Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:02 am
Good on you for being productive - I'm glad you're all set to go - you're gonna have such a lovely time and M&K will spoil you and MrsB I'm sure.

Now, aren't you just feeling a little brave there - a little less of the cheek Bosun or you will be consigned to scrubbing the HEADS for the next week! Wink

Right, signing off here for a bit. Will be back later. Hoping all the crew, near and far are OK and that POMcT enjoyed dinner with friends last nite.

(((Blue))) Miss youhoodooyooowhereareyououuuuuuudoooolally - hope you'll be back soon. xox Oh, that reminds me of a song...

what is that... OH YEAH, OLIVER....

I feel like singing, gonna plug in the speakers and have a bit of songathon.... good job no-one can hear me - LOVE IT! Very Happy

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:06 am
Oh cross posted McT - oh that is good news.... all arrived safely and one et al imbibed profusely Razz

Are you being a Victor Meldrew this morning and bah humbugging?

You got more snow.....


bah, bah, bah.... tho.... the sunshine is wonderful out there - wouldn't mind just a tad more snow. Can you ship me some please Very Happy

Which is your tipple.... are you 'livet man or perhaps a 'fiddich... single malt????????

right, I'm really gone now.... gone gone gone... Razz


0 Replies
Tai Chi
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:29 am
Dutchy, I've lots of extra bedding and could make up the couch for you in a second if you'd like to come shovel snow for a little exercise. Razz

Chicken soup? Well, okay...but if McTag has any of that single malt left I might be persuaded.

Your photos are lovely Izzie. Loved those young lads enjoying the snow. (I hope you were safely behind the windshield! er, windscreen?)

Off to the salt mines! See ya later.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:49 am

Which is your tipple

I don't really have "a tipple" but last night's bottle was Talisker.

My whisky bottles lie untouched downstairs from one year to the next.

OK you don't have to believe me.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:55 am
@Tai Chi,
Tai Chi wrote:

(I hope you were safely behind the windshield! er, windscreen?)

Nah, that wouldn't have been much fun for those little boys a? They got me good, so did the porch and inside the house; quick little tykes they are Very Happy The look on their faces says it all tho, bright red cheeks and smiles from ear to ear - they were having such a great time outside - happy chaps.

We've gone icy now......................brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Hope your day will be a good one TC and you can rest up tomorrow. Perhaps McT will share a malt on the deck later. Little fella is now coming home unexpectedly tonight, hopefully the roads will be passable and he will be able to get here.


edit: crossposted again McT Shocked Here.... have a sweety



0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 09:13 am
Oh, my aching fingers! Fingers? Yes, fingers. I woke up this morning with fingers so stiff I could hardly make a fist. Must be from gripping the shovel. Piano lesson tomorrow. Must practice. Can't move my fingers. This should be interesting...

Happy Sunday to all, and sleep well to those down under about to call it a day.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 10:02 am
Jingle and a jangle.
Good day, evening Izzie, and crew. Sunday. That it is.
Large gathering last night. oof. Last thing I recall was,......kidding, I was the designated driver and cane, and ....well, ..
All my Christmas shopping finished. I do understand what people mean now when they state: "start your Christmas shopping early." I forgot everything I bought for myself.
Up to elbows in powdered sugar today. Healthy. Flour, butter, sugar. Pecans.

Down the road neighbor. Last year, dropped three trees. Two fell in his neighbors yard. An elderly man. Tree dropping neighbor, tells elderly that he will clean up the trees when he has time. Attitude. Not the friendliest chap. (thanks Izzie, now I am saying "chap"). Elderly man spends a couple weeks, here and there, cleaning up the trees. A few of us helped.
This year. Chaptude builds a new shed. Last week, one windy day, I came home to see one mongo (very large) tree had fallen from elderly mans property. Bulls eye. Smack dab in the middle of new shed.

,....roll into one inch dough balls. Bake. Dredge in a tub of powdered sugar while still warm. Then again, twenty minutes later.

Have nice days yabber crew.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 01:17 pm
That's what I want to be doing Alex. Baking. But not today. Maybe tomorrow.

I have Bronchitus...though after that shot in my tail yesterday (had to go to the doc - he gave me a shot in my fluffy part - ouch) I AM feeling better today. Just no gumption.

Yes Dutchy, that I COULD get out and shovel snow. Sure I could burn off a few calories and some of my fluffier parts - but we HAVE NO SNOW. thank you very much. I would probably get pneumonia on top of it all...that won't do. My boys are already missing me.

One more day of rest. I hope I wake up feeling better tomorrow.

