Hey JPB & MzLettyBettyyLetty - thanku
ha... it's fine... I got there, got given a car, it wouldn't start... clean off a transporter - no mileage on the clock,
never been driven on the road...and they were giving it to me

(no pressure not to prang it a?)

..... it's a dinky toy!!! My hands are bad today, so I had asked them to ensure there was some petrol in it so I didn't have to stop in the city...(ya know, I panic a bit there, don't like to ask for that sorta help) - so, go out to the car, will it start....NO FRIKKEN PETROL in it... not even a little bit.... not even enough to START THE CAR - so dear little man, with a fuel container, runs along road, I sit, phone Bazza (yes, Baz, what were you doing more interesting I may ask, you have a message on your phone

), sat for nearly 45 minutes watching a sales guy sell a brand new car to a couple of teenagers repeatedly telling them they were getting a good deal, little girl must've been about 18 and around 7 months pregnant - anyhoo, it's like watching a moth to a flame - anyhoo, man put can fuels worth of petrol in the car (that'll be 5L) (would you believe this is a huge Vauxhall Dealership Garage in the cathedral city doing this) - so, then the little man who was terribly sweet, came in the car with me, put £25 worth of petrol in, I ran in and paid for the petrol, he walked back to the garage, I drove home. That was fine 'til I came off the dual carriageway and forgot I was driving a manual, got to the bottom of the exit ramp, forgot to change gears (yeah, I know McT and Dutchy will love that litte nugget - that was a gift) - so, stalled the car. Could I start it. NO. Sat there with the hazard lights on for about 2-3 minutes, literally lalalalaallalllllalalaing not knowing what to do, cars driving around me. Tried the car, started it, got home, said hey here, lay down
been out cold ever since - weird dream, dreamed my neighbour came round, my neighbour looked like Missy...

no, didn't look like Mis, was MIS - that was very reassuring
the rest of the dreams were not so reassuring - strange - all over the place
woke up to a resounding "Land Of Hope and Glory" at the start of the England Wales rugby match
as you can tell, haven't unloaded, now I have, thanku, feel completely out of it... so, gonna make up a cuppa and start cheering for my guys
BALL HELD UP, on the 5M line... c'mon boys.........................
I see IRELAND won.... EXCELLENT - can't believe I slept thru it - sorry PaddyBoy - I'm sure I would have cheering in my sleep.