Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 09:45 am
Wink yeah right.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 01:00 pm

Well done, the gerries
Glad Tico's still alive, wotcher cocky
I suppose no-ones interested in what's happening with my double bass
No accounting for taste, eh
I'm off to insult Spendy on the British Thread
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 02:28 pm
Netherlands will play Uruguay on Tuesday.

Germany will play Spain on Wednesday.

However, I am sad that Paraguay and their fans will be going home.

Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 03:17 pm
wandeljw wrote:

I am sad that Paraguay and their fans will be going home.

jw – ha – too cute... or is that cute two? Wink x

Hey Crew –

Ha – Mis and BEAgle – you do make me laugh! Love youze two! xx

Been a busy day here ...

So... it got to the point where you really could not see the TV – ya know – aging eyesight was a factor but... ya can’t see the players – leave alone the ball - the lounge is smallish but even so – the 16” just wasn’t cutting it – kidz have been complaining for ages (well, not complaining really, just “oooooooh I can’t see it sorta thing) – so, we bit the bullet and did spur of the moment drive to the store – find the cheapest – purchase – walk out! Done deal – didn’t get a brand name, just the store’s own – and a stand (which of course, when we got home, didn’t fit – the guy was being very nice and because they didn’t have the cheap and cheerful in stock gave us another one – told him I had 40 inches between wall and fireplace – no more (yes, size matters!!!! must not be more than that)... got home and he had given us a 41.5” stand – which, of course, doesn’t fit (and looks so huge - weird – so we are at an angle – yuk – not good for my aesthetics Wink ) – anyhoo – the two men in my life were brilliant – they carried in from the car and built and installed said TV – how is it kidz at 12 and 13 know more about technology – it amazes me!

Soooooooooooo – one thing you have to remember when you take kidz out is they come out with the most startling things

Technology know how – yes...

Technology talk – not quite there on that – a moment of “OMG you didn’t just say that out loud” was my line of thinking

The guy was asking me what i wanted in a TV (errrrrrrrrrr...????? that I can see it would be a bonus) – so somehow we got to talking about photographs (no idea how) – at which point S-boy pipes up “we need one that you can put STD cards in” – S-boy is not quiet even in the quietest of times...


<total innocence on his part tho he keeps mentioning it now!!!>

“No S-boy, it’s not an STD it’s a SD...”
“oh, ok, what’s an STD, Mom?”
(could he be any louder?)
“its a sexually transmitted disease”...
F-boy starts fitting into giggles, S-boy just puts a massive smile on his face and I try and carry on a normal conversation with the man trying to sell me a TV (here, have my credit card and just whatever!)

Ya just gotta love what kidz say! <ahem>

So, they are both very pleased with themselves that they have a set up and installed a new TV and they can play Wii

<destructions - as R-boy used to call them when he was littly)


Boyz and glass – oh my – lots of "oh my, please no breaky" going on for me – but they did it and no breakages or chips – yay for them

Ok boys – you can see it from the sofa now – move away from the screen Razz


All in all – we all did very well today – boyz are playing marbles now and the nice empty conservatory is full of boxes, cardboard, polystyrene and the blanket box – oh, and a table tennis table!

Have a grown up TV – it’s so weird Shocked and no... it doesn't take STD cards, or SD for that matter, but it does take a USB Very Happy Haunted Fish Tank Indulgence!

Talking of Fish – tell us about your bass POMcT Wink what’s news...

((Blue)) xox

watching a film now - Nim's Island

featuring this fella with a yacht

i am a rock, i am an isle..... lalalallalla


edit: oh no, man's overboard in stormy seas! Shocked

Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 03:26 pm

so the brunette appears to have pulled the tab under her arm a bit too early

her life boat inflated before the flight

Shocked Laughing Shocked
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 03:26 pm

Not many of those to the pound.

Viva las Paraguayas!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 03:29 pm
ahaahhaha Beth - so laughing - took me a minute to figure that one out - built in life jackets - excellent!

oh my Shocked Very Happy Razz

love it!
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Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 03:43 pm
Hey, Izzie, Congrats on the giganto TV. I'm impressed (but not surprised) that the kids put things together without a hitch.

