Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 09:56 am
ooof --- paper pushing is a great way to ruin a great day.

Hope it's all sorted and piled and filed away soon, iz.

Enjoy your Saturday ((( Mis )))
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 10:00 am
You too JPB ((JPB)) Wink wishing you scads more of big smiles. Wink
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 11:12 am
Yeah...I am still sitting on my tookus...procrastinating...

What of it? Wink
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 11:21 am
Me too Razz

Anyone gonna make something it a? Mr. Green
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 11:30 am
I dare them.
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 11:56 am
I double dare 'em Very Happy

We're so bad Missy........ bad bad bad bad gals - we should be being productive!

I can actually see some of my floor now and I have done 8 files worth which are piled against the sofa...

now if I could just get in my office to put them back... <ho hum>


music break

Let's have some of them Blues Brothers


k... back to focus

<still haven't put the Crimbo decs back in the loft... Embarrassed>
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 12:03 pm
I still have some bows out. Gotta put those up today....maybe.

Sounds like you are being productive.

Well...I did tune a guitar. If that counts for anything.

I am going to go get out of my jammies though. Very Happy
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 02:29 pm
ha Mis, we're all over the place today a?

OK - so I'm now onto Razorlight

guess what.... I'M NEARLY DONE WITH MY PAPERS...... yayayyayayyayay

and I'm gonna have me a Bridget Jones night! Love those big knickers Wink ha!

JPB wrote:

ooof --- paper pushing is a great way to ruin a great day.

Hope it's all sorted and piled and filed away soon, iz.

Hey ((((((((((((((((JPB)))))))))))))))) - how's you? Did you have a lovely day yesterday? Whatcha upto?

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh - it has rained so hard today - I'm glad that I've done this - found things that I need for Monday and am hopefully sorted - just need to do some printing later.
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 03:44 pm
Izzie wrote:

and I'm gonna have me a Bridget Jones night!

ha... so me... pass the mic!
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 04:00 pm
Morning ladies, trust you're all well after all that procrastinating and geared up for a busy weekend.

I've been run off my feet all Saturday and decided to do a bit of procrastinating this morning as well, if you can do it, I can do it. Smile

Your singing hasn't improved Izzie, nevertheless I love the tune. Cheers all.
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 05:19 pm
Hey crew,hopping on deck to share a pic of my 12 week old Great Grand child....
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 05:21 pm
@Barry The Mod,
great as in Super, yes?

(great grampa the mod...)

best of.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 05:22 pm
@Barry The Mod,
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 05:39 pm
@Barry The Mod,
How beautiful is that a?

LOVE IT (((((((Baz)))))... so pleased for Small and her daughter and the "'babybump"

Needless to say, you are gonna be the most greatest glamorous great gwampaw in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smiling so big Very Happy

BEAgle - morning love, how's Down Under? Hope the latest relly has got over his jetlag - I bet he's enjoying the sun - it's been nothing but rain over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((((((((D)))))))))))

((((((((JPB))))))))))) - hope you're doing good girlie. Love love love ya xxxxxxxx

(((((((Rock)))))) - you scritched?
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 07:38 pm
That's a sweet pic Baz....congratulations!

Nitey nite Izzie.

Hugs to you all.
Reply Sat 16 Jan, 2010 08:26 pm
Fantastic effort Harbourmaster, I'll drink to that. Drunk

Sleep well Captain and miss sunshine. Catch tomorrow morning.
Reply Sun 17 Jan, 2010 05:55 am
Morning Dahhhhhhhhhhhhlings

ACHEY today.... achey achey - too much time on the floor yesterday Shocked Poorly knee and feet - joints are fatiguing me. Oof.

Guess what tho?

The sun is shining - lovely lovely lovely - so nice to see the sunshine Very Happy Dear or dear, the garden is looking... sad... it's very snow and rain beaten down and all kinda smoodgy and bleugh. It needs to perk up - sun, we need some more sunshine.

Will see Tulip and the kids today - they're coming over later - S-boy has been with F-boy, they hadn't seen each other for... gosh... with Christmas and all, over a month - they were desperate to be together, catchup and play some warhammer. No doubt they giggled the night away at Tulips. Tulip has her new car - she's very -----------------> Razz A deep blue-mobile that sings and dances - her very first brand new car. Course, like me, she hasn't a clue how everything works in it - but she's very happy with it. We might go for a spin.

ANDDDDDDDD.... guess what again? I can see I have an office. Very industrious I was yesterday, betwixt A2K, music and papers and other happy distractions throughout the day. <pats oneself on the back> Moving forward nicely.

I feel like spring cleaning (once the pain meds kick in) and at some stage gonna tackle the garage I can't get into - prolly not today tho. I think I have to big and brave and finally get rid of the stuff that I haven't touched since I moved here.... ooooooh, that'll be hard for me to do. There's the spider thing too out there.... ack. Bethie and Missy - I could do with your help - you'd be merciless with my tut lying around in the garage Very Happy

Must.get.rid.of.stuff.I.don't.need.tho.I.know.I'll.need.it.as.soon.as.it.goes! Darn them single socks too, not literally (never), dagnabbit HOW, how does that happen, where are their pairs!!!!!!!!!!? Hmmmm.

OK, talking to myself - need to get on and do....

where do the days go, life is going toooooo fast...

BEAgle - hope you had a more restful day - sleep big tonight darlin'. x

Morning Mis-sista-siesta - nap day today Very Happy x


laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Crew x

Reply Sun 17 Jan, 2010 06:31 am
Morning Izzie, happy to know you're doing alright albeit a little achey, hoping the pain meds kick in soon. Get some of that sun on your joints that may help too. Say hi to annis when she arrives and I hope you'll enjoy your spin.

Keep on talking to yourself I'm listening. Smile
Reply Sun 17 Jan, 2010 06:38 am
Ha - I do talk a lot to myself a? Very Happy

Pain meds kicked in and now I need to get on a do stuff, got the music going and am lalallalllllllllllllllllllllllllallalalaing away!

oh lurve this song... lalalla

k, gonna go make time myself useful!

(ha, back soon Razz)
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Sun 17 Jan, 2010 07:23 am
What a sweet song!

The only thing that works for when I begin to clean up a messy office is R A F T.
Three piles and a trash can.
You only touch each piece of paper once.
Set a timer for twenty minutes, so there is no dilly-dallying.

Pile one: Read ( to be read later, not now. It helps to put a sicky on it saying by when.)

Pile Two: Action (Things that must be taken care now.)(If not immediately neccessary, put in READ pile and sticky on the time.)

Pile Three: File )Things which you should have filed as soon as you READ them or took ACTION on them, but you didn't)

T is for toss. (Whatever doesn't fit for the other piles, TOSS.

Once the timer goes off, you must begin by emptying the ACTION pile. FILE as you go through the ACTIONS.
Then FILE all the rest of the stuff in the FILE pile.

Then READ, put in ACTION< FILE OR Toss until all the piles are gone.

Cheers and congrats on the new office.
Joe(here I go to clean up last week's mess.)Nation

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