Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 05:10 am
Morning Morning.... just dropping by to catch McT a sec...... McT do you have BTVision....

Morning BEAgle... will be back shortly darlin' - hope you aren't nodding off early today, I will be back.

TC.... so sorry, I fell asleep last nite and didn't get to say reply or say goodnite. I also had it in my head it was Friday night (doh) - so, hoping you are going to be able to rest up today before you hit work tomorrow. (((((TC))))))
Tai Chi
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:06 am
Cool It's 7am and I gotta be to work by 8am...then tomorrow and Sunday. Give me a little leeway Dutchy please! Just one? Drunk

Hope you're all enjoying the day! (I've promised myself to take deep breaths!)
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 07:29 am
@Tai Chi,

Mc T - wasnt that the Rime of the ancient mariner??
i love another line in that

Alone alone all all alone
Alone alone in a wide wide sea
And never a saint took pity on
My soul in agony!

Mismi - Take rest dear..and hope Sboy is
fine by now. Really dont want u to fall nto ne illness! dnt even thnk tht way!

BEAgle glad that ur having a galatime with the
lill ones waiting to see the pics Smile

Hey Annis - is the massage ur talking abt
physiotherapy by anychance? i thot
it is not that common that side!
congratulations neways Smile

Tai Chi - I knw how it feels
for one thing i often cme aboard
only and only with a crabby face
and for anthr we oftn face ths nder staff issue here!

Izzie - gt ur PM..its reeling ma head..planning to spend more time online! somehow even thts not working! Im kind of being monitored..i feel like being under a CCTV 24/7!!! Lets see..taking deep breaths! I dnt knw! lets see..ill blabber ma head off smeday! How ye doing? the surgery over yet? aahh gt to read back a few more pages to knw i guess!!
take care dearie..

Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 07:42 am
Can't wait any longer Izzie, I'm off to bed. Nite all. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 10:23 am

Mc T - wasnt that the Rime of the ancient mariner??

Certainly some of it was.

I was never convinced about the artistic merit of that poem, but certainly a lot of it got into the wider language. Maybe it was the vivid imagery.
Or maybe English schoolmasters of yore used to flog it to death.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 10:25 am

just dropping by to catch McT a sec...... McT do you have BTVision....

Sorry, have been out at a Xmas lunch. Not a boozy lunch, I was driving, but nonetheless very pleasant.

I've never heard of BTVision. Should I have? ?? ???
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 12:55 pm
Hey McT

yessir! well, maybe not - I only heard about it a few weeks back and the box arrived and all is now sorted - we went digital months ago and I had no idea what that was all about - when I moved here there was a sky dish - so went with sky... but that is so tres expensive so decided to take up BTVision offer for on demand TV. Little fella loves comedy channels, E4 and his movies and the white noise keeps me company in long evenings. Anyhooo.... it's all connected - here a scart, there a scart, everywhere a scart scart, an rf in, an rf out, here a green light, there a flashing light, everywhere an ethernet cable.... and voila! Done. (lllooong phone call with customer services but got there in the end Razz) Jolly good show.

Gutted............gutted that we have no snow here when the rest of the country appears blanketed. Minus 4 tonight and lots of ice/frost. x

BEAgle - sorry darlin' - hope you had a big sleep and will catchup with you in the morning. x

MaMaVerby - ah, I know hun, it is hard when your home's not your own - just take lots of deep breaths and accept help when it's offered and rest up when you can. How is little Hrehaan doing? Has his sleeping pattern settled a bit? Will call you anytime - just ping me - and if I can I will call. (((((((MaMaVerby)))))))) x

Missy - how did I miss that about S-boy? (doh me). How is his finger? How are you feeling? Weekends here now and I think you'll have finished at work so I'm hoping you can get a little R&R in too. Are the boys excited about Christmas? How's the Professor coping? Love you girlie. x

TC - good wishes for work today - hope you are feeling better today and it won't be too manic there. ((TC))

((((((((((Blue))))))))))) wherever you are ... xox
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 12:58 pm
Goodness me.... have just read the weather report, the UK is soooooo chilly .... <shivers> Shocked
Tai Chi
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:01 pm
According to our radio news, southern England is getting hammered with snow. I hope tulip/annis gets (got?) away okay. Sounds like you might be getting a white Christmas after all, Izzie.

