Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 11:35 am
Hey hey crew

OH MY! I made it to Essex and am sitting here with FQ (bliss) - got here around 9pm last nite and we talked til 3.30!!!!!! There's a thing. Razz Laughed a lot and FQhubby made us consider ordering multiple supplies of incontinence pads. Roared with laughter - "tits out" - ask no questions, tell no lies. It's been fabulous. Didn't go bed til 4.30am and then SLEPT SLEPT SLEPT!!!!!!!!!! Must've had 7 hours - got up - took it easy - FQ's family visited - I had baby cuddles........... ohhhhhhhhhhhhh this beautiful beautiful little girl - older kiddie was poorly bless her - but we had a fab time and are now chilling.

FQ sends love to all - she's verra sleepy right now. Oh.......... it's been so lovely.

I AM SO HAPPY! Such a great time.

I cannot thank Barry enough for his kindness whilst I visited. Over and beyond - he was very generous and is such a gent. Thanku Bazza. x

Leaving tomorrow to go back home - back to reality.

hey ho!

BLUE - Oh I have missed you! How happy to see you flying by - so near, and yet so far a?! Wink oh oh oh... you are such a GIT. xox x

BEAgle - gosh - well done youhun, you have been keeping the ship afloat here - where in the world is everyone? - busy busy busy by the looks of it. Normality will return tomorrow - will be onboard and we can dance on the deck again love. So glad all is good with you. x

Will try and pop back a little later. Hoping all are OK and enjoying the weekend. Love y'all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 01:54 pm
hey good to hear you are ok and have had a great weekend X
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 02:02 pm
quite the whirlwind weekend miz iz, sounds like lots of fun
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 03:46 pm
Hi Izzie, a beautiful morning here, hope the weather is kind to you too. Nice to hear you made it safely to FQ (say hi & hug please) and having such a fabulous time. Don't rush back to reality, make it last, and above all take care. Wondering about some of you statements, curious but dare not ask but if you roared with laughter it must have been good. Laughing
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 06:15 pm
Oh Oh and Oh

It's been such a lovely day - FQ and hubby have gone to zzzzzz now - bro needs to be up at 5 Shocked and FQ at 6 !!!!!!!!! Moi - will be setting off as and when.

oh, you know, there is no-one in the world that I could sit beside or lie on the floor with comparing who has the most hideous tummy in the world - we have just been non stop blethering and acting like 5 year olds. It's just been the best tonite Razz

and the greatest thing is - it's FQ's birthday on Sunday and she is driving down to Devon on Thursday and we are gonna spend the weekend together.

Daughter J took her photography AS Level today - she thinks it went well - she's such an incredible wee photographer - really has the eye. She's gonna go far in her profession. Daughter A is also back at school so I didn't get to see them this weekend - but hopefully at half term we'll all get to spend time together as a family.

It really has been such a wonderful weekend - I don't want it to end.

Tulip - will call you tomorrow and if you're around will pop in for a cuppa on the way back from here - ping me on my mobile if you're around OK.

DjjD - hope you had a great weekend - how are all the blooms - colourful in your parts now - how are TC and MrFixit - have they settled in to the school house?

BEAgle - ha - you would have roared too - bro has the loudest voice in the world.... it's the only time in FQ's marriage that when he "commands" - she "obeys"..... yeah, not even going there - but boy, I am so proud of my bro and everything he stands for. FQ hugs you back - your ears must've been burning - she has soft spot for the Aussie Boy!

Have missed yabbering with y'all and telling you my every "thing" - but - it's kinda good to get out into the real world and realise I don't have to be a recluse. Feel as tho I just wanna go and meet all of you - you know, people I feel real safe with, not just any folk, but you guys. People I trust and who I can myself with - does that make sense.

oh oh and oh........... 'tis all I can say really - can't wait to start the next chapter now.

Blue - hugging you babe.

Veggie - how are you sweet girl? All OK?

Missy - bet you had a busy time with the folks and parties and all - missed ya smiling face.

RH - you're doing grand - hope Gram came for a visit.

Bethie - holding your hand coz you helped me cross a massive long bridge and set me on a journey ((((((((Bethie, HIM and Hbgrs))))))).

JPB - did you have the best weekend and are you all Jazzed up gal?

Babbling - hope PaPa is steadily improving and you have managed to sort the nursing help required. (((PaPa)) Love to Obill too if you yabber with him.

Indeedee - how are the smunches - oh, I smunched a munchkin today - too beautiful to describe - a wee English rose with the perfect rose bud lips and the biggest shining blue eyes ever. You're so blessed to have littlies around you.

Jw- hope Chi-town is good and Annie is doing well. Please say hello to her from BritAuntyIz!

Stormy - you been baseballing all weekend gal? How goes it????

Big Red Dude- keep studying hun.... you're getting closer now buddy. x

ALEX - my friend... I'm just gonna grab ya, hug you tight, make you a cuppa and talk nature with you..... one day. love ya hun. x

Boida - how's goes "swallowing and snarlamazons" - any luck???

db - keep strong gal and walk walk walk - lots of freshair.

FoxyF - hope all is good with hub and sis and life is being kind to you.

Bazza harbour master- you really are just the utmost gent and I hope one day everyone will get to see how gentle, laid back and kind you are. And yes, Audrey's birtday - how blessed we were to see the exhibition a? Thanku. x

Hoping Jes, Steive, Monty,Dev, RogRag and our divinve Msr F are doing well and all our crew who pop on by for a quick cuppa on the deck... or as the tear arm crosses.

