Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:09 am
Morning McT - you're up bright and early too a? You snowed in (mumble grumble mumble grumble no snow here mumble mumble)

Hmmmmmm.... just tried Tulips phone and it says she's temporarily unavailable. They were getting a very early taxi from Kent to Heathrow.... mind you, I would imagine the flights may be somewhat delayed so I'm hoping she will make it there on time. Honestly, she's the type of person who will put on her backpack, gather the children and say "right kids, we're walking, by hook or by crook we will get there". Very dertermined is Tulip. Razz
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:12 am

oo can't edit my post now- my computer is too slow and Izzie is too quick for me.


Families stuck in trains, in the dark.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:17 am

Not much snow here yet- just a skim.

It's the southeast and the midlands what got it. Out turn will come.

Hey we're supposed to be driving down to Essex on Jan 2nd- need some a that global warming, quick.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:24 am
oh, see, now I wouldn't like to be stuck in the chunnel. Been in it a couple times... would prefer a ferry crossing I reckon.

My ex-hub worked on the chunnel project - he was using a CFD software called PHOENICS re "what if there were a fire"..... he said he would never use the chunnel because the results weren't good enough! (but then his middle name was armageddon) Shocked They opened it anyways and we did one trip to EuroDisney - it was easy tho we were nervous at that point.

Possibly now I would nip across to Paris on it (actually seems like a fab idea) - - but ooooh, the thought of being stuck in the dark there. Poor passengers if they were in my car - I would be getting a sing-a-long-a-Iz going. Always fancy a bit of Gloria Gaynor when I have some nervous energy!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:26 am
Oh yeah, I'm heading up there straight after Crimbo - 'eh - it will all be gone by then, you wait and see. Very Happy
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:38 am
Off into the city now ... yuk yuk yuk yuk yuk - all those people and I bet I bump into someone I know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmm <shot of courage>

Laterz x
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 10:19 am
Hey crew,London calling.Snowed here a couple of nights ago,around 4 inches.As usuall the local councils concentrated on gritting/clearing the major roads and totally NOT touching the side streets which were,at one time,very dangerous.The pavements/sidewalks were like ice rinks so as there was no urgency,I hibernated with the laptop for a couple of days,resulting in all Christmas food and drink was ordered on-line and will be delivered on Monday morning.Also had time to write the cards and wrap some parcels ready for posting.Thanks to a couple of beautiful bright sunny days,a lot of the snow has melted,so I nipped down to the post office,cards and parcels tucked under my arm,and turned them over to our postal system.Another reason I had to venture out was the fact that the set-top digi-box fried itself when I turned it on this morning.Was NOT a happy bunny! Anyway,sorted out a replacement and have spent the past couple of hours "plumbing" it in and finding out how to use it.
Therefor,I'm feeling rather proud of myself because,as far as I'm concerned,Christmas IS WELL SORTED.Time to kick back and chill out.
Hope it's going just as well for the rest of the crew.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 11:41 am
@Barry The Mod,

I'm SNOWED IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not that we have heaps of snow, in fact only a few inches or so, but the roads haven't been gritted so there's not a lot going in or out of my area right now. In fact, by now, prolly only the 4WD and tractors can get up the hill and into civilisation.

Gosh, the poor 'ole UK has come to a grinding halt!!!!!!!!!! Only need a few inches of snow and we come to a complete full stop. Ridiculous really. Those poor folk who are 'snowed on the roads' up in the East who are trying to get across to Europe - they are completely stranded.

We weren't due for snow (in Devon, that is) and have no gritters or plows out in this part of the country ... and having left the city basking in sunshine and blue skies thisavo, eventually managed to get home, tho it was very hairy - the roads were white and impacted. I have pics............ of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had my pocket camera and put it to good use, so will upload later. Got a great shot, not so good for the car that caused it tho Sad

So the night has drawn in, we're gonna be well below freezing. Feels Christmassy... 'cept it's just me and the menagerie here. Hey ho - I have things I need to do, ordered some gifts online which arrived so can do some wrapping.

lifes a bit like that a? Wink

Bazza, glad you are alright up there - hibernating is quite nice at times isn't it. Kick back mate, you enjoy! Wonder how our POMcT is getting on - think he's got some snow heading his way.

TC - hope today hasn't been too rough.

Missy - thinking of you girlie.

MaMaVerby - how you feeling today?

BEAgle - did you have a great party? How's the head this morning Razz

Hoping all the rest of the crew, wherever one and all are, are well and safe.

Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 12:20 pm

I'm okay and so is herself, but the couple who are supposed to be coming to us for a meal tonight have just phoned to say he's broken down fifteen miles away and is waiting for the RAC.

So, drop anchor, the meal's on hold.

Luckily it's not a souffle.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:09 pm
Oh noooooo POMcT - what a darn shame - I hope the RAC can get to them quick, must be around -3 or -4 your way - not a night to be stood on the road or sat in a car. Hoping they will be with you very soon - do let us know later, if poss, that all is well and good. Glad you and FiB are at home and safe and sound. x

So, I know that a lot of folks on the deck get heap big snow and are used to the conditions - but it's a rarity here and we just don't deal with it well at all - it was super stunning on the drive back, even tho it was a little nervy at times. Glad I had my little camera - tho of course the pics are taken whilst driving so are not too crystal.

