Reply Mon 1 Feb, 2010 05:26 pm
Long Monday too and time to settle in a bit, early start and a busy few days coming up.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh look... bro and sis Fix It family - EXCELLENT. Good job Didge. We don't use much fibre insulation in an our walls, sometimes in ceilings for sound insulation and fire prevention (we did that at Links Tor) - but usually we have a cavity wall insulation foam thing in between the concrete skins. Good on you mate.

TC - ah, off up North in April - YAY for you. Hope you're keeping well - glad you received batteries and flash lights for christmas... ha (not what was on the Chrimbo list a?)! Wink

Mis - yep on the tard.... hope the boyz pipe down and you rest up early too.

Sorry, being rather bleugh at the moment - lots going on at home and am emotionally juggling S-boys schooling and R-boys life from a distance with no voice for him- it's not possible to balance, plus some other stuff from home which I need to stop dead.

Lovin' y'all - heal all and never a goodbye spoken

Been playing some Bing and Bette

Crashed and whooooooooooooooooooooooshed

(((((((((Blue)))))))))))))))))))))) xox cocococococoocoococo xxxx

oooops nodded off
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 02:22 am

Don't mess with Mr In-between, avers the petty officer.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 02:25 am

Hey Bazza, what do you know about Singers Unlimited?

Have you got anything on record?

It's one of my regrets that I haven't, meself.
Barry The Mod
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 03:33 am
Morning Crew,looking shipshape on deck! Captain,previous e-mail probs sorted.Don't ask me how.
Petty Officer- I am familiar with The Singers Unlimited Wink .Going PM but meanwhile,"left hand down a bit".
Waves to crew.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 04:11 am
Here ya go, McTag.


Love Singers Unlimited.

Good early morning yabber liners. Love John Mercer's stuff, Izzie. When I was a youngun, I had a radio show called Accent, and that was the background song that I sang.
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 07:00 am
"am emotionally juggling S-boys schooling and R-boys life from a distance with no voice for him- it's not possible to balance, plus some other stuff from home which I need to stop dead.""
izzzieee ..thnking of u..
keep up ur strength nd spirits dearie..
prayng tht things wil settle down fr ye...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 08:19 am

Thanks, Miss Letty.

Now playing, (on the ship's Tannoy, aOOha AOOha... Now hear this!), April in Paris.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 08:23 am

And did I ever tell you, you are the promised breath of springtime?

Turn up the volume

0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 10:39 am
Thank you all, Mercy Hospital was awash with the flood of get well cards and the good news is; my Physiologist will make a full recovery.

Hi Izzie I hope you are feeling better and warmest greeting to the ships company.

Alex my old sparring partner, muchos congratulations on your forthcoming nuptials with Mame; she is one seriously hot babe, and she can cook! We had a joint book writing project a few years back as I recall and she sure likes to party!!!

People always ask, 'How will we know when we reach Alaska?' . . .When you see Christmas lights up year round, because as soon as it gets warm enough to take them down it starts getting dark enough to put them up again, and the locals have more miles on the snow blower than their car.

I kept a diary:

Jan. 21 5:00 P.M. It's starting to snow. The first of the season and the first one I've seen in years. I took my hot buttered rum and sat by the picture window, watching the soft flakes drift down, clinging to the trees and covering the ground. It was beautiful!

Jan. 22 I awoke to a lovely blanket of crystal white snow covering the landscape. What a fantastic sight. Every tree and shrub covered with a beautiful white mantle. I shoveled snow for the first time ever and loved it. I did both the driveway and sidewalk. Later a city snowplow came along and accidentally covered up the driveway with compacted snow from the street. The driver smiled and waved. I waved back and shoveled it again.

Jan. 23 It snowed an additional 5 inches last night, and the temperature has dropped to around -11degrees. Several limbs on the trees and shrubs snapped due to the weight of the snow. I shoveled the driveway again. Shortly afterwards, the snowplow came by and did his trick again. Much of the snow is now brownish-gray.

Jan. 24 Warmed up enough during the day to create some slush which soon became ice when the temperature dropped again. Bought snow tires for the car. More snow and ice expected.

Jan. 25 Still cold. Had another 8 inches of the white stuff last night. Vehicle covered in salt and crud. More shoveling in store for me today. That darn snowplow came by twice today.

Jan. 26 -14 degrees outside. More blasted snow. Not a tree or shrub on the property that hasn't been damaged. Power was off most of the night. Tried to keep from freezing to death with candles and a kerosene heater, which tipped over and nearly burned the house down. I managed to put the flames out, but suffered second degree burns on my hands and lost all my eyelashes and eyebrows. Car slid on ice on way to emergency room and was totaled.

Jan.27 Darn blasted white stuff keeps on coming down. Had to put on all the clothes I own just to get to the mailbox. If I ever catch the jerk that drives the snowplow, I'll chew open his chest and rip out his heart. I think he hides around the corner and waits for me to open the driveway again! Power still off. Toilet froze and part of the roof has started to cave in.

Jan.28 Ten darn more inches of blasted snow and sleet and ice and God knows what other kind of white crap fell last night. I wounded the snowplow jerk with an ice axe, but he still got away. Car won't start. I think I'm going snow blind. I can't move my toes. I haven't seen the sun in weeks. More snow predicted. Wind chill -62 degrees....

I'm going back to Alabama!

Aloha dude's.
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 11:11 am
Tryagain wrote:
I think I'm going snow blind.

Didn't your mother warn you that was going to happen? Smile
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 11:58 am
Hey Crew


Ah " POMcT " did ya singalong with Iz... a? a? a?

And how was your Haggis!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Ac-cent-tchu-ate The Positive....

Dontcha love that a? Very Happy

You got to ac (yes, yes) -cent-tchu-ate the positive
Eliminate (yes, yes) the negative
And latch (yes, yes) on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
No, don't mess with Mister In-Between

To illustrate my last remark
Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark
What did they do just when everything looked so dark?


Ahhh MaMaVerby " thanku Little One " ah, I am very strong on the outside but a little mushy on the inside... a bit like a box of chocolates me... tough nut, sickly sweet caramel, bitter and dark and a sometimes a bit chewy - I never know which one I am " mostly a soft centre.

I had a big meeting with S-boys teachers and pastoral staff yesterday " he’s been a little troubled of late for one or two reasons " but it was a good meeting and I think he will feel a little better now that his Dad and I have raised our concerns. S-boy struggles with being a “wise and mature head” on young shoulders " he needs to just be a kid, hopefully now, he’ll be a little happier in himself. He’s got so many friends at school, everyone loves S-boy, he must be the most “hugged” child in school - but he tends to lean towards, and look for, those who are “big brothers” and “big sisters” " we need him to mix more with his own age group and the school are going to try and help him with this.

So, that was a good meeting; talking about the past and the issues we’ve had which are taking their toll on S-boy (his memories) " well, it’s emotional and hard to talk about. Moving forward now tho " so that’s good.

How are you MaMaVerby " and how is your little boy doing? Tell us about Hrehaan? When does Eby leave for the US? How you feeling about that? ((((MaMaVerby))))

LettyBettyLetty " ah, thanku for that. I would so have loved to hear you on your radio station. Yeah, I know, we talked about that before. Will pop by the cyber radio later... I’m in a music mood right now. ((((((((((((Letty))))))))))) x

Bazza " ha, good to talk to you this morning... says she who was sitting in her car locked out of the school Wink Glad the computer is all up and running and things are good in London Town. Will play the song I listened to earlier over on MzLetty’s thread. Hugs darlin’ x

Hey Mis.... how's you today? You been working? Love you girlie.

BEAgle.... and, where are you? Toot toot, think you need to get the crew on the deck and get a little jiggery pokery going on. Lots to celebrate in life. Love, hugs x

((((Jw)))) " ah, glad to see you trailing the Blue Fella - keep your finger on the pulse, the Blue Fella obviously has been.. Wink Hope all is very good in your world and wee Annie is enjoying school.

Tryagain wrote:

Aloha dude's.

Ha "Y "if you’re standing near a Mauna Loa


on the Islands Blue, you must be hotter ‘n hell there!

BUT, you Blue, if you’re on top of the snow capped mount of Mauna Kea


Mauna Kea is the tallest volcano on the Island of Hawaii. From sea floor to summit it towers more than 5.6 miles (9 km). It is also the second largest volcano on the island. It began erupting on the sea floor about 800,000 years ago. Most of the volcano is made of shield-building lavas. Post-shield volcanism began about 300,000 years ago, producing cinder cones and lava flows that cover most of the present-day surface of the volcano. The light colored material that blankets the summit of the volcano is glacial till. Mauna Kea is the only Hawaiian volcano known to be glaciated. Mauna Kea has erupted several times in the last 10,000 years. The most recent eruption was about 3,500 years ago. Mauna Kea is considered a dormant volcano.

Let me know if you have a tingling sensation in you fingers when you come in from the cold Wink No Mauning Dear!

Ha, what a buzz! Razz ((((Blue)))) xox Ahhhhhhh- lo- HA!

So, going for my theme toon of the moment -

I’m not gonna be just a face in the crowd... you're gonna hear my voice when I shout it out loud.... lalallllllllllllllllllllalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaala

Hugs to those who need 'em, and those who don't. x
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 02:17 pm
Heylo Izzie and Crew...

Yes I worked today. One thing I LOVE about my job. I am always so loath to get moving and get there....but once I am there I love every minute of it. I don't know too many people who can say that. The only reason I don't feel like going is there is so much here to do.

There is that blue fellow. I think the first time I ever encountered Tryagain was a comment he made on my bare feet...something about a foot fetish if I remember correctly. I thought he was a girl at first and did not know how to respond. Wink Razz Good to see you Try. You should stay in Alabama. Tennessee would be my next preference...well...no, Sandestin, Florida would be my next preference...THEN Tennessee.

Yes Wandel...I am sure his mother did warn him about doing that and going blind.

I hope you are all doing well. I must go do my laundry. Yuck.

Hugs to all!
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 04:54 pm
Try's going blind? Shocked
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 05:13 pm
Well...sort of

Try said:
I think I'm going snow blind

I was just taking Wandel's lead... Embarrassed heh heh...probably shouldn't have though. Very Happy
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 05:22 pm
I had read back...thought it was funny Smile
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 05:58 pm
I still haven't done my laundry.
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 06:13 pm
I think he has X-ray... or X-rated vision!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha

tired, gonna be late for work... must sleep

(((((((Mis, Stormy))))))))))


loving y'all. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 06:15 pm
Goodnight Izzie. Hopefully your ex will come to his senses and stop acting so jerky.

Sweet dreams!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 06:18 pm
Night Izzie, all well downunder, busy like a little beaver and it is so very hot. Must take a dip in the sea shortly to wash off all that sweat. Smile

Trust all the crew is well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Feb, 2010 06:44 pm
Nite nite sweet Iz.

Hiya Tsars! Smile

Dutchy - sweaty and hot are ya? well, well, well....Razz

laundry - going.

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