Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 10:50 am
ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- that creeper sounds a little nasty!


We're back - 3 hours there OMGAWD. J-boy gone, F-boy gone - cuz and S-boy still here - giggling - exhausted. We're all exhausted. 24hours non-stop...

Off over to the town now for Birthday Dinner with my parents ............ ok....... here we go again.

<bed, someone find me a bed, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease>

<oh............ don't let me on the Wii again - IT'S FABULOUS FUN!!!!!!! I am aching from playing baseball and tennis! How does it work? I don't understand these techno thingies - it's awfully clever! AND MAN - I LOOK CUTE PLAYING - I've even got pony tails and I sing when I win! And guess what - Blue is on my TV screen - there he is, pops up every time and says "tryagain"! Love it! Very Happy>

<oops to the light fittings - I hit them playing tennis Embarrassed>
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 02:57 pm
Is it still the weekend............... Shocked Oh My Goodness. How full on was that? Totally wiped. Little fella in bed and, I think, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing now. Up at 6.30am for school and then going to his Dad's for Birthday Tea, and back to me for the nite.

12 years old.


BigBoy wouldn't come over............. he's kinda not happy / indifferent to me - bitter pill to swallow. His little brother is sad about not seeing him. Maybe tomorrow.

However, dinner with S-boys grandparents. I took rainbow cake over... he loved it Razz







0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 03:58 pm
Oh Bethie, totally awesome news:

Happy birthday to the BIG guy; almost a teenager!

Izzie, you and Mr ‘G’; It’s Gus isn’t it?
Oh boy; I knowed it all along. The biggest rodent in the world…That’s the Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris; not Gus!

Don’t do anything I would’nt do; which kinda limits you to the church quire…Or is that a set of 24 or 25 sheets of paper of the same size and quality, equaling one twentieth of a ream?
At least you will be singing from the same sheet!!!

Wishing everyone a great week, if you have a problem; dump it on me as I have plumb run out.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 04:43 pm
Well ,I have an update on Stacy's grandmother.
She has chosen to end her dialysis, and will be going home from the hospital in 9 days.
The doctors have said that she might live about a week, once she goes home.
They say her kidneys have totally shut down.
Needless to say, Stacy is really broken up about that.
She seems to be handling it well right now, but we will see as the end gets closer.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 04:52 pm
sorry to hear this jeff, will keep your family in my thoughts
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 05:00 pm
some new pics from the gardens

poppies are up



columbine is blooming


and the peonies are getting ready to pop (if you look close you can see the ants crawling all over the buds, they love the peonies)


Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 06:02 pm
Morning crew, very nice pictures djjd, spring has really started upo your way it would appear. All well down under at the start of a new week. Just been grocery shopping with Mrs. Beagle, lots of fun, until I had to pay the bill. Smile

Trust your day went well Captain, S-boy looks very happy on the pictures, love his cheeky grin.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 10:01 pm
ive been trying to upload some pics through image shack for teh BIRTHDAY BOY!!!! in vain!!!
Wishing him a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Izziee u r in for trouble Razz in a year ull have to handle a couple of "teen-agers" Razz
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 10:17 pm
Hi verbivore, all well, with the three of you? Wink How is your appetite, improving? About to bake a fresh batch of scones! Have a nice day.
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 10:20 pm
Sad im not able to eat..nething..just not liking anything!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 08:13 am
Hey Jeff - so sorry hun - keep supporting Stacy as best you can. So very sorry your family is having to go thru this. Keep talking mate - whenever you wish and know that we're here listening. (((((((Jeff,Stacy,Conner))))))))
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 08:47 am
Thanku thanku all for S-boys birthday wishes. He went off to school this morning with bags of sweets for the class and a spring in his step. He wanted me to thank everyone for their wishes and a big hug to Bazza for his London card - which is the "coolest card" and looks like "one your photos Mom" - bless you Barry - that was so kind.

Hey (((DjjD))) - oh, your poppies have popped!!!!!!!! Mine haven't yet - but they are HUGE and about to burst. We've got unbelievable torrential rain - roads have been flooded - river's running highighighighigh! They may pop out tomorrow. Got lotsa yellow ones - and all different aquilegia's blooming everywhere - but they're all really taking a battering today. xx

BETHIE - thinking of you and hoping you're relaxing today and still snuggling the dawgs. Keeping everything crossed and sending you all the posivibes possible for Tuesday morning. Believe in you gal.... lots of calm headed across the pond. Love and hugs xx

Vegemite - is our BEAgle teasing you again with his scones!!!!!! It will get easier Little One, hopefully the queasiness and distaste for food will stop soon - it can vary - there will be some foods you won't be able to tolerate at all throughout the 9 months........ and others you will crave. You must tell us if you have some wierd cravings. Just eat little and often - no big meals - and drink lots of water, calming tea. Maybe ask your doc about some vitamins too if you aren't able to eat properly. Can't wait for you to start showing a bump.... you must post us pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, no worries about S-boys birthday pics - will tell him that you said Happy Birthday hunni - no worries Razz Big huge hugs girlie.

(((BEAgle)))- how's you darlin'? How're your heels. Guess what - I have got my appointment with Disablement Services tomorrow to have my new shoooz sorted <reaches for bucket to throw up in> - hey ho - mountains and all!!!!! I wore a little heel over the weekend - ha - my foot is feeling it today. Hoping that whatever they decide to make, they won't be too nasty looking..... yeah yeah, vanity and all that. Oh, to wear my boots again and clomp around. Ha!

BLUE: How are you my love? Ha - Mr Gustavratzenhofer - haven't seen him in a while (uncanny similarity there then a? Razz) - perhaps he will pop onboard - I'm sure he'd be mortified if he thinks we're hooked up! Wink HA! Sooooooooooooo...... hoping life is treating you well and that you're not working too hard. It's so great to see you around. Love the shenanigans thread - place needs a little livening up a? I'd say to keep tossing one in, but then that would make you a tos-sir! <ahem> Come back again when you can - love you here. xox
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 11:05 am
Hey gorgeous crew
FQ Calling to say Happy Birthday to my godson - will call him in a bit to sing again - did you listen to your messages on the phone last night sis? we all sang to S boy?
Anyway - I need to get an update from you Iz on the latest goss with G - not got good vibes at this end - stumbling from your side perhaps? - let me know...

Vbv - Eat what you feel like - even Dutch's scones - they will be delicious - just make sure he sends some over.
Mis - hope you come back on board soon honey - we miss you

Love the photos djjd - beautiful flowers - even my garden is starting to look happier.
Went out at the weekend and bought a beautiful Japanese Acer - we have a big tearracotta pot and we are going to bury the dog's ashes in there when we collect them from the vets on Weds - Iz has such a beautiful Acer in her garden and Bear dog spent so much time with her that we though that it would be a way to remind us all of him and the happy times - we can then take him with us wherever we may end up.....
Iz - sounds like the weekend was manic - trust R to find out that you were in Molly the Merc last week - feel sad he has reacted like this - but to be expected I guess
Anyway guys - have a good evening - speak soon
FQ xx
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 12:12 pm
Nice name, Razz
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 12:59 pm
Hey Sis

Ha..... you're picking up the vibes without us saying a word a? Laughing. All's OK. Just... ya know.. with G - it's all like it's normal, way full on - as if it were 2 years ago - roses round the door and more - then I think - OMGawd - look what happened last time, and the time before and.... I dunno. Yep, more me stumbling now, than him - or maybe me being very strong right now so nothing can hurt me. I think my defences are still up, won't allow that hurt again. Still a lot on things on his terms - can't go to the house when daughter is there coz she wouldn't like me there... you know. Didn't see him over the weekend coz.......... no idea. He coulda - he didn't - daughter!!!!! - his choices. They drove past the house yesterday so daughter could see where I lived! Shocked Shocked Shocked Funny thing was, apparently Tulip was walking into the house as they passed to pick F-boy up. That confused daughter. They didn't come in, I didn't even know they were gonna drive over - they just drove past so she could see where I lived!! Confused mmmmmmmmmm

Hey ho. I'm gonna carry on my life as I was and give it a day at a time - but I'm not jumping in at the deep end again no matter how much I love him. Also had the conversation about his fears of me getting sick and what I can or can't or will or won't be able to do. Errrr.... OK. Been there, done that! Like, could I do a 10 mile yomp across the moors. I said if I wanted to - I'd do it and nothing would stop me. If I couldn't move for 2 days after - that could be what happens - body payback. Or not - I could be fine. It's an unaswerable question. But whatever I put my mind to - I'd do - not for him - but for me. If I didn't want to yomp - I wouldn't. Nothing to do with if I could or couldn't - I can't put those barriers in my way - else, what's the point?

I'm feeling very good in my head - body is real, real tired tho. Head is EXCELLENT.

R-boy phoned today to tell me he had bought the new eminem CD for S-boy for his birthday - ha, bless him - he knows I can't do anything about it!!!!!!! <won't be being played in my car tho Wink> I asked him if he'd like to come over. He won't.

Ha - answerphone - nah, didn't hear it last nite, we were over with MaMa & PaPa - but did listen just now when I read your post and loved it! <big smile> S-boy is over at his Dad's. He's decided to stayover because... that's what his Dad wants. Call him there sis - same number as before and phone's now connected - he'd love to hear from you. I still have pressies for S-boy here which I was saving for him before bed..... nem'mind - will give them to him tomorrow. He's a happy little fella - had a great day at school.

Oh - I get Molly next week as G needs my car to pick son up from Uni. Ha - me and little fella are gonna take her for a big spin. Now... if I can just figure out how the roof goes down... and back up again when it rains - oh my, can you imagine! She is my baby. I did drive her the other day - you need a real lead foot with her - she's the heaviest car in the world. Love my baby.

Are you coming down for half term???????????????????????????? Thelma and Louise it!

Don't worry about ringing me. I'm really OK- much better than OK but stronger talking here than on the phone. Being oh so brave talking here about this, scares the crap out of me saying this stuff out loud Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 01:00 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
Hey PQ - did you see TKO's thread. He's coming to London!!!! Suggested he PM'd you to see what you were up to. How was the final exam - you all done yet????
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 03:32 pm
OMG IS HE??????
I hope he wants to meet up. Will have a look see, thx izzie xxx
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 03:34 pm
Hi crew, good to catch up with all the gossip this morning, so know what's going on in your world. Izzie heels are ok, walking like an Emu again, going into the City and will be on my feet all day. I'm not going to tell you what I'm having for my specially planned lunch for fear of upsetting Verbivore. Laughing
0 Replies
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 04:00 pm
Oh yes, and my last exam went ok thank you, could have done better but I'm to relieved to have finished to care.
Hope lovely devon is well xxx
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 06:01 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
Good Job PQ - now go and enjoy your summer. Glad you and TKO are yabbering away - reckon you'd have some half and laugh Razz

Off up the apples... later than intended.

Been doing telecon talks.......... OH MY! exhausted - bed and see what tomorrow brings. Work again tomorrow and hospital in afternoon (yuk)

Wishing all a good evening.

BETHIE - thinking of you and hope all goes well tomorrow. Let us know gal. Posivibing here.

Missy - mis you darlin Dixie - hope to see you soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Nite folks xxxxxxxxx

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