Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 05:45 pm
((DUTCHY)) hey there!

Thanks JPB ((JPB))...I am so NOT superwoman. That's for dang sure. You too sweet Izzie. I will get there I am sure.

I had fun today...I got to run reports! For some strange reason I really, really love that. I laughed a lot at my dry witted friend today. He loves to drop those crazy, random comments that send me over the edge. Great folks to work with...I am planning a karaoke night already. It should be HI-larious.

Hugs to you all...I am going to do better at being more thoughtful...I am not that person right now...hate that though.
Reply Thu 1 Jul, 2010 02:53 am
prayers for your father in law..fq..
im sure he'll be alright..prayers do work..i knw it works~! dnt lose faith ...ever not a minute of it..and it truly works!
Reply Thu 1 Jul, 2010 05:59 pm
Morning crew. Where is everybody? Bosun left to scrub the decks all by himself. Sad Ah well, might as well settle down with a bottle of rum, cheers my hearties. Drunk
Reply Thu 1 Jul, 2010 08:51 pm
He there Dutchy....I am about to go to bed.

Looooooong day...but tomorrow is Friday! Have a lot planned this weekend though...so, no sitting around until maybe Sunday...maybe Monday.

Hoping everyone is okay...
hugs to you all
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 07:52 am
AAAhhhh Friday happy for you mismi.

We have more all star practice today. Haven't started the tournaments yet, but practice practice practice...daily!

I'm going to attempt to tile my kitchen backsplash today. I've done smaller projects but this is all new...yikes!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 09:56 am
Dutchy's team just defeated Brazil 2-1! Surprising victory for Netherlands!
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 10:03 am
Hi wandeljw, a surprise it was but certainly deserved! Brazilians were outplayed in 2nd half and their rough tactics brought them undone. Could it possibly be a German v Dutch final? Would be another cracker.

Near enough to 2am in the morning downunder, time to say goodnight crew.
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 12:40 pm

Danny - very well done The Netherlands - a deserved win in my opinion too - very pleased for you and your homeland. Big sleep to you. (was flicking between tennis and football - Murray's out... shame)

Missy - glad the weekend is upon you now - enjoy, have fun girlie, rest up! love

MaMaVerby - keeping everything crossed for your move still - so pleased that Baz is coming out to India - he's verra excited!

Stormy - practice practice practice, N - he'll shine, he will. Good luck with the splashback.

jw - settling down to watch Uruguay and Ghana - C'MON GHANA!

Baz - thank you so much - hoping to see you in the not too distant future - Springsteen Rocked...happy memories - can you see you...

((Blue)) essential smooch xox x

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 01:34 pm

Bloody BBC promised to show us the Brazil-Netherlands game but instead we got Andy Murray being outplayed by Senor Nadal.

Drat it all.

But well done to Holland.
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 02:01 pm
It was on ITV!!!!! I was surfing Razz

and yep, Andy was outplayed - he was gutted in the interview after (geddit - gutted)

Not that keen on either of the two men finalists in Wimbledon... hmmmm... who to root for??????

Rooting for Ghana right now - C'MON GHANA!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 04:09 pm
Just when you thought it was safe to return to the water...

Greetings one and all.

I suspect I had been banned for some minor infraction of the convention of social intercourse, or perhaps my support for the poor, ragged and homeless. On the other hand it may be because I forgot my password.

I know this it is often associated with schizophrenics who possess multiple personalities, in this process a person can have social intercourse with themselves.

Want an example? Try having a conversation with someone who actually listens for once.

"Missy was so involved and moved by what Try had to say that it is easy to believe that her conversation involved a form of social intercourse".

YES! Y'all guessed that the new girl Missy started at the Insurance company and she and I are hitting it off big time; I'll let you know if we get it off!

Yea Brooke, your pictures sure did capture your fun side; they made my day. No, make that longer!

I have been in the jungle for so long living under the most primitive of conditions, so it is good to be back although perhaps I have been a little harsh in condemning Canberra, but you try telling the cab driver "Hyatt Hotel, Yarralumla district. Heck I can't pronounce ' Yarralumla' even when I am sober!

I have been outta the loop for so long, I don't really know what is going down. However, if what I have been told is correct:

Verby, congrats on any move to Bombay.

Dutchy old chap, I was led to believe salt water is good for any ailments. Oh, and congratulations on the World Soccer win.

