Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 06:01 pm
Woohoo Bethie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FABULOUS NEWS. FAN...BLOOOMING...TASTIC! Delighted for you girl. Truly, delighted. Razz

How long notice do you need to give - hence - WHEN DO YOU START????????

Oh... big smile here for you - will be great for you. Very Happy

Hey hey all - another manic day and it's onto Thursday already - life is rushing by. Got home just now and KittyCat is doing just dandy. In fact - he wants to carry on scrapping with Murphy. He's being very gorgeous and keeps butting heads with me on the sofa - you just wouldn't think anything had happened to him at all. His eye looks so sore - but, doesn't seem to be bothering him at all.

BEAgle - so whachoo been getting up to then a? Guess what - there was a pirate Samoyed at the vets. She was so pretty - one eyeless and very pretty. Last nite the owners drove down from Somerset (4am) to get to this emergency vet - he's an opthamology vet specialist - they had to remove her eye today - but, there she was, up and about and just doing brill - animals are amazing - none of this whining business like us humans do... they just get on with it.

Talking about whining - I have earache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rolling Eyes It's beginning to annoy me now, and my throat. Whine whine whine Razz

Anyhoooooooooooo - glad to see you JPB - so sorry I haven't got around to emailing back yet - really, I dunno where the time goes. 1am already.

I have to do massive clean tomorrow. My house is a pit. Well, it's not that bad - well, it is.... I have to do something to straighten it up.

oh my - can hear very naughty kittens tearing around upstairs - need to go and separate them. I'm just amazed at my black shadow - he's such a trooper. He does look funny with his front legs all shaved. Real pirate - like he's wearing half mast trousers and he's all scraggy. Love him.

Putting the kettle on so here til I fall down. x

(((((((((Bethie))))))))))........ so pleased for you. Just great news.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 06:27 pm
Ok........ sat down......... barely moving - shutdown - yep, another whine - but off to bed soon.

Hey where's the boys. Blue, DjjD, Alex..... a? a? aa?

Vegemite... too.?

Djjd - how's TC getting on up there. All running smoothly?

mis our mis - where's our Dixie.??????????? aching for her xxxxxxxxx hope she is well.

db been away for a while....mmmmmmmmmmm

How are you Jeff and Stacy. We're here hun.xxxxxxxxx

Crew- you are the best - the very best. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 08:45 pm
Checking in Captain. How did the day find the captainess? Today found me well. Dirty. Most of vegetables are in. Okra, spinach, ..new items.
Rabbitts already eyeing.
I did not say stew.
Red Wings won in overtime last night. Up two games to nothing,..on the Chicago Blackhawksdown. Yes

That is all for now. Good day.
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:28 am
Morning Alex - good news for the garden, good news for the rabbits Smile I would never say stew Wink Lovely to see you darlin' - have you been out on the road??????

All is well here with Kitty doing well - he's taking the meds and careering thru the house, playful, big and brave.

Have a house that needs a maid today, and a butler. Still tired and joints a little nuisancy - to be expected - but it is the most beautiful day outside and I simply must get out there and give the grass a hair cut whilst we've got the sunshine. Actually, the house doesn't bother me too much - it's only me here so....... it's liveable with - but my garden is open to the whole bird and insect populations - it needs a little attention if I can muster the energy from somewhere.

STUNNING DAY.............. SIMPLY STUNNING. Wanna bottle it and send you all a taste of summer from ChezIz.

