Hey Soz.... d'ye reckon she opened it yet? Suspense I tell ya.... suspense!

Really hoping for some good news when Bethie's made her decisions. Hugging her big and sending whatever strength and posivibes she may need right now.
My Kitty Cat...
A claw poke in the eye! Prolly his brother when rough and tumbling - they play together all the time, it's play fighting gone wrong. Boyz will be boyz.
so..... they have sewn his eye together. Shut.
The puncture in his cornea was looked at very closely but they think putting the stitches in will cause more scarrring to occur. The third eyelid has been shredded and all the surrounding cartilage (?) (it really was disgusting to look at, poor fella) .... he has had lots of tiny stitches. They believe that if the whole eye third eyelid is stitched shut together then the cornea will hopefully repair itself. So that is what they've done.
The kitty is a pirate. 'Shiver me kittycat'.
So, he's in a bit of a sorry state with just the one eye right now - of course, being a pirate cat, that would be about right a?
I can go pick him up at 6 and then have to keep him inside until he gets used to seeing with only one eye. Then in 10days or so they will remove the stitches and re-open the eyelid and ..... hope for the best. Bless my kitty. Such a shame.
Hoping all will be fine in a couple weeks - just, his eye won't be quite as seeing. He'll still be the most handsome kitty in the world tho!