Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:59 pm
they boil 'em, or steam 'em?

(crap, apologies for being on top of the page with this...)

Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:03 pm
Boil them, very modern trawler, only has a crew of 3. They are only allowed to fish during the months which has an "R" in it, and are also on a quota to prevent overfishing.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:06 pm
how long do they stay out?

(in for a dime...)

got friends used to fish off of Alaska.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:20 pm
Varies, but usually from a week to ten days. The whole fleet fishes together and it is a lovely sight when they return to the Marina, one by one. I'll take 2 boxes of prawns home with me after Christmas which will last me for a while. 1 Box will be green (uncooked) prawns, which I usually marinate in chilli and garlic sauce and do on the bbq.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:24 pm
I like 'em fresh frozen meself. not verra close to any real water.
(we do have mudbugs, however...)


ima go swab a deck whilst i'm aboard...
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:34 pm
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... that's lovely to hear all about that D and seeing you fella's yabbering Very Happy LOVE IT!
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:40 pm
early reports say 50% chance of a white x-mas on the prairies.

gram is thrilled.

me, not so much...

you gonna get more?
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:52 pm
nah Sad not forecast here.... up country has been hit bad... and Euope isn't faring to well either. Reports on the news are terrible. It's so cold sitting in a car for 12+ hours, no food, hot drinks etc.... with kids and knowing your holiday break has been ruined. Such a shame for those folk on the East trying to get to and from Europe.

Hope you do get a white christmas

Here... have a Scottish humbug Wink

Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:01 pm
Go Bed.

and merry christmas
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:35 pm
I love Michael Cane. He is wonderful. I just watched Second Hand Lions last night...which is actually one of my FAVORITE movies.

((Rock)) - I am going to bed. I got to drink a glass of wine tonight for the first time in days. ...I am quite sleepy now.

Nitey nite.
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 02:57 am
Morning Crew - up and about and going to try and get out in the car when it starts to thaw a tad - the ice came down heavy on the SouthWest last nite, no snow, but very icy - and tho you can just see the road outside, it's still not gritted........hmmmmmmmm....

Little fella didn't make it back here and stayed with his grandparents last night - his father is going to try and bring him back today (his dad slid off the road yesterday already, and he's not a happy camper, so it's a bit worrying).

Late night last night and woke up very early - gonna be tired a little later. Love Michael Caine too - he's a good 'ole boy! ((RH))

((Missy)) - you sounded a little more chipper last night Very Happy - hoping you will wake up feeling heaps better darlin'. New dawn, new day, new week. Posivibes your way Dixie. xxxxx

((JPB)) - hope your fingers are feeling better and you enjoy your piano lesson. I must call in the piano tuner - I played, ooooof, so so badly needs to be tuned. Love my joanna. x

It's Monday, happy Monday everyone Very Happy
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Barry The Mod
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 05:10 am
I just watched Second Hand Lions last night...which is actually one of my FAVORITE movies.
One of the best "grumpy old men" movies ever! Very Happy

Captain,watch out for those side roads.Just seen a news story on the BBC about Dartmore ponies.Conditions still look quite bad!
I'm off to see Avatar in 3D later this evening.
Laters Crew.
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 05:20 am
@Barry The Mod,
Hello you - it's horrendously icy out there - BUT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! The ice is fab, crunchy, the cats and dogs are doing tippy toes. I've <shiver> been <shiver> in <shiver> the <shiver> garden <shiver> taking <shiver> pics.... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - cold toots!!!

So glad you are going out tonite - best be back by midnite a? wouldn't want you to turn into a pumpkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later dude Wink

<i'm a little excited, can you tell> Razz

Little fella still hasn't made it back here yet - when he does we have to go shopping, if I can get up to the main road 'tother way - have to have to gotta get out today, (need to be in tomorrow waiting for parcelforce for BigBoy) - hmmmmmmm... might be tricky in the car tho.

oh oh oh...

ahhhhhhhhhhh - makes me cry........ ooooooooh so much emotion lalalalalllllallala <sniff> Razz
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 10:56 am
Hey guys!

