Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2010 07:54 pm
I hang low on official visit days...

me and gram are gonna make a day of it, prolly Monday (weather plays a big part) and do the thrift stores and go walk in the park.

today was not good on multiple levels. (cold rain and wind)

we get by as it works best. always have.

thanks for askin'...
0 Replies
Tai Chi
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 07:16 am
Took me six attempts and a reboot to get to A2K this morning! Going to need some therapy time with my piano. Lovely photos Iz. Mature pianos are the best!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 07:21 am

Much better today, thanks.

I'm going to meet a new guitar teacher I have found, in a half hour.

Strummtastic. But £30 per hour. We'll see.

Hey on TV last night, in rhe Lambing Watch programme with Kate Humble, lovely girl but I don't usually watch, she was hugging a newborn lamb called


unless I heard it wrong, but I don't think so.

So far on the programme, no lambs have been called McTag.
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 08:10 am
It's only a matter of time McTag...I am sure they will name one after you soon. Wink

Another rainy day in Bama. Not just rainy - nasty. I forget that with Spring comes tornado weather. <shiver> And the dogs are jumping the fence again. Sister Huskey came wagging her tail and Pistol could not resist - and Biscuit wasn't going to stand by and see him leave with the loose girl - so of course she followed. Couldn't figure out how he managed to do that. Stupid limb fell on the wire and loosened it. Repair - this afternoon - hoping the rain lets up...yes - I will unplug it first. Try - want to come test it for me once it's back up?

I am trying to focus. Wish me luck. Wink
Good day to all! (or night Dutchy)

0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 09:36 am
Greetings to the crew of the Black Pearl. (And Alex).

It was while I was reading a poem by Augustin, Marquis of Ximenez, who believe it or not was a Frenchman; anywho, he wrote, 'Attaquons dans ses eaux la perfide Albion'.

Which as I am sure you all know translates as, "Let us attack perfidious Albion in her waters."

Now, while Albion is the ancient Greek name for Britain. I.e. England, it is not every day you come across, 'Perfidious'. I was as they say in Ohio, 'prepared to let the Buckeyes take the strain". - That is The candy which is made with peanut butter, chocolate chips...not the slam dunk boy's.

However my interest was reignited when perchance I came across a very similar phrase used in a sermon by the eminent seventeenth-century French bishop and theologian Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet.

"L'Angleterre, ah, la perfide Angleterre, que le rempart de ses mers rendait inaccessible aux Romains, la foi du Sauveur y est abordée."

For those whose seventeenth-century French may not be 'up to snuff':
"England, ah, faithless England, which was rendered inaccessible to the Romans by rampart of her seas, the faith of the Saviour spread even there."

Am I the only one who finds it mighty suspicious that in both cases the protagonists were French? Or is one just a doppelgänger?

What the deuce is going on here? It is not as if one has been caught In flagrante delicto. - even though I was trying to type the word 'sex' and it came out as the French 'SES' the 's' is so near the 'x' - I say corpus delicti.

And before anyone else reminds me; yes, I know Ohio's bridges are in trouble, and it would cost $88 million to bring the worst cases up to snuff.

Izzie; It brings me out in goose bumps to even think you were brave enough to meet JW Wandel.

I cannot add to the sage advice given by others except to remind you of what you achieved in your vacations in the States...Amongst many others;

Renting a car and finding a cabin in the woods.... if that isn't a confidence builder..... I'll chow down on Mismi's grits! But don't fence me in.

Dearest Veggie Ebay, if you get a spare moment; please pass on my warmest greetings to Archana Varadarajan, she is as beautiful as you although I hope as yet unmarried.

It is believed that there are 330 million gods in the Hindu Dharma. In fact there are as many Hindu gods as there are devotees. It is therefore very handy to have one's own personal god, what other religion gives one to one consultations? I shall pray that our paths cross; especially if it were to be in a sauna!

Congrats Bazza; I do not know how one so young can be the instigator of such a dynasty of good news!

Sorry to hear that they haven't named a new birth lamb after you McTag; but you know what they say:

A wet bird never flies at night; unless it's raining that is.

Strewth, that Dutchy is a bonzer bloke! Look after him ladies.
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 09:49 am
Okay, two items I need to respond to:

1. We always intended to make Alex a member of the crew. He still needs to pass his swimming test.

2. The only danger I pose to people meeting me is that they will unintentionally and quite suddenly fall asleep.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 10:48 am
Re # 2...

Hey JW, that sure is a neat trick, would you be a buddy and teach me your secret?

Heck; when I go round to fix Missy's fence, not only does she keep the yard brush handy, but she also keeps an eye on me so much so I don't think she even blinks!

It therefore stands to reason, that if I could lull her off to sleep my chance of having yard sex would be greatly improved - not that I have a yard; but I do have three feet.....

I'm Jake the Pake, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With my extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
Wherever I go through rain and snow
The people always let me know
There's Jake the pake, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With his extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle

The day that I born (oh boy) my father nearly died
He couldn't get my nappies on, how matter how he tried
'Cos I was born with an extra leg, and since that day begun
I had to learn to stand on my own three feet
Believe me that's no fun

I had a dreadful childhood really, I s'pose I shouldn't moan
Each time they had a three legged race, I won it on me own
And also I got popular, when came the time for cricket
They used to roll my trousers up
And use me for the wicket

I was a dreadful scholar, I found all the lessons hard
The only thing I knew for sure, was three feet make a yard
To count to ten I used me fingers, if I needed more
By getting my shoes and socks off
I could count to twenty four
I'm Jake the [stops to count]
...to twenty five

I'm Jake the peg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With my extra leg, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
Whatever I did they said was false
They said "quick march" I did the quick waltz

Then they shouted at me "put your best foot forward" - but which foot?
I said "it's very fine for you, you only got a choice of two"
But me, I'm Jake the Pake, diddle-iddle-iddle-um
With the extra leg... diddle-iddle-iddle-um

In the mid sixties, Rolf was doing a lot of work in Vancouver, Canada. In one concert, the act before him was Frank Roosen, a Dutchman, singing about a man with three legs. Rolf got in contact with him, and added to the song to produce the version above. (Well, that was what Dutchy may have told me).
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 11:38 am
Re #2 - I think you have it down pat... Wink

I was just out fixing my fence (it is working again thankfully) and low and behold here comes the cutest little man with the shortest little legs you ever saw - there were three - but the third seemed somewhat flaccid and unusable. He was something to behold...I could NOT take my eyes off of him, so adorable he was. (I am kidding you massive stud)

Love it when you come by to visit I do. Gives me the warm fuzzies.

I just thought I would let y'all know - I learned how to play "I Know a Chicken" on my guitar today. I have lost my callouses so now - not only does every muscle in my body hurt - my fingers do too.

My kids are singing this in their Spring Program. I am accompanying. Need to get my callouses back quickly.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 01:36 pm

"Perfidious Albion" is well in the lexicon.

The French are our traditional enemies, never forget.

(as well as being the traditional allies of the Scots, who are ABE sports supporters even today)

Perfidia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyUcnoracMM
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 02:01 pm
Love Perfidia, McTag.

Here it is by Trini followed by the lyrics.


To you
My heart cries out "Perfidia"
For I find you, the love of my life
In somebody else's arms

Your eyes are echoing "Perfidia"
Forgetful of the promise of love
You're sharing another's charms

With a sad lament my dreams are faded like a broken melody
While the gods of love look down and laugh
At what romantic fools we mortals be

And now
I find my love was not for you
And so I take it back with a sigh
Perfidia's one

Where is Izzie?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 02:01 pm
Saludos Amigos.

Oh Missy, I am so glad you have climbed down from the fence. The thought of you wearing a Dickies Women's Overall with zip front with a leather DeWalt three pocket tool belt accessory together with PINK SATIN SPLIT SOLE BALLET SHOES - Sure do gets my heart a raysin and I sure wood like to pluck a tune on your banjo!!!

McT, who knew? Fantastica versione di perfidia.
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 02:08 pm
Sure do gets my heart a raysin and I sure wood like to pluck a tune on your banjo

Silver tongued fox you are.

(the sun is out = me happy)
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 02:27 pm
Hey Crew! I have been busy cleaning. The cha cha slide is on my play list...and it put this scene in my head from Bruce Almighty...hilarious.

I lika do da cha cha Wink

Y'all have a happy afternoon
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 02:50 pm
Here here, all present and correct and luverly to see so many happy faces onboard - yay .... but I need to go eat something and phone the little fella and and and ...

i have some work i need to do - been a busy 'ole day at work!!!!!!! I wanna be able to spend tomorrow playing in the garden - so, gotta work now.

i'll be back later - i will, i don't have to get up early tomorrow Wink


Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 04:02 pm
Morning crew. What a wealth of wisdom to read today particularly the wise words from our nomad wanderer Tryagain. His prolific writings displays maturity well beyond his years for a simple shepherd from the hills of Dakota. He is the perfect reminder to 'never judge a book by its cover', he is well 'endowned' with everything that makes a genius tick, and I'm proud to call him my buddy. Treasure him girls, he'll make your dreams come true. Wink

Busy Friday downunder, so I'll better get to work, catch you all later. Waves to the Captain and mismi.
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 04:10 pm
genius and well endowed? Wow Dutchy - you are quite the Try fan. Wink

Hope you get it all done. I have some more to do myself. I HAVE been goofing off,
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 05:11 pm
Hey crew! Just love love love your piano Iz! So many happy times have we spent palying duets on that special instrument. One day I will have a baby grand...not from harrods tho!
Vbv. So sorry to hear about your job. You are worth so much more! Believe that girl!
I am off to a wedding in South Africa on Monday so looking forward to the sunshine.
Dutchy and Mis - hope u guys are ok
Bazza- hope the nose is less redm
Izzie - love u sis

Fq xx
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 05:14 pm
Chip Log...

Yes, really " it is...

Until the mid-19th century vessel speed at sea was measured using a chip log. This consisted of a wooden panel, weighted on one edge to float upright, and thus present substantial resistance to moving with respect to the water around it, attached by line to a reel. The chip log was "cast" over the stern of the moving vessel and the line allowed to pay out. Knots placed at a distance of 47 feet 3 inches (14.4018 m) passed through a sailor's fingers, while another sailor used a 30 second sandglass (28 second sandglass is the current accepted timing) to time the operation.[6] The knot count would be reported and used in the sailing master's dead reckoning and navigation. This method gives a value for the knot of 20.25 in/s, or 1.85166 km/h. The difference from the modern definition is less than 0.02%.

The speeds of vessels relative to the fluids in which they travel (boat speeds and air speeds) are measured in knots. For consistency, the speeds of navigational fluids (tidal streams, river currents and wind speeds) are also measured in knots. Thus, speed over the ground (SOG) (ground speed (GS) in aircraft) and rate of progress towards a distant point ('velocity made good', VMG) are also given in knots.

Who Knew!

Goodness me... this ship is sailing along at 44.64 knots!

RH " ah, Gram 90... wow. Bless her " she’s so little " she can hug big tho. Hoping Monday will send you decent weather and you and Gram can go walkabout.

ehBeth wrote:

Just looking at the notes, thinking that someone had the brilliant idea to put them together in that way

yes Bethie, and ya know also, when I listen to S-boy playing the flute, he improvises all the time and he can do it, and it sounds so wonderful. I've never been able to write music and I'm rubbish at sight reading - FQ is brilliant tho - but S-boy can do that on flute. He has his Grade II on Monday at 10.45 am - and tho he should breeze thru his pieces with such ease, his scales and arpeggios need a little practice - the weekend is going to musical methinks! Hope the big rain has passed by now. Spring’s a comin’ Very Happy

AlexChap " ah, Alex " yep, I know... how right you are. All is OK " little improvement going on and I feel a little less tangled up, thanku. How is your world Alex? Have you any stories to tell us? Love to you.

Letty " love the Piano Man... ah, our Baz is a music man (breaks into a rugby memory, no no no, not yet). Billy Joel " I’m such a Billy gal " he’s just fabulous. Thank you. Spoke to Barry this morning and he’s still sickening for the flu <passes the tissues and Benylin> but he’s gone to work tonight. Poor love " he’s really not too well.