JW - What you must realize is; I am a legend in my own mind! Sorry, that should read brigand.

How are the two Devon flowers; Izzie and Tulip? Blooming well I sincerely hope.

Did I miss the Baseball season yet? - No! Oh well, time to hit the trail again...
(Good luck Stormy)

Best wishes and supportive thoughts to all. Have a good weekend.

Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 05:20 pm
Well there's some happy Blue...I've missed your handsome smile!

Tryagain wrote:

I suspect I had been banned for some minor infraction of the convention of social intercourse...

one just can't keep a good man

blocked from the ability to know how, know when and know how.

No way

yes way...

you're back - so very good to see ya Blue - always xox x
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 06:05 pm
McTag wrote:
Bloody BBC promised to show us the Brazil-Netherlands game but instead we got Andy Murray being outplayed by Senor Nadal.

Drat it all.

But well done to Holland.

Yes, hooray Dutch team. They are my favorite.

I watched the game at univision.com, McT. They didn't preempt for a tennis match.
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 06:14 pm
Hey Tico

They did brill - fancy them to beat Uruguay too!

Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 06:19 pm
The end of the Uruguay/Ghana game was unbelievable. Who'da guessed that a red card would advance Uruguay into the next round?

Great stuff!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 10:42 pm
I'll let you know if we get it off!

I do find it hard to resist old curmudgeons.
You never disappoint Try...good to see you!

((Izzie)) Hi girl.

Well...it only took two weeks for the temporary position to become permanent full-time. I am now officially employed...permanently - or until I get fired or quit... Wink - I have my own office and I am quite enjoying it.

My new boyfriend told me to repeat this after him today... " I will not let the color of my hair impede my ability to operate this computer". I turned around and looked up at him and asked him if he was implying I had blonde roots...He just laughed, and laughed and walked away. He has no clue what he is getting himself into do he?

Hugs to you all
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 04:56 am
mismi wrote:

He has no clue what he is getting himself into do he?

hahha - he so don't know what he dood, did he, he done gone and done it now Very Happy bless that curmudgeon! love the new boyfriend Wink - he sounds a riot - AND you are permanent now girl... oh my - you must be very good at what you do and and of course, they love ya Mis - yayayaayyyayayyayayay. Your own office too - how happy is that? Oh so pleased for you - you be shining Dixie xxx

hey ((JPB)) - it was a thrilling end to a match - but I definitely wanted Ghana to win - and what a way to lose, they woulda scored without the Hand of Portugueseyball - and then losing to penalties... oh, just really wanted the win for them. Ah well - in my opinion they did themselves proud - and Africa hosting the World Cup too - they did their countries proud - not that I really know anything about football - but just from what I've seen over the last couple weeks.

FQsis - WE LOVE DENNIS!!!!!! Have the very best time at the Ball tonight - K-bro will look to handsome and you... you will be stunning. Pics please - ask J to email me some. Thoughts and prayers for K-PaPa - 9th on the waiting list now - hopefully, early next week to have surgery.

BEAgle - hope you've had a good day and all is tickety - are you gonna be staying up late tonight. I have the boyz here tonight so they will be up late no doubt - I'll hopefully come on and play for a bit (they comandeer the lounge with boyz toys and DVD's). Tulip's on her way over with FBoy now - so gotta go and wrap up S-girls pressie - 'tis her birthday tomorrow Very Happy

((Blue)) - you have a great weekend darlin' - catchya when we can - love - xox x

<have school work to do this weekend - lots of - school accounts - can I find the calculator - can i heck... it's somewhere safe!> :rolls:

Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 05:42 am
Hi Izzie, all well downunder, intended to watch the Germans play Argentina but friends just phoned, they will be calling in at 10am tomorrow morning so that means an early night. Sad

I agree with you our mismi must be good at her job, must have many hidden talents we're unaware off. Smile

Good to see tryagain surfacing, as usually he is spot on with all his assertions. Who on earth could take offence of his clever wit, let me know who banned you from this site try and I shall seek them out and give them a piece of my fertile mind. Laughing
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 07:22 am
must have many hidden talents we're unaware off

I'm not sure how to take this Dear Dutchy. Razz

Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 07:44 am
Dearest mismi, please take it as a compliment, I wouldn't dare insinuate anything else. Wink

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