I am feeling better - but this morning I am swimmy headed. I kind of like it - but it does not make for good walking. The Prof. wants us to go to the museum downtown. They have some kind of Americana art exhibit down there...I can hardly see straight. We shall see. Maybe tomorrow. He is so impatient. Wants everything right now. Of course he has been taking care of the three critters for several days running...so he probably is a bit stir crazy. Can't blame him.

Icy huh Iz? Be careful driving in that. I wouldn't do it. But I love an excuse to stay home and cozy up next to the fire. Seems like a good one to me! Enjoy every day...have a birfday coming up here don'tcha? Smile Izzie day! Yay!

Okay...gotta go figure out why someone is crying. Hard to know if they are playing or for real. They like to cry because the dogs lick their faces when they cry. Apparently the whining noise drives them nuts and they are just trying to get them to SHUTUP! Smile good doggies. Razz

hugs to all,
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 01:27 pm
Hey Mis - oooooooooooh, so, so glad you are feeling a little better now - I wish you could just have one more day to recuperate - do try not to overdo a? The Professor will cope - just take the time you need girlie, to get better. xxxxx

Lots of ice here - exhub managed to get the little fella back to me; there were cars all over the road and some people sliding into the hedges - the hill is treacherous, he had to go help someone - so we haven't risked going out. Little tentative that my BigBoy's pressie won't arrive...... hmmmmmmmm... he won't see me or his little brother, any of the family actually, but The House will come over and pick up the gifts we have for him. I just need Parcelforce to turn up. Fingers crossed for tomorrow and hopefully they will grit the roads coz I need to go to the store.

I'm sure it will be fine tomorrow - so, no worries.

S-boy is playing right now, he's here with my camera taking pic after pic being creative thru the Christmas Tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha - He's driving me nuts - won't stop taking pics up close!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh!

Oh oh, the pphoto book I had printed for my parents arrived. IT's FAB! LOVE IT LOVE IT...

Anyhooooooooooooooooooooooooo - I am smiling very big. Why. Just because. Have been listening to wee Joe - ah, bless that little guy. It's called... The Climb.

Heading for some great views. How good does that feel!

BEAgle - you off today???????? Hope you've got plenty of water for the journey and all is good there. Love to you and Mrs. B. xx

((((MaMaVerby)))) - how are you sweet child? Thinking about you - ping me when you can. xxx

POMcT - how much snow have you got up there? Hope you and FiB are keeping warm - I know that it's still hitting the North with more to come. Ooof. xx

(((((Bethie))))) - hugs to you and HIM. xx

Hoping Tulip is having a great time in Finland and the Northern Lights are gonna be captured by her camera and held in her heart. xxx

(((((((((((Blue)))))))))) - wherever you be, who knows Razz hoping all is good in your world and that you'll jump aboard soon - your nest needs feathered boyo. Wishing you a peaceful Crimbo. xox

Thinking about all our crew, near and far... none of you are ever forgotten...

So, I have another post to make now.... something verra important coming up in a few hours....

<he should be out by now... so join me in wishing our Bazza a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY>

Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 01:27 pm
BAZZA " IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY " NO, REALLY, IT IS... counting down...

Look out the deck... fab fella arriving...

Time for a little celebration on the deck

Your girl baked you a cake...


< Razz >


we have balloons



and a banner... with love from ours...


off we go


and, your boys are singing your tune....

look out Baz, we’re heading East in a week and coming to see you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have the Best Birthday, mate! love ya hun!
Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 02:36 pm

It's Baz's birthday? Really?

Well many happy returns, me old china.
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Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 02:37 pm

Audrey Hepburn, in bare feet and a summer dress...I'm in some kind of heaven.
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Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 03:06 pm
Happy Birthday, Brit.


And if it's cold in London, let this be a three dog night.

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Reply Mon 21 Dec, 2009 03:32 pm
Happy Birthday Barry! Lots of great wishes for your next year! Hugs to you!
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