mismi wrote:
blab blab blab, blab blab, blab blab blab blab..
see? I can't help it.
me either... yap yap yap yap yap....blah blah blah -
you are Dixie Moi!!!!!
IMA BACKKKKKKKK.... gosh, what is it with me being kicked out a? And I hadn't even made too ridiculous a post that time - ha!!!!!!!! Love those hamsters - I feel like I lose my balance when I know I can't get on here - even if I'm not posting. Hey Ho! That makes me a pretty sad eejit a? HA!
anyhoooooooooooo - oh, poor G-baby! Hope he's had some of his "puffer" - poor little tyke - it's so distressing for them. We have just brought in a policy to allow children to carry their own inhalers at school (we only have a couple of kids with problems), but it's quite a responsibility for them if they are younger. Have a good evening Mis - feet up Dixie. xxxxx
Hey BEAgle - ah, the thing with Ofsted is that they are there to "check" the teaching - not the office. The only thing they check with me is the Criminal Records Bureau check. The first thing they do when they turn up is check the CRB list. If it looks incomplete - they walk out and
fail the school. The school can then be put into special measures. It's very serious. Other than that, they are there to "check" the teaching and talk to the kids to see if they are happy. In a school, you just never know what a kid is going to say next either - so it can be quite amusing. It's a good thing in that respect, it just puts a lot of pressure on the teachers for the "performance" on the day!!!! Ha - well, ya know, when you're under pressure to perform, it doesn't always happen a?
<oh, it's Thursday, hush my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!>
So, tomorrow's job is to do the CRB form - it's not part of my job but my colleague hasn't had time to transpose the info onto the new CRB templates - so, I've got a lot of computer stuff tomorrow. Why they have to change the darn format is beyond me. We have a nice long list, all ticketyboo - and now it has to go on another excel spreadsheet in a completely DIFFERENT format. Fer goooooooooodness sake. Enough with the changes, puhlease.
Gotta be done, just in case. My boss is giving me some time off as and when I want it, so that's kinda cool.
Oh BEAgle - just got your message - yep, no probs now - Ima here hun. Thanku. x