Izzie wrote: Inward manfiestation of outward turmoil -- lallalalllllllllllllalalla is apparently not good for me - it's a message in a bottle and can't get out so its churning inside me
teaful, grumpy -what the heck am i supposed to do
He's telling me to talk - but I can't - not in real life. I just can't. Finding it hard to do here and.... here.
really ... nothing new here.
I think you knew a lot of what you were told.
You are going to have to work on getting help with dealing with the real-life stuff. Talking about the real stuff, dealing with it, where you are. It's not going to be easy by any measure.
If for no other reason, you need to do it for S-boy. You know that.
I wish we could help in a real way, but we can't. You, and a counsellor, in your real space, are the only ones who can.
You're literally eating yourself up alive. It is painful to read about, must be dreadful to experience.
Hiding, by way of literal and virtual travel, isn't going to do it. It'll distract you for a bit, but it's not going to take the place of really dealing with the crahp and how you feel about it.
I wish we could do more in a real way.
Sending you virtual hugs and pillow fluffs.