Lovin' yall. Good days... and rests of the week. It's getting on now and I've got a 5 hour drive tomorrow so oughta try and settl.

So don't want the day to end - its been too good.

Nite sweet lovelies and be safe, take care, whatever, wherever. xxxxxxxx Very Happy

apols if I missed anyone............ wee bit fuzzy fooooooooo fah!. Razz
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 07:42 pm
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 10:21 pm
@Barry The Mod,
Wellllll, looks like you had a fantastic time Izzieliz. You are almost bursting out of your skin. Good on you!!! Sounds like Bazza really looked after you and then to spend time with FQ and her family.

Wel, I have been doing sleep-over baby sitting for son for their two girls. Phew!! But this Saturday night have to do a sleep-over babysit for daughter and her two which means (((horror))) midnight feed!!! And it's Mother's Day on Sunday!! Oh well, one mother (daughter) will be happy.

Hope everyone is well and hugs to all.
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 02:26 am
izziiee happy to see ur smile Smile guess u had a rocking time with FQ & family..my regards to FQ..
hi DDx...and a hi there to BEAgle..who might be busy munching smthing Razz
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 03:17 am
Morning All

hey Bazza - how's the daytime wakening going? Razz Hope all's OK - thanku again hun - give the Fredster a love from me. x

Indeedee - oh, bedtime smunches - takes me back - having held this little baby over the weekend and taken a million and twentynine Razz photos of her, I did do some serious ooooooooooooohing and ahhhhhhhhhhhhing. Bless her - she was equisite. Glad daughter is having a break - but ohhhh - you're gonna be tired! Lovely tired tho. x

Vegemite - how's you girlie a? how are you feeling - all going good????????????????????? hugs and hugs. x

Well, I'm sitting here not going anywhere fast. Bro left suited and booted at 6 and FQ left over 3 hours ago and still hasn't got to work - M25 is snarled and she's been in stop start traffic (ugh) - so, havta wait here for another hour before heading out - looks like it could be a 5-6 hour journey Shocked or longer - OOOOF. Horrendous. It's raining too - so, not gonna be the best of journeys but havta get back in time to pick the little fella up from the school bus. mmmmmmmmm. Hey ho - it's been a fab weekend - so, little bit of music, bag of Pear Drops and away.......... first of all, gotta find my car, bro parked it up the road SOMEWHERE - ha - that should be fun trying to find it! Very Happy

wishing everyone a great day - love and hugs y'all x
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 04:47 am
Have a safe trip home Izzie, catch up when you're back.

Verbivore, tea and scones with strawberries and cream in front of me. Wink
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 09:25 am
thanku BEAgle... home - safe and sound - knackered - gone bed... woosh!

(sorry Tulip - couldn't stop by - just soooooooooo tired - call ya later) x
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 11:28 am
Thank you for the warm hug Izzie. Tea is on me. Homegrown blackberry,...and sage. Perfect blend. Hot or on ice.

Hello crew.

Tuesday. Whose-day. Certainly not mine. Responsibilities, commitments.

Midnight blue metallic, air cooled, pushrod, Power Plus 105ci engine. Closed loop, sequential, port injection with heated oxygen sensors
Six speed transmission. Can not wait.

Off and running. Good day.
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 12:19 pm
Darlin' Alex - thanku - hot tea please

for you love

maybe this?

<Note: no pickles were harmed during the making> Wink

or perhaps a little of this

ENJOY! Very Happy

Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 04:07 pm
Morning Izzie, happy to see you home safe and sound, haven't had much sleep yet, have you? How far is the trip from FQ to home? Little fella happy to see you, I'll bet he was! Now we want to see some pictures of the highlights of your trip, no doubt you made a few...... Smile

What are you talking about Alex, are you becoming a 'bikie'? Just the other day nearly a thousand 'bikies', Hells Angels, Bandido's, Rebels and a host of others, roared past my house on a protest run. They are being outlawed in this Country and they don't like it.

That was a quick edit Izzie. Laughing
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 04:13 pm
Hey BEAgle -looks like there's a lot folksies away on shoreleave - or we've anchored up. Hope are all OK. I am wasted- need to sleep now - double tabs and got be up at 6.30 for the school run. Cant keep my eyes open to yabber - so.............. aplogies darling, I'ma off to bed Have so many pics but no hance to download yet.

Work in the morning.

Gotta go - whooooooooooooooooozing.

love ya BEAgle. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 04:15 pm
Good night Izzie, have a good rest, we'll talk in the morning. (((Izzie)))
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 05:05 pm
Harbour Master here.
Captain,during your absence,I arranged for your ship to have a re-paint and be rigged with new sails and ropes.Hoping this aids your journey.
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 10:24 pm
@Barry The Mod,
I have a feeling the paint smell is putting everybody off, haven't seen anybody all day. Laughing
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 10:57 pm
hiya izziee im fine..u seem to be 'on the move' eh? hows Sboy? & Rboy?
wheres mismi/? busy wit baseball i guess?
dutchyy...i was nt nearing...not bcoz the painsmell..but th smell of ur scones!!
not able to eat nething..literally not enjoying one morsel of nething i eat!!
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 11:33 pm
Hi verbivore, nice for dropping by, sorry to hear you don't feel like eating. May be a happy sign? Wink

Haven't seen mismi, hope she is ok.
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