Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 03:27 pm
It occurred to me, nether lands could be nether regions which means bums.

There may be a joke in there somewhere, however I must hasten to add I like the dutch so mean no disrespect. Have you seen one of the big flower auctions? Oh my goodness. I also like their chips with mayonnaise (as in french fries).
And their big flat-bottomed boats.
And their ladies on bicycles.
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 03:35 pm
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no... I could been naughty - but it's Monday Razz isn't it...? Smile

so.... I love the Netherlands - they have the most gorgeous TULIPS there... no, that has to be s good thing.

Not enough hills for me - flatland... i mean, it would hadly be easy to do my Julie Andrews impression singing "the hills are alive" as is my habit!


goin' bed... knackered... yuk course tomorrow... yuk yuk yuk - stressing.

nighty night all ' Ima gone, solid gone <so says <Baloo>

(Blue) xox x

dream sweetly

big sleeps. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 05:42 pm
((Izzie)) Nighty Night...sweet dreams...

Is there an energy curve I will turn one day? I sure hope so...

I am like a wet washrag...

Hugs y'all
Reply Mon 28 Jun, 2010 07:33 pm
Thank you McTag and Izzie for your kind comments about the Netherlands, I remember the place well, married one of them ladies on a bicycle too. Laughing

Now Friday comes the big test, our boys are playing Brazil, two contrasting styles, Europe versus South America, will be interesting. I think the Samba boys will have to much flair for the dour workman like play of the Dutch.

mismi sending you heaps of energy vibes, working full time with a family is a big task, hope you can manage.

Waving to verbivore, glad I made you smile, I do have an occasional bright moment. Smile Hope your Mumbai move will be successful.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 02:36 am
I've cleared the test!!!!!! waiting for their calll..pleeeasse pray ..all of u!
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 03:22 am
On my knees now verbivore and twirling my thumbs as well for you. Good luck.
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 03:46 am
Fingers,toes,legs,arms and eyes crossed for you.Well done! Very Happy
Sing along crew....
She's goooing home
She's goooing home
Our Verby
Verby's going home!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 08:47 am
Prayers, karma, and crossed digits coming from here, verby.
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 03:12 pm
Good Evening from a veru balmy UK to all the Yabberers!! FQ here and just hopped on board to say hi and to let you know I am ok. Father in law in hospital for open heart surgery so all prayers truly appreciated. Many of you are in my prayers too right now.
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 03:36 pm
Morning F/Q, the Bosun is happy to see you, wishing father in law all the best, he'll be a new man when he comes out of Hospital. I know, been there and done that and that will be 14 years ago very shortly. Balmy weather eh, wish I was there, coldest day for 10 years yesterday a mere 12 degrees a long way from our days in the 40's a few months ago. We're always winging, either to hot or to cold. Smile
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 03:46 pm
Hey Bosun Beagle! So happy to see you there. I bet it is still beautiful down under even if it is a bit chilly! Been thinking of you lots. Just travelling heaps at the month, Paris, Geneva and Germany again next week. Have got a ball at the weekend for hubbys work so looking forward to the glamour!
You take it easy and big big hugs sweetie xx
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jun, 2010 04:50 pm
FQ, thinking of you and your pack. Wishing all the best for your father-in-law. One of my dearest (if not sweetest) A2k pals had similar surgery about 3 years ago. He was back golfing, cussing and causing trouble in no time at all - wishing your FIL the same results - so, batten down the hatches!
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 05:18 am
Me too FQ thoughts and prayers have been and will keep going up and out! Let us know how he is doing.

((Beth)) hey girl...how are you these days?

I am so impressed by everyone who seems to have working and doing anything else other than laundry and dishes in order. I am struggling mightily with it right now. That first fun week of work is over and they have let me see the massive job that is mine in getting all of these files in order and set up in the system. I have had to start taking 5 or 6 files from the pile and working on it..then getting more. When she brought them to me I think my jaw dropped at what looked like a massive stack of files...That stack could not stay on my desk and my brain remain on task...so I set it elsewhere. I was afraid it would fall over and knock me out...or knock my diet Dr. Pepper over. Either one would have been bad.

ah - back in the working world.

My new boyfriend and I am doing great. Everyone talks about what a mean old man he is...I think he is hilarious. He seems to appreciate that I get that about him. I think that is a great accomplishment. Smile

Okay - got to get moving

((Dutchy)) ((Izzie)) ((Baz))and all the other yabberers - I am thinking of you all.. Have a great day - or night.
hugs and kisses
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 07:22 am
FQ.. sending positive vibes to your father in law.

mismi, I'm glad you found a friend at work. It always helps a little to have someone to share some work humor with. Sounds like they have put you right to work full force with all those files...they know a good worker when they see one. At least staying busy makes the days go faster.

As for the work/home thing, its such a balancing act. You'll get better at it but don't make yourself crazy about it. Do the things you love to do in your spare time. Fifteen years from now you will remember the fun you had with the family and those little dustballs in the corner won't be part of the memory whether they were there or not! I've come to accept that only have a 'clean' house in the summer...because that's when I have the time to do it!

Hello to everyone Smile
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 09:28 am
Important World Cup games coming up in the next 3 days:

Netherlands - Brazil

Germany - Argentina
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 11:20 am
Hey Stormy! That is such great advice. That is my OCDism coming through. I don't feel like I can relax until it is clean, folded or put up. I do hope I will let go of that annoying feeling soon! Thank you! You are so right...the dust bunnies will never be remembered!

Hugs to all...I am playing during my lunch break.
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 11:25 am
Hiya miss mis!!!

Glad you're liking the job. Don't let the size of the pile stress you out. Do what you can reasonably do in a reasonable work day and the rest of it will be there tomorrow. Same with the home front. You can't do in 2 hours what you used to do in 8. It's just not going to happen - nor should it.

Finding the right balance is difficult but doable. You are WOMAN!!! But, no one expect you to be superwoman.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 01:12 pm
Hey Crew

Ah Mis – echoing ((Stormy)) and ((JPB’s)) thoughts – you can only do so much – try not to pressure yourself into keeping everything just so – day at a time gal and you’ll find you get into a routine after a while – the things around the home will prolly become less important as time goes on – tho I do know of one person who no matter how tired/blah they are still goes home and obsessively cleans etc – OCD for sure and knows it – but it ends up getting in the way of having relationships and living life! When you’re tired hun – take time out for you and just enjoy the kids and the Prof – the kids will grow up so quickly – enjoy your moments. I do understand that need to have things just so tho – once upon a time when the kids were littlies it felt right. Now, not so and no longer fret about those things. Glad the first week at work went well – that’ll become routine too in time – am even happier for you that “the new boyfriend” Wink is making you smile – love a curmudgeon with a sense of humour. Rest up girlie – love you ((Mis)) x

BEAgle – how’s you? Will be cheering for you and the Netherlands on Friday. Hope you managing to catch some Wimbledon too... Murray’s INto the semi’s... Federer’s OUT – love him – such a shame – he will never be a loser tho Very Happy Hugs you x

MaMaVerby – congrats on the test – well done girlie – what’s news??????? Haven’t got a mail from you so am hoping you’re OK and things are gonna work out with moving back... how's Eby and what's happening with his job? ... keeping fingers and toots crossed for you too ((((Ind)))) – hugs to you and smunches for H-boy. X

Hey Bazza
Barry The Mod wrote:

She's goooing home
She's goooing home
Our Verby
Verby's going home!

Ha – actually sang that as I read it, I reckon you'd need to be British to know the tune Razz Hope all is good with you and you’re feeling much better. Tried to txt you back but lost signal – blech. x

Stormy – hope all is good in your world and N is enjoying his All Stars – school must be out for you soon – have fun girl and enjoy your hols with the family. X

JPB – hoping Chi-town is happy and the sun is shining on you – wishing I could join you over the summer again but ‘tis not to be this year. Hope those neighbours aren’t burning the rest of the forest up – mind you, after last year, there can’t be much left a?!!!!!!!!!! Hugs to all the B’s. Xxxx

Jw – ah, you’ve got a match and a half on with Argentina – know you will rooting for Germany – I reckon they could go all the way actually! Do hug wee Annie for me and hope all is happy with you in Chi'sville. x

Sis – let me know when it all happens – keep reassuring MIL I’m here if she needs anything. Hope bro is enjoying his new job. Miss you sis – so much. Love love x

((Bethie)) – hoping the storms have calmed down there and no more earth shakes. Good to see ya girl – love to all our C’nucks. X

((Blue)) – ya know, xox x

Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 01:42 pm
Izzie wrote:
Jw – ah, you’ve got a match and a half on with Argentina – know you will rooting for Germany – I reckon they could go all the way actually! Do hug wee Annie for me and hope all is happy with you in Chi'sville. x

Thanks, Izzie. I have a feeling that the final match will be between Argentina and Brazil. I am wondering what Dutchy thinks.
Reply Wed 30 Jun, 2010 04:27 pm
I think the final will be between Brazil and Germany. The Dutch dour workmanstyle football will be no match for the flair of the Samba boys on Friday.

All well downunder, watching a bit of Wimbledon Izzie.

Waves to mismi.

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