My goodness FQ and mismi how can you speak about tryagain in the tems you do, can't you see his life has been totally derailed and his writings are a cry for help? Just a little understanding and some TLC from you girls will bring him back to reality, that's all I'm asking of you. Please.
I'm SO COLD! And it was almost balmy here today...almost 60 degrees! woohoo! But I am COLD - dangit.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Jan, 2010 05:31 pm
Hey Crew
(Haiti... no words " so very sad)
Ooooooooooh... the dentist was for a checkup " OK " that’s serious enough to shake... anyhoo " gotta go back next week ... and some... and need to see a specialist about my jaw! Minor procedure " <pass the knock out drops> minor, keeps telling myself minor (ack) Yeah yeah, too much yabbering!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lock that jaw!
STORMY " oh, I am doing the happy dance for you too. Fan-tahhhhhhh-stic news girl " very happy for you. Gosh, I know that’s been such a huge worry for you " glad they found the funds to make it happen. Teaching Assistants, especially in SpED are an absolute must. Very, very pleased for you. (thanku to hubby too for his kind words)
Bazza " good lawd " I thought that was a set up to start off with " but NO " those cars were all bashing into one another!!!!!!!!!!! HECK
McT " how’s you doing? You all back to normal up there?... well, as normal is as normal does a?
MaMaVerby " ah so good to see you onboard. Tell us how wee Hrehaan is doing " can’t wait to see his pics. Package is on way " Little Star that he is. How’s the sleep going? Has he got into a routine yet? Eby away for a whole month " hmmmmm " you gonna be OK, Little One? I wish you could go with him too. ((((((MaMaVerby))))))
Hey Soz " put a msg for Sozlet on Penny’s thread. So pleased she came to visit us. Whereto now... who knows?
JPB " hope you had the best day (La La La Laaaaaaaa La La.... and all that... ) " so, what did you get up to? Have you been out and about? Happy Happy
Misssssy " it’s the weekend " now I know that doesn’t mean a relaxing time for you " but... enjoy and make sure you get your Sunday nap in this week!
FQsis " hope you’re OK. Ahhh... would hug you big right now. Call me tomorrow when the girls come home OK! I so want to see you. When shall we go away? X
BEAgle " the family jewels a? HA! Well, he was a dentist so of course, he does CROWN’S! So, that’s a bit happy a? Glad your visitor is enjoying the sun " that would be nice to see right now... it rained a LOT today " all the snow has disappeared.
BLUE " oh yes, I click my heels... errrrr camera... and I’m transported away! HA! LOVE ya twaddle! Oh my sense and sensibilities... perfect!
Tail cheeks, hope ‘er melon
Race sheepmen t’oke hillo
palomino heckle sheeter
morphine, ackee thee, LOLs
Hell, Ernie smokepot ache!
or simply...
“There’s no place like home!"
Welcome back Blue " good to have ya here, love. xox
ok... so whilst I’m tinkering around " let’s have a little twist with my shake...
oh oh oh.... little castle is a little tiny church... very, very old
Castles on clouds.... reminds me of this
gosh, that wee girlie is only 10 yrs old! Whatta voice !
<major storm going on here... you wouldnee believe the amount of rain! edit. no sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet - something just landed on the conservatory roof - rather a loud bang.... >
<verra loud out there, stuff flying around all over, will do a damage control when it calms down a bit - snow melt is coming off the moors too - river is roaring!>
Morning Crew... well, 4 mins 'til afternoon... so, verra quickly else you'll know I've had a late start to the day...
Bonza weekend to y'all and hope that all are well. Will be here on and off the deck - MaMaVerby, ping me if you go on msn... will keep it loud so I can hear you if you're there. (((((MaMaVerby))))
Babbling - thinking of you and yours girlie. Ommmmmmmmming for PaPa - glad he is home. xxxxx
<I will be so pleased when I have done this....I won't have to do it for another 6 months - ha - yayayayaayyayayayaaay - lallalllllllllllllllllalallalllllllllllllllllllllllling loudly I LOVE MY SPEAKERS!>
lalallllllllllllllllalalallala go go go there's not stopping me............... i'm outta control...... supersonic woman of you....llallllllalaaaaaaa
0 Replies
Joe Nation
Sat 16 Jan, 2010 07:44 am
You go!
Joe(I'll be along after some coffee)Nation
I gotta get my booty up and get something done - I'll peek in later - although I may just stay planted here...the boys are playing so nicely this morning...I haven't had to got break up a tussle yet. Here's hoping it stays that way!