Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 06:21 am
Lay of the Last Minstrel
Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd,
As home his footsteps he hath turn'd,
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonour'd, and unsung.

Sir Walter Scott.

Hey all. Nice to be on this steady ship, and as Dutchy observed: Happy Birthday to annis' wee one.

Great photo's, Miss Iz.

McTag, you know that I want to know about your acoustic bass.

Barry The Mod
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 06:59 am
Hey Crew,welcome to a beautiful sunny day here in London Town,but you know that already because you're all huddled around your TV's waiting for the mens final at Wimbledon arn't you.BTW Captain,nice new piece of kit to watch it on Wink .I've got the strawberries and cream cooling in the fridge along with a large jug of Pimms.S0000000000 British!Sorry Dutchy,another late night for you as it's approaching 23:00 your end.Ms Letty,pull up a deck chair and chill.
Right,phones off! This is gonna be a great game!
Laters Crew.
PS. Nice to see Francis on board.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 07:29 am
Try as I might, I can't get with the touchy-feely nature of this thread.
Probably it's because I am a craggy Scot, made from gurders.

Well hell McT! I had no idea you were craggy... I love me some craggy.

Thank you Izzie! We are celebrating! Got the fireworks all lined up...

Hugs to you all - hoping you are having a great Sunday (or had) Wink

0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 07:32 am
Hey MaMaVerby - emailed you hun - all is ticketyboo here - no worries at all - don't panic! Been out in the garden.... Very Happy More importantly, how are you? Email me a time to phone tomorrow and I'll ring you then.

Rain stopped play....... ok, rain stopped grass cutting - good enough tho - just a quick trim - have Wimbeldon Final on - and I can see the ball Shocked Boys did a bonfire - rains now put a dampner on that.

tired tired tired - feet going up for a bit!

laterz crew

0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 08:01 am
Barry wrote:
PS. Nice to see Francis on board.

Why, thank you Barry!

I sometimes embark on such strange ships for epic journeys that throw me ashore completely washed out...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 01:19 am

McTag, you know that I want to know about your acoustic bass.

Well, Miss Letty and Miss Izzie,

The family bass is now in the repair shop. I cleaned it up a good bit with Cif on the varnished parts and oil on the metal parts, so it now looks as if somebody cared, if a bit battered and worn down by time and trauma.
I am facing a big bill when I get it back, because I have also ordered a padded cover and a bow for it. By that I don't mean a decorative ribbon, but the well-known device for legato playing of strings.

My noble brother, God bless his cotton socks, has offered to pay for the repair and that's why I feel I can splash out on the extras.

That's the end of this bass bulletin.
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 08:33 am
McTag wrote:

I cleaned it up a good bit with Cif on the varnished parts and oil on the metal parts, so it now looks as if somebody cared, if a bit battered and worn down by time and trauma.

oooooooooh... now, see that would be good to see - pics please POMcT

and you play too? hmmmmmmmmmm... we should get us a band going

Missy & Brooklyn singing I reckon, I'll go on keyboard with JPB and TC- S-boy can flaut it, F-boy plays guitar, have a bit of bass from a craggy Scotsman, Letty can produce, Bazza, Didge and RH can DJ and the Bosun can be the conductor. I heard that the Blue fella plays around... for the life of me I still haven't figured out what kinda instrument an "around" is...


Hey Crew - quick jump on and offboard - gotta go unpack the shopping - TESCO is here and my frozen bits will defrost, being the Ice Queen and all... Very Happy
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 09:59 am
Ha! I'll turn the pages for you and TC.

I made it! 7 days of music events over a 10 day period. I see that the Folk and Roots music festival is this coming weekend. I think Mr B may shoot me if I suggest we attend.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 01:11 pm
wow! This may be the start of something big: Smile

Can y'all identify each of us?

Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 02:33 pm

They make the Mormon Tabernacle look like a trio!

Hey! Speaking of records...... 999 going on 1000! Yumping Yimminy!
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 03:27 pm
Yumping Yimminy - how did you spot that POMcT - that's a load of... yabbering! Goshhhhhhhhhhh. Thanks to all the crew - you are the very best - whether you're here daily or just pop on for a quick visit. Thankee to the lot of you sailing around 'ere these waters - you keep me floating! what's pap and kook to others is every day to us - so that's coco. Love y'all. x

POMcT - whaddya reckon of pics on the bass with the new camera - would be uber cool if you could. x Love to FiB. x

Now, we need to stay afloat and ring 999 if this happens - big bass was last to dunk.. <still makes my heckles rise when I watch this, goosebumps........ so scary - bless their souls>

but how depressing is that Shocked Sad

so here's a much happier feely touchy feel good factor too Very Happy :green: Razz

Hoping the blue fella will return to the nest soon - I could do with some nesting with the crow....eerrr ...crew!

Signing off now if I can be disciplined - taken potion. Wanna sleep so bad and forget a lot of stuff. New day tomorrow. S-girl arriving early so I can take her school with me - she's doing her work experience at my school for a couple weeks and S-boy is coming tomorrow too. Gonna be a long 7am - 7pm - nahhhhhhh - I'll need a cat nap somewhere along the way.

((((((Missy)))))))hope work was OK. BEAgle - hope to be back in time for footie - what time is it on the UK - we're sailing til 6.30pm....




thanks all - hardly seems believeable -well, I know i talk tosh - but it's great to have y'all onboard and yabbering. xxxxxxxxxxx

Yep - in semi lalalala land - gushing- nem'mind - most y'all like to post whatever.
Reply Mon 5 Jul, 2010 03:33 pm
Ha - I musta been taking the photo there - looks like a bit of Motely Crew :green:

thank you sweet Lady of Love- (((Letty)

Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 12:35 am
Hi Izzie hope you had a good sleep and pleasant dreams. Had a a good day and some wonderful news, saw my dietician today and my diet has been lifted, can eat everyting I like once again, you beauty. Living it up with a grand pub meal tonight. Then an early night, need to rise at 3am to see the preliminaries of the Netherflands v Uruguay game in South Africa. wish us well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 02:30 am

POMcT - whaddya reckon of pics on the bass with the new camera - would be uber cool if you could. x

This seems like a distinct possibility.

You'll have to ignore the bashes and the bumps, though.

And the bass is no oil painting either.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 10:13 am
oh I just wanted all of you to be the first to know - I passed and can officially call myself an Aromatherapist!! Didn't think I'd do it but I did!!
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 11:28 am
3am in the morning here and I want to be the first to congratulate you annis, well done, you are a woman of many talents, first a Masseuse and now an Aromatherapist! (((Tulip)))

An hour to the big game, don't want miss it, hence my early start. Smile
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 12:05 pm
wonderful news, tulip!

congrats --- and we never doubted you for a second.
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 02:30 pm
The Dutch march into the World Cup final with a 3-2 win over Uruguay, well done boys.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 02:38 pm
i knew i shouldn't have worn that striped sweater
Reply Tue 6 Jul, 2010 02:52 pm

I passed and can officially call myself an Aromatherapist

Well that is good and also very useful, because there are a lot of intriguing aromas on a ship to be investigated.....the bosun's locker, the captain's armpits, the galley slaves' laundry, the crows nest soup and so on.
0 Replies

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