Tryagain wrote:
The 'pique' referred to above is far removed from the 'peek' below
Did you just peak, Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a performance. Gosh, I am out of breath!

12" - ha, my foot, as they say...
so whattayupto Blue - all tickety in your world????? It's so lovely having you around - love it! (((((((Blue)))))))) xox
POMcT - you have more snow... and most of the North by the sounds of it... 10 degrees down here... I WISH FOR SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then I'm a bit Nora Batty! Woud love to be seeing some more of the white stuff - we're way too warm down 'ere. Love and warm hugs to you and FiB x
Tsar - thankee - I overslept this morning and was late in to work - but I have my head on straight today, I think.... no worries, I must stay calm calm calm..... Hoping life in Astoria is being good to you. x
BEAgle - looks like we might have to line up some new chores for you a? How am I doing at nagging you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha! Hope you had a nice dip in the ocean, the pics on t'other thread of where you swim... ahhhhh.... so lovely. I'd spend my life looking out to sea if I lived there, I reckon... ha, a bit like I do here a? HA! x
Hey Mis - know what you mean about the job. I do admit, I LOVE mine - it's beginning to take over a bit at the moment, there's too much to do and tho I cut my hours a while ago - I spend a lot of time working from home - which is OK... but I don't want to let it take over. All our little kids and teachers dressed up as Pirates today - they looked fabulous - the preschool kids came in too, teeny little kiddies - 'twas great. Hope you had a good day today girlie. So when are you doing the beach and beer thing... is that gonna be with your girlies again? If so, remember to wear shorts when you are doing the waterskiing and hang on tight... x
JPB - you still shovelling? Gosh, when will it disappear. Your drive is huge... you need a snowplough!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, thinking of you - do be careful with your back a???? x
OK.... I need to go do stuff - I'm soo tired tho....
back laterzzzzzzz...