Morning Dahhhhhhhhhhhhlings
ACHEY today.... achey achey - too much time on the floor yesterday

Poorly knee and feet - joints are fatiguing me. Oof.
Guess what tho?
The sun is shining - lovely lovely lovely - so nice to see the sunshine

Dear or dear, the garden is looking... sad... it's very snow and rain beaten down and all kinda smoodgy and bleugh. It needs to perk up - sun, we need some more sunshine.
Will see Tulip and the kids today - they're coming over later - S-boy has been with F-boy, they hadn't seen each other for... gosh... with Christmas and all, over a month - they were desperate to be together, catchup and play some warhammer. No doubt they giggled the night away at Tulips. Tulip has her new car - she's very ----------------->

A deep blue-mobile that sings and dances - her very first brand new car. Course, like me, she hasn't a clue how everything works in it - but she's very happy with it. We might go for a spin.
ANDDDDDDDD.... guess what again? I can see I have an office. Very industrious I was yesterday, betwixt A2K, music and papers and other happy distractions throughout the day. <pats oneself on the back> Moving forward nicely.
I feel like spring cleaning (once the pain meds kick in) and at some stage gonna tackle the garage I can't get into - prolly not today tho. I think I have to big and brave and finally get rid of the stuff that I haven't touched since I moved here.... ooooooh, that'll be hard for me to do. There's the spider thing too out there.... ack. Bethie and Missy - I could do with your help - you'd be merciless with my tut lying around in the garage
Must.get.rid.of.stuff.I.don't.need.tho.I.know.I'll.need.it.as.soon.as.it.goes! Darn them single socks too, not literally (never), dagnabbit HOW, how does that happen, where are their pairs!!!!!!!!!!? Hmmmm.
OK, talking to myself - need to get on and do....
where do the days go, life is going toooooo fast...
BEAgle - hope you had a more restful day - sleep big tonight darlin'. x
Morning Mis-sista-siesta - nap day today

laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Crew x