TC " you got here " but it sounds a long ‘ole journey! So nice to hear that you play piano still " I haven’t quite learned to relax my shoulders when I’m playing " I finish a piece and then realise that my shoulders are tense. I wonder if that’s coz playing is very emotional at the moment. Prolly. Still very therapeutic tho. You take care gal.

POMcT " aha - you are on the up side of down. I heard about the lambing programme on Steve Wright Radio 2 (as you do, driving home in the afternoon)" apparently the day before they had recommended a programme to watch on the TV that night... and the viewing numbers went thru the roof... so they decided which programme everyone ought to watch last night " which was the Lamb Watch. Ha " a lil LambIzzie " lovely " there’s a dozen or more running around the fields down here " cute as the dickens. Oh, and I checked with S-boy and yes, he knew Romeo was a Montague Shocked They have just started so I’m sure we’ll be getting some more quotations soon. Funny little fella... now, just to get the words right " ha! Very Happy

wandeljw wrote:

The only danger I pose to people meeting me is that they will unintentionally and quite suddenly fall asleep.

ha jw - well I didn't fall asleep a? In fact, I think we did a very good Keanu and Sandra impersonation - tho may be not quite "Speed".... tho you never know... "Speed II " Cruise Control" was on big 'ole boat, but then you'd have to be Special Agent Jason. It’s a tough choice a?

MaMaVerby " how are you? Haven’t seen you today " hope you are OK. Was lovely talking with you yesterday. Chin up girlie... Eby will be home soon " and your visitors will leave. Few more days. Talk when you can. We’ll be here. x

Missy " ya got the fence all fixed up " yay for you. Loved the ”I know a chicken” " I can so picture you doing that " those kids will be having such a good time. I see you and Blue are at it again and... I just got giggles " massive stud " he’s horsin’ around and you're a Buzz’in. Oh My Goodness. Love it. Love youze both.


Howdy doodat Blue " yer bring on the warm fuzzies...

Sand glass turning I reckon, 46.5 feet and counting. Not.

Light years ahead... to infinity and beyond! ((((BlueFella)))) SOG VMG

Hey BEAgle " oooooooh, how was the Queen Mary " now there’s a cruise liner a? Razz Ha " you could give their Bosun a tip or two " there ’aint no ship quite like this one a? and we do have the very best crew... or flock...

Dutchy wrote:

Tryagain... a simple shepherd from the hills ..

ha - I wonder if he’s been lambing!

Dream on Wink
(baaaaaaaaaad, so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad) Razz

RUGBY ON SATURDAY " SIX NATIONS - England v Scotland. Ooooooooooh... wonder if POMcT will be watching Shocked Match on Scottish turf at Murrayfield (I ran there when I was an 18yr old Iz for Athletics Club in Plymouth " who knew!?!) and Jonny is gonna be playing. YAY.

Ireland v Wales on too at Croke Park................. oooooooooooooh " that’s gonna be a goooooood game " wouldn’t like to call that one " hmmmm... I think the PaddyBoys have the upper hand... but with Wales you just never know....

France v Italy on Sunday " the Italians don’t stand a chance, nada " France are way too strong a team and on home ground too " gonna be a lotta points there methinks.

England better score a Try Wink Counting on the Calcutta Cup being retained!

Laterzzzzzzzzzzz Very Happy

edit: SIS - I love you - how can we spend nearly 2 hours on the phone talking about nowt. HA... we're terrible. Yep - we've spent a lotta hours sitting side by side at the piano... and everywhere. Love you so much. Talk on Sunday. x
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 05:22 pm
((Izzie)) You know me. The song should be named "Missy Swings Like a Pendulum Do". There is no half way apparently.

Take care of yourself dear girl. Taking the boys to the batting cage. Then doing Kenpo. yuck, yuck, yucky.

Hugs and Loves ya
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 05:29 pm
mismi wrote:

There is no half way apparently.

you 'n me both Dixie... ah - that's who we are, but we're OK Very Happy (((((Missy))))


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