My step dad, who worked for the railways, taught me to carry salt, pepper, and hot sauce. It can help to choke down any meal that comes your way.
My stock items were eggs, yams, oatmeal, tuna. Tuna and eggs and tofu for protein mostly.
Then you can afford some fresh fruits and vegetables. Even if you are dirt poor, it's no excuse not to eat fruits and veggies. Even if you gotta learn to go through the soon-to-be-off produce, buy within what is on sale (which means in season) or whatever.
I've done it so it to this day grates my nerves to see ladies loading up with pop and ramen when potatoes are just as cheap. No, you don't have to buy crap - THAT is what is a waste of money, not saving you anything at all . The cost is more days off work and your health. end rant.
Call it the coke belly.