Bethie.... <envelope in hand, smile on face, head held high, feel our pats on the back, 'hello hello HR'...... new path on your journey proceeding, lots of love surrounding you... and a hug of course> Razz

BEAgle - you're a busy boy these days. Are you gardening??? How're the babies doing? Hope all's k with MrsB - any trips to PL lined up????? Hugs x
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 05:06 am
For you BETH from the UK

I look into the window of my mind
Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind
I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can't stop me now
And you can do the same

What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

Still so many answers I don't know
Realise that to question is how we grow
So I step out of the ordinary
I can feel my soul ascending
I am on my way
Can't stop me now
And you can do the same

What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
You could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

We need a change
Do it today
I can feel my spirit rising
We need a change
So do it today
'Cause I can see a clear horizon

What have you done today to make you feel proud?
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
'Cause you could be so many people
If you make that break for freedom
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
What have you done today
You could be so many people?
Just make that break for freedom
So what have you done today to make you feel proud?

so proud to know you gal. x
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 05:30 am
Hi Izzie, indeed busy gardening, weather perfect, 24 degrees and almost winter. Babies doing fine and sprouting plenty of new leaves. Next trip to see the family won't be until August all going well. Mrs.B going great guns and making the Beagle work. Smile
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 05:41 am
Ha - she has you just where she wants you a? Razz

Glad all's going well - so far I have procrastinated well - the thought of pushing the lawnmower round is driving me crazy - what I want to do is go and drive Molly who is sitting in my drive calling "MaMa - spin my wheels"....

ok...... concerted effort here - gotta try and make a headway into the garage to even find the big grass scissors and lift it up and out thru the house... oof oof! Very Happy

k........ GONNA DO IT NOW........................ OH, it looks like it might be about to start raining....Wink Wink Wink Wink

k...... gone

really, i have............. Rolling Eyes

(big hugs D - love ya hun) x
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 08:18 am
Yay - grass has had a haircut.......... AND........ I did some weeding (weeds are pretty - dislike doing that, weeding that is - I throw them in the river thinking "ah, they might catch onto the river bank" - then it's not so bad.

Oh..... my garden is so pretty. Overgrown already - but so pretty. Always dreamed of a cottage garden - never ever had an interest in doing it anywhere I lived.... 'til now Very Happy It's so, so lovely.

K - earned a cuppa - so going outside with the camera for a tea and a few pics. LUV-ER-LY! Razz
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 08:36 am
Hi Guys! So sorry I have not been here...have missed you all terribly!

((IZZIE)) You are precious girl...my computer will hopefully be ready soon. We have had a horrible time trying to decide whether to repair it or buy a new one. And it has been so busy with baseball that it has been hard to do the research on which would be best - so - long process. I will say it has been nice around the house without it. Other than missing you all and my e-mails - I think I could do without the darn thing!

Once again - no time to read - using my neighbors again. Just hate taking up time on her computer any longer than I must - but wanted you all to know that I think about you all the time!

Boys are going to tournament - actually have had one game and won 15-3 . Our next game is tonight and if we win that then we go to the Championship on Saturday. I hope to let you all know how it goes soon!

Thanks dj for the note on FaceBook....haven't been over there in over two weeks....just never have the time!

Hugs to you all!
Much love,
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 08:57 am
Oh Mis - it's so good to see you. I love your smile. Very Happy
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 02:58 pm
Izzie you you didn't tell me about the kitty, hope he is getting better.

I hope you are feeling better too! You know Sage and thyme infusion of!

ok we all have had a hell of a week! just to say Fboy can now no longer do archery. Lost half my tooth Argh! A friend has died of lung cancer, blessings and thought to James and keep going dear Linda! Izzie has a rotten cold! College is getting tougher, but have bought a massage couch today and my summer house has arrived and been installed, hurrah!

Surely things can only get better! wishing you all well X
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 03:32 pm
Hey Tulip

Yep - things do get better, then a little rougher, then a bit better - in out in out shake it all about, do the hokey cokey.... so summat like that a?. Hey - at least I have no voice so I can do sexy voice for a bit! That's a lot better than normal Razz

Now, if I could just swallow without it hurting Wink

OK OK OK OK OK........ I'm lightening the mood Razz I'll be quietERRRRR! I'm so not a sweet young thang! Rolling Eyes It's nearly the weekend. Praise Be.

Glad you've got the massage couch - I shall be around to have my massage soon. Send my love to Mom - looking forward to seeing her. Hope you manage to get hold of Linda - I'm sure she'll want to hear from you - but only when you're ready to talk OK! Try not to worry for F-boy - he needs time to process the info, as you do - remember, he's got S-boy as his friend - they will be there for each other through thick and thin, little and large, heart and heart.

