And I'm sniffing a lot less but have very red nostrils and top lip.
Thanks for the good wishes crew,will pass them on to one of four and her partner Tom.
(((((( Captain))))))
feel like bursting out!!! just logged in..nd scribbling!!! so aint a peaceful post at all! went to office to talk abt the leaves/extending/future job etc! nd guess what? they said honey ur job is not there anymore n th sweetest language possible! its my TL who told tht..ole soul was nt in lov with me neways! had it in me to go dash nto th directors room! bt no point..hes fed wat th TL feeds him abt us! he was informed tht th job dependency whilst i was away frm th co was next to im chucked!
at times i feel all i need is a glass of drink and smone to talk to..abt it..abt things tht seem to keep happening..keep an endless loop! bt it probably hasnt dawned fr eby yet!
nd with strangers n th house i gt to put up a funny smile!nd go abt as if nthng happened!
hud i blame it n th house? is it sme sort of stupidity?
ever since ive entered ths house all tht seems happening is unluckiness!!
i shudnt b thnking tht way ryte? which other way shud i b thnking?
i dnt knw!
i need to talk! nd i need to b talked to,,..and apparently th walls cant! nd ma 4 mnth old cant!
And, I agree. It's very important that you have people to talk to. People who care about you and want to listen even if they don't have a solution for you.
I'm so sorry to hear about the job. Yes, it does seem to be piling on, doesn't it? I wish I had a crystal ball to tell you how it all works out, but I don't. I do think it will all work out though.
What's the employment situation like where you are? After the shock of finding out that your job no longer exists wears off, maybe the reality of your situation will become more obvious to Eby. Sometimes it takes that straw that is one straw too many to turn things around for the better. I truly hope so.
In the meantime, continue ranting here all you'd like. You can't hear us and it's not the same as face-to-face adult contact, but we do care and we are in your corner.
Just popping in for a bit. (((Verby))) I echo the sentiments of our friends. Would LOVE to be able to talk to you, my friend.
Congrats, great grandpa Bazza!
And my dear Izzie, my thoughts and prayers are always with you! And with you, Verby! xo
Sept 5th - parting with smeone nd th pain tht followed
Oct - 24 - knowledge abt hydrops fetalisis
Oct - 30 - Dec - 6th - hospital life
Dec - 6th - Jan 1s week - coping probs wit inlaws
Feb - ebys trip to US
March - chucked out!
whatever awaits me next???!!!
Morning crew. Sorry to read of your dates of setbacks verbivore, you're young and strong and will be able to overcome them in due time. Talk to the ladies here and they will give you heaps of advice. Losing your job in this manner is pretty poor, sincerely hope something new will turn up after Eby's return from the US. (((verbivore)))
0 Replies
Tai Chi
Wed 10 Mar, 2010 05:57 pm
Aw verby, I'm sorry to hear about your job. That's tough. Here's hoping something better comes along soon.
Sending a giant, all-inclusive hug out to the crew. I will be trying to check in but my computer is giving me major grief so if I go AWOL rest assured I'll be thinking about you all.
Well, I’ve been talking a lot, saying things I dared not say or admit on A2K until now. I guess I didn’t have the guts to talk before, today I cared less about being judged and more about speaking about how it feels, at times, to live in my head. Along with some friendly bacteria, no complex carbs and some anti spasmodics " my tummy has felt slightly less... pained. I think.
POMcT " how are you doing? Hmmmm... ultrasound. Hoping for a good result there. Cough it up McT " better off the chest, than in! Hugs and germs " that’s OK " will hug you anyways. Love to you and FiB. xx
Bazza " so sorry I couldn’t talk on the phone thisavo " my boss was sat right beside me and we were having a meeting " which is a rare event these days, we seem to pass each other in the classroom " school life is very busy. I figured you would have gone to bed by the time I finished work so I’ll try and call from work in the morning. X
MaMaVerby " we’ve talked. Now, as for what’s next... well, we just don’t know, so we’ll deal with what we’ve got here today and whatever comes next, we’ll deal with that too. OK. OK. Glad you are finally sleeping. Walk in the day Little One and keep your space “yours” in the evenings. We’re here if you wanna talk or shout... we’re just here. Give H-boy my smunches. Xx
JPB " hey girl " how’s life in Chi-town? How’s those gorgeous gals of yours? Have you come out from under the snow yet or do we have a little ways to go? Glad you were here earlier. X
RH " thank you too. Scritch the kitties for me and when you see Gram, give her the gentlest hug from me please. x
Mis " ah my darlin’ Mis...Mz Sunshine " it’s difficult when it’s cloudy and cold. So good to see you. Know those little boyz will be keeping you verra busy. Know too... i love you. x
Dev " ah, there you are, it’s been a while and it’s so good to see you. I must try and catch up with you on facebook, I hardly ever visit there now " I think you are there, I need to go check. Hope Thing 1 and Thing 2 are doing well and all is good with B. Take care QueenDev - pass it over, that tiara, it needs some polishing girl " you are the Queen!!!!!!! x
BEAgle " ah Bosun " I have a little something for you and the crew and I know ((Mz Letty)) especially will like this... of course, it’s not me playing " man " I couldn’t play like this fella does " this is my piano tuner on my Tante’s Piano. He played Les Miserable when I didn’t even ask him too, just for me " how nice was that. Makes me go all shivery " he played this in my house on Tante’s piano.x
TC " I took your advice and have been doing just what you suggested. Hope you can get back soon and jump aboard. Will be thinking of you too.
I’ve played piano for a while today " ha, not like that tho...
I wanted to share a memory with y’all. Tante’s Piano. She was very special to me.
I love this photo so much
The tuner with his fork!
Which takes me to our Blue Fella fork... Blue, you know what he could do, my piano tuner " he can take any song and play it in any key " he can transpose the music in his fingers and change from key to key... it was just brilliant what he could do... on Tante’s piano. Isn’t that amazing? All those sounds, in different keys, to be listened to. ((((Blue))))xox...
Those top notes almost sounded like a (((((Babbling Brook)))) " I know your sound " it’s such a pretty sound.
Bethie... not eating my words now " getting them out. Thank you. Hugging you. Resting on pillows. Xx
(((((((Boida))))))) just loving ya goil. x
OK, well...
My Great Aunt (she was called ‘Tante’ on account of her teaching French) died a long time ago " she willed me her piano and it’s giving me a lot of comfort as you can see. I can sit and play, just tinker " not playing really " there isn’t one tune in the world that I can play perfectly, but for hours, I can just play the same pieces over and over " pianissimo, forte, pianissimo, forte... and so on. S-boy caught me with tears yesterday " making music is hugely emotive " a very long time ago I once told one of my closest friend’s how it made me feel to play piano and the power behind it, when you can’t remember a piece, but you take yourself off into a world beyond the ebony and ivory and look away from the map of black and white crotchets and quavers on the paper in front of you; if you close your eyes the notes suddenly find your fingers. You find yourself hearing in a different way, tinkering on an ‘ole joanna - it’s special.
Anyhoo... I oughta go bed. It’s late and I have work tomorrow.
Rest well sweet Izzie. Beautiful piano. It is not surprising he was willing to hang out and play for you. Loved hearing it.
Baz...take care of that cold. I hate the red nose thing. I put chap stick on the boys noses and upper lips. Think I could coat them in it and they would still be chapped.
Happy Birthday Gram.
I am signing off...hugs to all. Try to get back as soon as you can Tai Chi
So good to see you talking, and hearing about the piano.
For me, the reaction is to the score. Sometimes I read a piece of music and something inside me just goes "pling". I feel something. It's quite a wonderful feeling - exciting and calming at the same time. Just looking at the notes, thinking that someone had the brilliant idea to put them together in that way - and that I can/could take a crack at replicating it (that part's more of a dream now - but I still get the feeling).
Time to go out quickly and see if I can see the night sky through the clouds - big rain coming.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Mar, 2010 06:53 pm
Goodnight dear Izzie and Mismi, hope you both rest well. Thank you for the piano music Captain, can just imagine the memories it brings to you.
Off to see the biggest liner in the world, the Queen Mary 2 has just berthed, was a great sight seeing her arrive in the darkness this morning, like one huge Christmas tree lying down with thousands of lights burning.
0 Replies
Wed 10 Mar, 2010 06:56 pm
Well, geez Louise, I hope your gram has had a good birthday and that you're gonna cook her something nice soon.