Enjoy the largeness--all of you.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 03:57 pm
Great win for Germany wandeljw, could it be my dream final, Germany v The Netherlands? Don't worry about those inflated Paraguay fans, I saw enough German Frauleins at last nights game to make your mouth water. Laughing

Well done Izzie boys, you're little geniuses setting up that TV and stand, looks great. Feel sleepy Captain, did watch the game afterall and now I have to get ready for my visitors, not very smart.

Have a great weekend all, back later.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 05:13 pm
I'd say they both have a pretty nice set of......teeth.

Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 05:40 pm
Tryagain wrote:

I have been in the jungle for so long living under the most primitive of conditions, so it is good to be back although perhaps I have been a little harsh in condemning Canberra, but you try telling the cab driver "Hyatt Hotel, Yarralumla district. Heck I can't pronounce ' Yarralumla' even when I am sober!

I quite agree with you - I've stayed at the Canberra Hyatt a couple of times (in a previous life) - hardship, surely!
I'm back in Canberra soon - where to stay??
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 06:11 pm
I'd say they both have a pretty nice set of......can you read my mind? Laughing
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 06:41 pm
Who couldn't Bosun - read your mind Wink- you have the girls best wishes at heart and were doing your Bosun Ship Boss health and safety talk as they boarded.

Personally, I think Blue was behind the whole thing - he had a trigger happy finger and toggled their tags... then to make matter words - be blew whistles at them... tsk tsk Razz If only he had blown the whistles on the jackets and not blown in the extra inflating valves, those girls would not have floated out of the stadium.... Razz

Have a fab day with your friends tomorrow D - enjoy, take it ... easy mate - still couple late nights to do - I'll say the same to you as Dixie and Boida - rest up in the avo when you can get a few mins rest, if not sleep......and (((Missy))) - please do have a rest tomorrow - Sunday afternoon nap. So thrilled you are enjoying the work and colleagues -once things have settled down you'll find a new lease of life, you'll be Missy again - love you love you both -

lost eyelids, they have droppppppppppped.... sleep's calling

night Blue and Crew. x
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 03:28 am
Hey Crew

Goooooooooooooood Morning USA

and a very happy 4th July celebrations to y'all


and a very Happy Birthday to Tulip's S-girl who is 15 today


Beautiful day here and going to take F-boy back to Tulips later on and see the birthday girl.

Have a great day everyone and hope the USers celebrating have the best time.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 04:20 am

Nobody writes to me.
I get ignored, rejected.
Try as I might, I can't get with the touchy-feely nature of this thread.
Probably it's because I am a craggy Scot, made from gurders.
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 04:28 am
Do you mind a Gallic pat on the back?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 04:31 am
back a bit, Izzie wrote:

Talking of Fish – tell us about your bass POMcT Wink what’s news...

oh POMcT - enquiring minds?????? tell you about your bass ???

Whachooo up to today?

oh, love a craggy scot... well, 'ceptin the exhub of course Wink eh, he's not so bad .......... sometimes Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 05:24 am

So the team of girlies are slowly going! phew got through the party and night, after lots of dancing, singing and laughter. Me burning the sausages on the BBQ and then setting the fire detector off!! I think it went fairly well!

Had to laugh at the photos of S boy and F boy doing their manly bit!! I hate those flat pack stuck!!!

Glad to see everything is ship shape and all is well.

Gotta go, take care all X
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 05:37 am
4th of july???? beautiful day there?????????
bazzaaaaa...izzzieee ive been panicking th whole day..thnking smethngs wrong there...r u fine???
tried calling u 2wice..
Reply Sun 4 Jul, 2010 05:44 am
McTag your words of wisdom are always appreciated so no need to feel ignored plus you don't get your usual stick from spendi around here. Laughing

Happy Birthday to your daughter annis, hope you all have a lovely day.

4th July big day in the US I understand, a day of celebration for our American friends. Independence day must be akin to our Australia day.

Izzie are you going to watch the men's final at Wimbledon tonight, my money is on Nadal.

Where is our mismi, waiting to read some more smart observations. Smile

Hi verbivore, you sneaked under my guard whilst I was posting, all well with you and yours?
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