Glad you slept thru your lesson - now that's something to giggle at - your masseur must have been excellent. Let me know if I can help with the school work - I can test you any time you like - I am known to the test the patience of a saint (or so my exhub told me) - ho ho ho!

I have to be asleep by 11.30. That's what I've told myself - so I've taken my potion and am gonna hope for the best.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........... haven't heard from db for a while - OR OUR VEGEMITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

and where's that blue fella!

(((((BEAgle)))))) - don't be doing too much out in that garden alright - glad you are busy tho and keeping yourself occupied - here we are going into summer and you're heading into the cold season. Have some beauty pics to put up - will go and find a couple now. Instead of clogging up the threads tho - am going to upload to Picasa Web Albums so anyone can see anything that is there if they wish too - old and new pics! Then it won't slow this thread down waiting for pics to appear. I hope it works that way.

OK.............. lets see then - gonna take a peek at the pics I took today... back in a mo!

Lovin' y'all!

FQ - thanks - checked the bank account and mine appears to be safe - thinking about it tho - we used a different machine remember... will keep an eye on it tho and check that nowt goes missing. Heap big vet bill - that's about it. Phew. Thanks babe. x
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 03:34 pm
Morning crew, cool Friday morning here but it is going to be a lovely day. Great to wake up and see that two old friends called by, dear mismi nice to see you we miss your happy chatter. Get the Professor to buy you a new computer and come back soon.

Tulip, you've had a rough week, hang in there, things will only get better. Massage couch sounds interesting and make my hands itch. Wink I hope the weather will be kind to you and you're able to enjoy your summer house, is that something we call a Gazebo and you sit under?

Izzie how is KC? Does he try to scratch his eye? My sister's cat did and they had to put a bucket on his had so he could reach it, was real funny seeing him walk around with this contraption. Have you found out what caused the problem? An English Cottage garden sounds so nice Captain, saw one once in the Dandenongs in Victoria (cool climate) and it was a gem. No doubt you'll post a picture soon to show it to the world. Wink
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:21 pm
Trying to upload to Picasa.... its a little slow.... 11.20 -so not gonna make it to bed on time............ have kitty and dawg shores to do........... I'm waste to Razz
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:30 pm
Oh............... I'm too tired , please would you minds see if this works to public viewing BEAgle


and let me know... thanks.... I'm cream crackered - need by sleep. Ugh. x Ack - need a hug .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Nite all - love y'all = near and far. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:34 pm
Hi Izzie, 20 pretty pictures, and by clicking on them, oodles more, lovely! Go and get some well earned sleep Captain, you deserve it. Good night ((((Izzie)))) xxx
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:39 pm
yeah a mismi sighting

been busy breaking up sidewalks, hauling dirt and getting ready to build a deck

some flower pics coming soon

hi all
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:42 pm
djjd62 wrote:

yeah a mismi sighting

been busy breaking up sidewalks, hauling dirt and getting ready to build a deck

Ha... don't think you'll find her under there Djjd Wink

Good for yor dalrlin' - have fun tomorow.... can't wait to see you pics.

Nite all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:43 pm
Thanks ((((((BEAgle)))) - needed that hug x

gone zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 05:37 pm
sending big big hugs to ((((((( Dear Cap'n )))))))

I hope those of you who should be able to sleep are able to - and that those of you starting a new day will have a glorious day.

I handed the paper in today <deep breaths deep breaths> Everyone was quite supportive of my reasons - which have to do with mrs hamburger's rapid decline in health as well as the state of my current (until tomorrow) employer. Oddly/funnily, my manager left for home at noon - accompanied by a bottle of rum. Not a good day for him.

I am off to find Stacy on FB. Want to share a few things with her. MM - if you see this - please tell her to look for my note. btw - lovely lovely pics of you and Conner.

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