I only had one miserable customer all day, and plenty who were delightful. Other than throbbing feet, it was a pretty good day.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:03 pm
@Tai Chi,
Oh she's flying in the morning..... mmmmmmmm worried too - it looks horrendous up there.

I have no snow at all....... <very sad face> Sad Frightfully chilly tho, gonna have to keep the heating on all night to stay warm..... brrrrrrr.

k TC - feet up girl and go get a cuppa. See if MrFixit will fix your feet for ya - massage...............................oh, if only, please please please Massage Fairy. Glad you got thru the day and not too many bahhumbuggers to bother you. Well done you girl ! x
Tai Chi
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:21 pm
First sauna of the season tonight. That ought to work a few of the kinks out.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:21 pm
Morning ladies, I'm not going to tell you about our lovely warm weather today. Smile

Well Tai Chi you made it through day one, put your feet up and have a nice warm chocolate drink, you deserve it.

Izzie please watch it, don't fall asleep near the radiator! Can you let us know if Tulip got away safely?

Off to do some work, Mrs.B has lined up a number of tasks, her usual Saturday morning routine. Laughing
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:28 pm
Morning BEAgle... peace and quiet.....yep.... I don't mind the cold - I find the frost and ice little miracles themselves, they fascinate me and I love the uniqueness of hoar frost on my car, took some pics the other day, beaautiful - the rain got a little too much, too long, too torrential, but yep, I do so wish I had a little snow and some bright blue skies to match that feeling.

Desperately hoping Tulip will get on their flight - mind you - she's pretty determined - she'll fly the plane herself if she can. No-one will resist her turquoise eyes - they'd melt everything.

Gonna head for my bed and snuggle under the down doona - but am keeping the heating on - it's that chilly.

Have a great day today BEAgle.

TC - off you go, feet up girlie and a hmmmmmmmmmm..... something to warm you ... maybe a Southern Comfort Razz x
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 08:19 pm
I received this from my old friend Mathos this morning and I thought I'd share it with you, it's brilliant.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:00 am
Morning BEAgle

ack, onlt had about 4 hours sleep, tossed and turned all nite, and I'm wide awake so have given up trying to go to back to zzzzzzzz. Thought I'd go and take some photos of the frost...OMGAWD - ha, it's just a tad chilly out there right now and PITCH BLACK still...

so, gonna make a cuppa - might try giving Tulip an call in an hour and see if she is on her way to the airport - fretting for her a little, they got some more snow last nite. She'll be fine, she'll be fine. Gonna be a lot chillier in Finland... in the minus 20's <pass the thermal longjohns!!!!> brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Very Happy
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:33 am
Hi Izzie, just saw the news about the UK on TV, so much snow, many schools closed and accident s caused by the snow and ice. Also saw a hilarious item where a drunk didn't have enough money for a taxi fare home so he pinched a bus from a depot, Police chased him for about 30 odd miles during which he rammed a number of cars, injured a couple of drivers and caused 250K pounds damage. He'll be a sorry man in the morning. Laughing
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:40 am
He will! Gosh, what a mess he made of that bus and a whole heap of cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leave alone the other drivers. Good grief. What a prat.

Yep, snow all over BUT NOT IN DEVON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harumph. Sun will be up in about an hour - I've been outside and it's a tad frosty but no winter iceland like last year - do you remember that really beautiful day when everything was covered in crystals. I hope we get something like that again. It's mighty chilly tho so I'm still under the doona with a cuppa T beside me.

How was your day? Did you get everything done that you needed to before going away.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 01:53 am
Ha, de, ha, ha, did I get everything done today? Not a bloody thing Izzie, mates called in with Christmas drinks, so what does a man do, drop everything and join the fun. There is always tomorrow. Have my nieces birthday party tonight so I'll be anxious to get to work first thing in the morning. Laughing Wink

btw. They showed Heathport Airport also on the News, chock a bloc with snow, immediately thought of Tulip. Did she get away?
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:02 am

Wrong kind of weather inside the Channel Tunnel apparently- some people stuck in a car transporter train for twelve hours. Chaos at Ashford and Calais.

Sometimes it's better just to stay at home.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:04 am
oh..... you'll be in trouble with MrsB if you're not careful Razz No, glad you a nice time with friends and of course, you know me, there's always tomorrow for chores Razz Razz Razz

Have a great time at the party tonight. Lotsa water right. ha, I'm sure you'll be amber nectaring! Very Happy

Gonna try Tulips mobile now...
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