...getting closer to home having left the sunshine in the city


little bit of snow


coming off the big road to drive home


starting to get a little hairy


LOOK AT THE SKID......... car before went into the hedge and slid all the way doooooown the road


a few miles from home


love the snow


sliding along






coming into the village I saw the local kids playing snowballs


I gave them ONE shot at me..... ha... I got six hits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Footprints in the Snow
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:24 pm
oh oh... Tulip and the kids made their flight to Finland. Very Happy YAY!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:42 pm

We got a few inches of new snow last night too. Heavy, heavy, wet, wet, sloshy stuff that stuck to everything. M took some pics of the back woods. All the branches and trunks are pasted with white stuff. I'll have her send them over to me so I can put some up.

Hibernating sounds cozy, Iz. Mr B and his gramma are on their way back from Odebolt. It will be good to have her here for the holidays. I'm just in from shoveling. OH, my aching back!!!! I was afraid to sit down for fear of not being able to get back up again.

I've decided to make a big pot of chicken soup for dinner. Better get started on it so that it's ready when the travelers get here.

((( Iz )))
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 03:52 pm
I like your snow pictures, Izzie. It is nice to see little villages covered in snow. (Much nicer than seeing big city streets covered in snow with cars stuck in traffic.)
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 04:04 pm
Morning Izzie, what great photos of the snow, does this mean you may have a white Christmas? Pretty tricky driving on them roads, do you have snow chains on your car? Glad to hear Tulip made it.

Heard Tai Chi talking about shovelling snow and now JPB too, what's wrong with you girls, seem good exercise to me and keeps the body in shape. Smile

Head ok. this morning Captain, a few beers and rums won't hurt this old tar. Laughing

Have a wonderful weekend all.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 04:43 pm
Hey hey Chi-towners Very Happy

ah(((( jw)))), it is so pretty here right now - if I can get out in the car tomorrow I will try and go up on the moors. Highways say they won't be gritting or ploughing these little country roads tho any time soon, so...... might not be going anywhere for a day or two if the freezing temps continue. How are you and yours? Have you got snow there? I reckon Annie must be excited about the holidays. Now, you just know what I'm going to say............. we will expect to see a pic of you in the Santa Suit! RIGHT! (ha!) x

((((JPB)))) - oh, Missy needs chicken soup. TC might need some too. Hope MrB arrives back soon. Just e'd you - yeah, I know "Izzie's Dayz are Dazed" - ho hum. Razz

Oh, should go and take my sleeping potion - which means, I should not post again because we all know how gushy I get late at night!

oh.... here's a question. What on earth do I do? Little fella's school report came thru today - oh dear dear dear.... so not good. What to do? It's really, really not a good report. Oh dear dear dear Shocked He's a real pickle at school - lots of errrrrrrrrrr.... being cheeky, not concentrating and not working hard.

(can't think where he get's it from)

ok.............. so here's what I have on BTVision right now keeping me amused

again, excellent, I can re-watch it. FAB! FAB! FAB!

<POMcT - hope your friends got there safely and you had a lovely meal together> x

0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 04:48 pm
Dutchy wrote:

... seem good exercise to me and keeps the body in shape. Smile

cheeky git!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

snow chains..... heh, we get snow maybe once a year... or every two years..... snow chains.... SNOW CHAINS.... yeah right.

(actually PaPa does, PaPa has most things, but he lives at the top of a VERY STEEP hill and couldn't get out the driveway)

We may have a white Christmas, I hope so, but I think it may all be gone by then Sad
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:39 am
Hi Izzie I know you're about. What's the weather like today, any more snow, requiring you to do some shovelling? Any snow where mismi lives, she sure could lose a few pounds somewhere. Shush, don't tell I said that! Laughing
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 04:53 am
Morning BEAgle - it's gorgeous outside, chilly and very sunny. gooooooooooooorgeous.

We are melting Sad

I have seen some cars go along the road, which is a little more slushy now, the tractors have been up and down a few times so that's churned it up a little but still no gritters out. Not sure if the big hill is accessible but may try and pop out later to take some pics on the moor. There's lots of sunshine so I think it will be gone shortly and we aren't forecast for anymore in the SouthWest. Sad Sad

Our Mis is poorly right now, she needs lots of chickensoup, rest and building up. I'm sure when she's feeling better she will give you a good talking to - ha! Twisted Evil You do realise that us girls stick together through THICK and THIN a? Talking of which, I actually could lose a few pounds for myself and need to get a lot more fit - that is going to be my resolution for the new year (and I don't make resolutions normally). Life begins at.... soon Razz

Now ya cheeky Aussie Boy - hope you got all you needed done today. I didn't wrap one pressie up last nite - so TODAY - I HAVE TO BE ORGANISED!!!!!!! When are you off to PL?
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:42 am
Very productive day Izzie my girl, all packed and ready to go in a couple of days. Pity all that snow is melting the country side looks so lovely on your photos.

I'm used to you girls sticking together through 'thick and thin', THICK being the most appropriate word if you know what I mean. Razz Razz

Stop defending mismy, she's just looking for a bit of sympathy, I would tell her to follow your resolution for 2010! Wink Razz

I'll be off to bed shortly. Hugs from downunder.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 05:58 am

Snow is falling thick and fast here.

Fick and thast. A blizzard ten minutes ago, now a steady downfall. Quite pretty, but inconvenient to. I am an old grump and a bah! Humbug!

Our dinner guests got here 90 minutes late yesterday, but better late than never eh. The food wasn't spoilt, and we drank plenty of wine and then malt whisky.


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