G 55 AMG 600 horses - now there is a car !
if you have to ask the price , you can't afford it :wink:
(was it cornelius vanderbilt who said that when someone asked the price of his yacht ?)
Ooooh baby! I love that one too. The silver is nice but the black is too slick for words! Looks like Darth Vadar on wheels
I'm sure they're working on hybrid eoe. Just be patient and you can have it all.
Quote:Ooooh baby! I love that one too. The silver is noce but the black is too slick for words!
i suggest you order two - one only to be used on sundays when driving to church :wink:
at least park it in the parking lot of your nearest church

actually, there are probably a few Hummers in the church parking lot on Sunday morning already.
One girl I knew bought a Navigator. It was like a bus inside. She traded it after a few months. Said she was afraid of it.
I do like the Navigator..
But i would not touch the Lincoln brand with a twenty foot pole
I would have one in Stone Green
One thing to consider, if you want to customize and/or accessorize, you really need to stick with the Big 3 when it comes to SUV's and trucks. Take a look at Cabela's online catalog and you'll see what I mean.
My parents have a ML350 and my Dad got it stuck the other day. Then he realized with that funky pushbar tranny, that there is no way to rock the thing. They had to dig it out and back up 50 yards to the main road.
edgarblythe wrote:One girl I knew bought a Navigator... Said she was afraid of it.
Not any of the girls I know!

My cousin pushes her Navigator like nobody's business.
Fascinating thread.
I so don't have the large-vehicle-desire gene. I don't even like travelling in them.
I don't think it's an ego or power trip thing in every case. Some of it is for the kid-like thrill. The ones that bring a twinge of animosity out of me are the ones who stare straight ahead, imperiously, large flags waving on the sides. I suspect they are killing Muslims in their dreams, driving through an imaginary Baghdad to and from work, or picking up the kids or going to church. I can't imagine the motives of the hot rodder I first described.
I'm not thinking about mowing anyone down or rolling over Muslims. Or anyone else. For me it's the thrill. Kid-like is an apt description, thanks, because I can so imagine bouncing up and down in the drivers' seat with a big-ass grin on my face. Happy as a lark!