Morning Lovely Crew
Oh...................... it's so fab to be here.
We stayed up til 4am - then, I was a little woozy so slept for about 5.5 hours - RESULT!....
now I am Mrs WideAwake and Bazza, bless him, he's nocturnal (I've thrown his routine out the window), he snoozed on the sofa but has now gone to bed for a couple hours before we hit London. oohoohoh - so excited.... so this is what we are going to do - can't tell you how excited I am ...
we are going to Greenwich Village and doing a little people watching and pottering there, then we,re getting a boat up the Thames to the city (yay yay yay - haven't done that since I lived here - 20+ years ago - and
drum roll
can hardly contain myself
oh, gonna explode....
we are going to the Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe photographic exhbition - which is not happening anywhere else in the world. OH, Bazza is into photos too (no, really!!!!

) and... well, this is such a fabulous thing to do. He has the most beautiful print of Audrey Hepburn... oh.... so excited.
Anyhoo - then, who knows, might catch a moive or..... who knows... yet - but I am in the best and safe company here - Baz knows I'm a little nervous about being around so many people - but he'll make me keep it in perspective.
I was whistling a duet with one of his neighbours thismorning - would you believe - Waltzing Matilda - dunno where the person was but it did make me chuckle a bit. Me, talk to anyone, whistle with anyone. Happy days.
Had a bit of incident with a hairbrush - lost it here - panic - had just washed my hair and NO HAIRBRUSH - OMGAWD - now, it was in such an obvious place, the back of the bathroom door on the coat hook. errrrrrrrrrr... I swear I am losing my mind.... ha... lost my mind.
Feeling very happy right now - got Lonestar on and sitting quiet thinking how lucky I am this very moment. It's gonna be a great day. Barry is a delight - feeling very comfortable here - it's great to feel so comfortable with someone you've never met - I do need to try and be a bit quieter tho - he'll have had enough of me after 24 hours - HA!!!!!!!!!!!
DjjD - love the fleurs - what a difference in a week - beautiful! And Granny's S&P cellars - gorgeous! Love them! Have a great weekend hunni x
Bethie - hugs lovely - so glad you're here with me in London - can feel ya hand in mine

BEAgle - where are you darling - sent you a message - hope all is OK - love you. xxxx
Rock - hope work went well - thinking of you - we were sending you lots of vibes last nite. xx