mismi wrote:
They wouldn't let us in for the birthday party. I cried. My Brother in law had to come get us and go with us to park the car and drive us in. Heavens. Leave it to me. The poor soldier at the gate felt really bad that I cried my Bro. in law said. That made me feel bad...but really - proof of insurance? I don't get how not having proof is going to help me infiltrate the arsenal and cause mayhem. For pete's sake. They are so uppity. Of course the Prof. was totally unhappy with me. I hate to cry...he hates me to cry too. ugh. so stinkin girly. Blah.
GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING llllalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalaalla
Oh Mis, I missed this last night

I'm glad you managed to get to the party, but you had a palava too a? We seem to attract these little events so it get's to the point when I sometimes think, nah, can't tell the crew what happened today because, it's like, "not again"

... but then I do, tell, usually, just so I've got someone to tell it to

At least for us hunni, our little adventures are just ditties and "doh" moments in the bigger picture - so I guess we should be grateful for that - certainly life is not boring in our worlds. Sometimes tho, when a few things happen in a row, I end up in tears - ha - usually with Bazza on the end of the phone

He often get's virtual wet shoulders - ha!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhh, I'd love you to be my neighbour too. You know we would ever ever get anything done in time - hahahahhhahaaaaaaaaaaahahahahah! Wishing a Sunday nap for you Dixie.

Love you Mis. x
(((((((BEAgle))))))))) - ah, more visitors - that's what keep you such a young fit fella - you're always doing something, I don't know where you get the energy. So pleased they are coming down. Hoping and wishing that M gets ship back to shore soon and glad he's had a good catch. Do send them my love please, and to MrsBEAgle. x
Hoping to go to the beach today with Tulip and the kids if the weather doesn't set in - Sgirl has some art work she needs to do and we'll take her dogs and let them run for a while. It's very grey and miz out there, not looking too good right now, hopefully 'twill cheer up a bit - just gonna need to wrap up realllllllly warm.
Off to make a cuppa
Happy Sunday crew. Lovin' y'all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx