Oh BEAgle I was here........... but............... who knows what happened. One minute I was posting and sending a message on facebook- then I woke around 3am - laptop had fallen on the floor, message not sent - went downstairs, found one little boy still awake watching Spiderman or something. Turned it off. Said he needed to sleep. Came back upstairs and the pillow fight started at 6.30am. OOOOOOF!...
Hey ho - they have all traipsed into my bedroom, one carrying my cuppa tea(bless), S-boy with my pain pills and said "thanku for the best birthday ever in the world, i love you mom"...... which in kiddie terms means, thank you and how long before we can get going to the Leisure Park." So the reply was "you're all very welcome, I will get up in a bit and give them a call" after all, it doesn't open for another 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my goodness..... <yawns>
best go jump in the shower........
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh 5 more mins, just 5 more mins.......