FlavourQueen wrote:
J didn't get into Southampton Uni - choices are dwindling fast - poor jelly bean
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww crahhhhhhhhp .... she must be gutted. Hug her for me, tell her i love her and... the right uni will come up, she musn't lose her confidence.
Yeah, what is it we me and bright orange RAC vans!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr RAC man knows bro's cousin

I said to tell "Andy" that I said hey, I did say you were the dippy one who had locked her keys in the car!!!!!!... thing is, when he turned up I was chucking a minor hissy fit so he prolly thinks I'm the customer from hell. :twisted evil: Once I'd vented tho, he was a cool fella - he talks to "cuz" all the time - so that was kinda funny!!!!!!!!
I love you sis - hey, whatch'all doing for half term????????????????????????????
Only one more week, then it's half term already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(((jw))) - JPB has lotsa dear deers.... loved those babies... gosh, did I ever put those pics up... who knows!!!!!!!!!!!
Missy - ha, is the Aussie Boy being cheeky again a? What're we gonna do to sort him out. You have a happy weekend Mis and try and get your Sunday nap in. Hope you get the baseball stuff you need. love love love...
BEAgle - no worries - I'm sorting, and you'll never be as good a nag as me!!!!!!!!!!!
would love to post the pony pics up, but I'm being very constructive right now - so, 'tis gonna have to wait until tomorrow... or sometime!!!!!
Back a bit laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx