wording isn't "If you think he submits to Christ to your way of liking"...(and I haven't looked this up, because it doesn't really interest me, so going by your posting it is) submit to him, as he submits to Christ...which means if 'he loves Christ and submits his life to him', the wife is to submit to the husband.
Quote:c. God's word will never be too old according to God.
Quote:It's man that finds it out of date because man changes over time.
I would disagree entirely, seeing as rules (ie Gods word) have changed over time in the Bible itself. And seeing as God says he changes not, the only possible explanation (from a Christian perspective) is the 'rule' changes, the 'principle' doesn't.
Quote:All the denominations come about when someone somewhere wants to do something a bit differently than what the Bible actually states.
May I ask how you came to this conclusion?
For myself, because I'm curious, I've talked to many different denominations, including JH's, Mormons, Catholics, SDA's, Uniting Church, vaguely Baptist and Presbyterian, plus some that I didn't ask their church...and all have had numerous bible texts to quote as to why they believe a certain thing...they believe this is asked of them by God.