Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:24 am
GOOD LUCK ((((BETH)))).... thinking of you girl. x

<avalanche - snowed under - too much work - ack>
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 06:11 am
Work was manic.

Off to the hospital now to have my shooz fitted <yuk - climbing a mountain today - pass me the sick bucket - gonna be like a punch in the tummy>.

G asked to come with me - GOOD GAWD! Shocked

Won't be back til late coz I need to pick up little fella from school etc - so will catch y'all later.

Tired. So tired.
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 06:39 am
Hi Izzie, good luck at the hospital, those boots will look sexy, will be thinking of you. Get G to drive, so you can have a little rest, that means no parking on the way! Smile (((Izzie)))
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 12:41 pm
Hey hey - I'm back.

Oh...... it wasn't too bad!!!!!!! Little bit painful but.... all in all.... not too bad.

Gotta get little fella sorted out and then I'll be back.

Wondering how Bethie got on. Hope all is ok.

Lovin' y'all. x
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:04 pm
So........ went to the DSC and met with one of the folk there " he had a chat with me about wearing “made” shooz - mountains and all... " anyhoo " he said that he knew I wouldn’t go with the “boot” idea " but they could make some shooz with all the supports that I need for my arches and ankles that look kinda “trainer-ish”. They aren’t too bad at all. REALLY. Very Happy He did all the measurements and then took moulds of my feet " “ouch” painful as he had to push down hard on my ankles and toes " I shouted verra loudly Shocked G nearly jumped out of the chair! Ha! It was good having G go with me " that was quite telling. Good telling. Had a big long talk with him last nite on the phone " but today was a bit of a break through, I think. Reality check. Have dropped my defences just a little " it doesn’t feel too OMGawdish right this minute. Day at a time, day at a time.

Also, I saw the BigBoy at my parents house " it was a little bit of a curveball for both R and me - I was driving Molly and he wasn’t overly happy yet he was completely indifferent " R-boy wasn’t expecting me to have G’s car, but then, I didn’t know R-boy would be at my parents house. S-boy has big (huge) issues with G too - mmmmm " hurdles are getting a little higher.

S-boy had a massive tantrum tonite " overtired, overawed, over done! Sad thing is " all he wants is his brother, he just wants his brother to come home and be with us. When they are together " he emulates R " it’s not a good thing to see when it’s negative. He’s very disrespectful to me when R is around " heap big attitude. We’ve both really cried tonite " hurts like hell not having R around us.

I don’t wanna go back onto my other thread " even tho Noddy is there " I don’t want to go back there, so I’m gonna post this here.

S-boy wrote this for his English homework. They've been reading a novel and were asked to write about the boys feelings.

Being homeless!

I’m homeless! I feel alone and scared. As people walk past they point and grimace and think of me as dirt.
The whisper of the wind brings a frightful feeling which makes me shiver and quake.
A nervous life leads me, an endless trail of hurt, fear and anger controls me. I live on the doorway of hopelessness.
As I beg for money, nothing but a kick in the face and £2.50 a week is what I get. But I guess I disserve it for being a young child with no home no family or friends. I sleep in the same clothes week after week. No one to support or to help me.
Crum’s, mouldy packaging and tips of shoes, is a king sized feast for me.
As I look up at the grey gloomy sky, I think of a happy life with my family and friends, their help and love - then I catch my reflection and it’s all gone and I realise where I am in a dark misty ally where screams of terror and despair surrounds me.
And all I have now is the glare of a street lamp and my dark cold doorstep and my newspaper blanket.

He’s a good wee writer - scary insight.

Just makes me cry. It’s like listening to R talking and no matter how hard I try, I can’t get past it. Neither, so it seems, can S-boy " even tho he has the smile of sunshine. He says it’s not fair that everyone thinks he’s so good and R-boy is so bad " he wishes he were “the bad one” so that R-boy would be “the good one” and come home. He says if he doesn’t see R he doesn’t think about it so much " but when he sees him, he just wants his brother to come back. I keep telling him R-boy wasn’t, isn’t and never will be bad and that he hasn’t gone " he’s just having to live life “his way”. S-boy has had counselling after the things he saw R do. I dunno " not sure what to do other than reassure him. Have to put a huge mask on..... it’s crap.

Jeez..... we’re screwed. Shouldn’t really have said all that. Hey ho.

Oh....... wellllllllllllll....... what started out as being a happy post " has turned to Mizerable Iz ....... best stop thinking and go and play some games or something. Oof.

Rambling. Ack.

Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:35 pm
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:47 pm
Holding your hand sis and knowing... It"s ok.
Love youxxx
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:50 pm
Oh JPB...... no worries. I'm just tired, that's all it is. Bl**dy tired. Have taken my potion and hope to be zzzzzzzing soon. Really. Think I've got a bug or some such thing. Sore throat, earache - overtired. Work tomorrow so I need to get some sleep - work is really manic right now - half term next week - no school - S-boy is tired too, so should be able to relax a little more then. Looking forward to doing absolutly zilch on Thursday.

Did the photo competition at school. Ha - I'm crap. Got one of the supply teachers to judge it......... ahhhhhhhh.... I couldn't choose a winner - can't judge their pics and make one the best - there is a lovely one of a cockerel. "Good Morning Cockerel" and a happy giraffe with hearts stuck onto a window with it pouring with rain outside. Very happy pics. Bless those kidlets. They were so good with my camera as well - not the big camera - the little one - they did really well. Lovely part of the job that - but left heapsa work to catch up on.

Anyhooooo... shouldn't have posted all that - but, 'tis out of my head now - so feel a bit better. Must go to bed soon tho - will even pray to sleep Shocked Funny, got a little more faith these days. Crew have had much to do with that.

I miss Missy. Still aching for her.

Hoping Alex is enjoying his motorcycle - saddlebags and all Razz

Will be revived by tomorrow - just a down evening after a good day. Thanku JPB - love you xxxxxx

Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:55 pm
Hey sis....... ahhhhhhhhhhhh............... I miss my boy. It's such a pants feeling. I know you miss him too and understand S-boy feelings. Feels wrong to feel happy and move forward without him - you know, birthday parties, prizes, day to day - no R-boy - his choice, not ours. Maybe one day he'll realise how much we love him. Ack... no good. Can't do this anymore..... need to sleep - tears keep coming if I think.

OH...... one brilliant thing for him. He is doing a recording session tomorrow in a studio. He'll be great. He loves to beat box and DJ stuff - said to go in and feel the music and he'd do a briiliant job. Fingers crossed it goes well. I won't find out unless it goes wrong. Keeping positive. He's really good - and he may get to cut a CD tomorrow. Cool a? Very Happy
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:57 pm
Oh gosh - no worries? what would the yabber-liner be without worries and noives and fidgeting and good news and bad news?

I'm all ants-in-my-pants. I was handed a conditional offer this morning. I can't look at it. Feel like I'd jinx it all if I looked at it. I don't want to know what didn't work out if it doesn't work out. tap tap tap fidget fidget fidget
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:59 pm
open it open it open it....

making tea... sitting right beside you - poking you... OPEN IT!!!!!!!!!!!

(or not.... whenever you're ready Razz) we'll be here...

open open open
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:00 pm
J and I watched Eminem on the weekend and saw so much of R in him. He will be brilliant at beat box tomoz.
Pants day - fraud on my bank account. K peeed off coz I want to come n stay in Devon next week and he wasn't consulted. Massive row tonight. Pants
Love you sis . Who needs men?
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:01 pm
Come on down Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

<how bad fraud..... scary .... are you covered>?
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:03 pm
Hey Thelma
If I hadn't drunk a bottle of red I would be heading in your direction right now, believe me. Need a cuppa with you
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:05 pm
Couple a hundred so not too bad. Just peed me off. Should be covered. Its the fact the card is blocked and can't access cash.! Great! Well it will stop me spending or someone else will have to apy the bills.... Or not!
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:07 pm
Ha........ OR NOT methinks...........<laughs - bless him>

come on down girl - we have beach to drive to! Razz

<do you think Beth opened it yet???????>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:11 pm
Morning crew, especially Izzie and ehBeth, so hope things work out well for you both. Thinking of you both, so many hurdles to cross, not really fair. Izzie you're the best mother around, the boys will realise that one day and put you on a pedestal. Go and have a good rest, put today behind you, you'll feel better tomorrow. xxx

Oh FQ that is a terrible experience losing all that money, have heard of that happening here, watch my card and ATM's like a hawk, can't afford to lose that sort of money. Make up with K, men aren't that bad. Wink
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:20 pm
Bless you Dutchy. I know they are not. I just try to be the emanicipated woman and it comes across as all rantu sometimes and all I need is for someone to take care of me instead of going away with his work. Just knee jerk reactions and tit for tat sometimes
Will be fine
Sorry to rant on board
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:35 pm
ok................... lost all will to be awake.............. i gotta climb the apples and pears. Lovve you sis. Talk soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

THANKS ALL.............. pokes and nudges bethie one more time. Is HIM there for a little moral support. Love you EBGirl. Posiving and wishing for you that it will work out in the right way. xx Very Happy
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:38 pm
Night crew. Will feel better tomoz
Love u sis x

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