((JPB)) Hope those fingers loosen up. Good luck with the lesson tommorrow - I have a feeling you will do just fine. Wink

Izzie - take care girl. Stay warm. One day at a time right?

((Verby)) take care of you and your family.

Hugs to all my Yabber friends.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 02:34 pm
JPB - no more shovelling girl, walk over to the ivories and "Michelle, Ma Belle......" - go play it..... the piano will take you into a different space ... OK, well I was watching a movie, but I can't concentrate long enough to sit for 2 hours and not talking so, I am going to go into the office and play piano with you for a bit - join me JPB ... xxxx

Alex Alex Oh Alexchap - we have missed you! Very Happy Bake away - would you make me a caramel shortcake, please? Chap chap chap chap... you are a happy chap Very Happy

Missy - good to see you on the deck - sending you all the healing wishes I can and lots of posivibes...

you do make me laugh - I can't say why because it will be too naughty, and it is Sunday, and it's still before the 9pm watershed!!!!!!!!!!! Embarrassed But I am chuckling a little.

Now, you and shot fluffy bits go take a rest and yes... as it is with me each day... one day at a time girlie... one day at a time.

Well crew - hard to believe it's nearly Crimbo time. Another year on the way - 'tis going to be a good one... it is it is it is. Glad tidings!
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 02:49 pm
Morning Izzie, Bosun is on deck early today. I can read your mind Captain and your toughts about mismy are very naughty but I like it. Smile Wink

Mismy I too chuckle about your fluffy bits, a bit like a dart board, every shot hit the target, can't miss. Wink Hope you're feeling better today sunshine.

Off to have some brekkie and a cup of Earl Grey.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 03:51 pm
Mismy I too chuckle about your fluffy bits, a bit like a dart board, every shot hit the target, can't miss. Hope you're feeling better today sunshine.

Can't miss. I am too weak to even get back at'cha for that one Dear Dutchy. I do feel better thank you. Just no energy yet...but I want it - I need that energy. I am hoping I wake up in the morning ALLLLLLLL better. Lots I want to do.

Where is our dear Blue Boy? Totally ignoring us this holiday season.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 03:54 pm
Gosh BOSUN - did you take a shot of courage with your Earl Grey!!!!!!!! Shocked

I think you may be walking the plank before much longer!!!!!! Razz

Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:01 pm
Yes Mis, where is our BlueBoy!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he jumps aboard soon - I miss him madly. I'm sure he'll be back when he can... <sigh> ... and I bet he misses us too.

Meanwhile, you get better - drink lots of water, keep drinking water girlie and make sure you eat enough - I know the last thing you feel like doing is eating when you are poorly - but you need to get the energy from food

(yeah, I know, I'm the worst person for eating ever and sound oh so ever so hypocritical here - ugh food...)

but you must! EAT. DRINK PLENTY. Hope the Professor is looking after you and keeping the kids occupied so you can rest up. xxxxx
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:03 pm
Captain you know me, a little bit of Dutch Courage goes a long way............ Laughing I genuinely feel sorry for mismi, not like her to be as meek as that, hope she will be fully recoved by X-mas. Sending good vibes her way, not darts!
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:06 pm
Ha, when she gets her energy levels back she'll be giving you what for! How are you this morning dearD - raring to go? Has it cooled down there now?
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:11 pm
I'm prepared but I know mismi holds no grudges, not a bad bone in her body, respects the elderly Laughing

Very warm today, extremely hot tomorrow, 45 degrees plus where I''ll travel, then a lovely cool Christmas Day of 25 degrees is predicted.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:14 pm
Dutchy wrote:

respects the elderly Laughing

ha, i nearly spat my tea out........ you just made me laugh very loudy!

wha.......... shall we call you "'ole coot" now, young fella! Wink

45 FLIPPING DEGREES... good lawd man - how on earth do you stand that. Glad Crimbo will be cooler.

Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:47 pm
Pleased I made you laugh, hope you didn't spat your false teeth out. Laughing Have airconditioner in the car which will get us through the hot spots, its only about 200km through a stretch of semi-desert. M. phoned last night and said the prawn boat is coming in today with 10 tons of freshly cooked prawns on board, my mouth is drooling already. Laughing
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:51 pm
"10 tons of freshly cooked prawns on board"


how do they do that?
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:57 pm
Simple Rockhead, they catch them first, cook them on board, pack them for export, and deep freeze on board. Semi trailer meet them at the wharf and conveys the frozen prawns in 10kg and 25kg boxes direct to the Airport, where they find their way to various Asian Countries where they will be on the menu by Christmas.

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