Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 03:48 pm

sooo glad to hear that you were ready to go, with good plans and alternates

I sure wish I could be there being blonde with you (I don't have to be blonde to be blonde, do I?)

Hands on the wheel, hands OFF the camera!
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 04:45 pm
hey hey crew





so............ driving thru London was hysterical - LOVED IT - not a bridge in sight, not a drop of the River Thames - dagnabbit - how did that happen - no idea - got completely lost..


who knows what a diagonal right is then.... who the heck calls it diagonal right.... anyway, its half a left - coz my car went in whichever direction had the least cars...

suffice it to say - there were some folk not too happy with me... but it was good fun once the fear wore off


we're here drinking tea with the Fredster cat

Bazza is wonderful - truly a gent and I haven't been quiet since I got here

first thing... tea

second... p


way too much detail!

so, we will natter and no doubt be back later

later y'all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 04:50 pm
Yay Yay Yay

hugs R excellent!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 04:56 pm
out in the gardens

0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 05:05 pm
should i post pics of my incredibly politically incorrect salt and pepper shakers?

they were on a shelf at my grandmothers house for as long as i can remember, i took them when we cleaned her house out after her death

here goes

Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 05:08 am
Morning Lovely Crew

Oh...................... it's so fab to be here.

We stayed up til 4am - then, I was a little woozy so slept for about 5.5 hours - RESULT!....

now I am Mrs WideAwake and Bazza, bless him, he's nocturnal (I've thrown his routine out the window), he snoozed on the sofa but has now gone to bed for a couple hours before we hit London. oohoohoh - so excited.... so this is what we are going to do - can't tell you how excited I am ...

we are going to Greenwich Village and doing a little people watching and pottering there, then we,re getting a boat up the Thames to the city (yay yay yay - haven't done that since I lived here - 20+ years ago - and

drum roll

can hardly contain myself

oh, gonna explode....

we are going to the Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe photographic exhbition - which is not happening anywhere else in the world. OH, Bazza is into photos too (no, really!!!! Rolling Eyes ) and... well, this is such a fabulous thing to do. He has the most beautiful print of Audrey Hepburn... oh.... so excited.

Anyhoo - then, who knows, might catch a moive or..... who knows... yet - but I am in the best and safe company here - Baz knows I'm a little nervous about being around so many people - but he'll make me keep it in perspective.

I was whistling a duet with one of his neighbours thismorning - would you believe - Waltzing Matilda - dunno where the person was but it did make me chuckle a bit. Me, talk to anyone, whistle with anyone. Happy days.

Had a bit of incident with a hairbrush - lost it here - panic - had just washed my hair and NO HAIRBRUSH - OMGAWD - now, it was in such an obvious place, the back of the bathroom door on the coat hook. errrrrrrrrrr... I swear I am losing my mind.... ha... lost my mind.

Feeling very happy right now - got Lonestar on and sitting quiet thinking how lucky I am this very moment. It's gonna be a great day. Barry is a delight - feeling very comfortable here - it's great to feel so comfortable with someone you've never met - I do need to try and be a bit quieter tho - he'll have had enough of me after 24 hours - HA!!!!!!!!!!! Razz

DjjD - love the fleurs - what a difference in a week - beautiful! And Granny's S&P cellars - gorgeous! Love them! Have a great weekend hunni x

Bethie - hugs lovely - so glad you're here with me in London - can feel ya hand in mine Wink xox

BEAgle - where are you darling - sent you a message - hope all is OK - love you. xxxx

Rock - hope work went well - thinking of you - we were sending you lots of vibes last nite. xx
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 05:25 am
Hi Izzie, great to hear you're having a lovely time, make the most of it. Beagle has been a busy boy hence I haven't been around. All well down under, no worries. Have been to Greenwich Village so know where you are. Maybe I'll catch you tomorrow.
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 05:41 am
Hey BEAgle - hugs and love to you. xxxxxxxxxxxxx



(i think he's gonna be 6, right?...)

Thinking of you Dixie gal and hope he has a lovely day and party and all is better with you. How long are the inlaws staying. love you Mis x
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 03:09 pm
glad you are having a good weekend Izzie X
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 04:32 pm
Good evening Tulip, nice of you to drop by, how are things going in the new surroundings? Have a great weekend too.
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 05:22 pm
I AM SO TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a fab time - took a boat up the Thames, went and saw the sights, took loadsa pics, went and saw the photo exhibition - just how beautiful was Audrey Hepburn a? - Covent Garden - excellent London cabbie - caught the train back to Bazza's and.... oooooooooof - KNACKERED. Just watched a movie and shortly I will be zzzzzzzzing.

Bazza says - "I don't know what to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

hey BEAgle - hope you have a great Sunday.

Tulip - are you still awake??? If so, call my mobile if you're up for a chat. Tried calling you yesterday - will call you in the morning girl. Take care OK.
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 05:28 pm
Please to hear you've had a fabulous time sofar Izzie, now have good rest and sleep well. Good night.xx
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 06:44 pm
Oh it has been wonderful - perfect weather - the sights, as always, are something to behold and I achieved heaps - very woozy now should stop posting - but all in all, a huge thanku to Barry who has been the kindest gentleman and has looked after me brilliantly. He's a cockney fella - would not let me pay for a thing - tomorrow I am taking him to visit an Aston Martin garage - will see what becomes of that! hahahahahahahah... oh the loveliest laugh of the day was seeing the HaHa Bar Grill. So our sort of place.

K -signing off - fuzzy. Gotta zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x

Love y'all

Thanku Barry so much for being so kind and caring. x
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 09:52 pm
Hi Izzie, Dutchy, and all youse onboard.

Just wanted to say hey. Today was a good day, not too many aches and pains. Can't say about tomorrow though. I am walking every day, rain or shine with my doggies (hubby too)

Wondering how to keep this wig looking 'real' for the next several months. The bangs seem to get frizzy after awhile. This is my second hair piece. Don't know what I do to them! Damn Barbie doll hair!

Izzie, you're on a grand adventure! So glad you are feeling well and having fun!
Dutchy, how is your foot? Are you getting about better now?
Mismi, how are you? Keeping up with all those boys, etc? Soon will be summer - do things slow down for you then?

See you all later. Will quit while I'm ahead Smile and get some sleep, maybe.
Hubby is watching Borat on TV - I call him Boring. He thinks he's funny???
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 11:07 pm
Hi Dianne, lovely to see you on this beautiful Sunday afternoon downunder. Glad you too are having a good day and are getting around with doggies and hubby in tow. Keep it up my dear and don't worry about that hair, nobody is taking any notice. Smile

Foot is getting better thanks Bathy, had pads fitted to my shoes earlier in the week making things a lot easier. pain almost gone. Pop in again soon. (((Dianne)))
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 03:46 am
Morning crew,it's 10:45 Sunday morning and your Captain is still asleep.Looks like today's plans have gone out of the window.Oh well,couldn't afford an Aston Martin anyway! Soooooo,gonna take her for a Pub lunch before the next leg of her journey.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 04:07 am
@Barry The Mod,
Hi Barry the Mod, thank you for looking after the Captain, it sounds she is in good hands. Enjoy your pub lunch, had one myself today. Cheers Drunk
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 05:46 am
Hey Hey Crew

db - great to see you gal - glad today has been a better day - hey, whatabout Frizeez or a condtioning mousse on the bangs, or a hair repair - I reckon they may work on wigs too - worth a try. Keep walkin' gal - and pop on board whenever you can. Hugs.

BEAgle - glad the heels are doing better and hope Sunday has been a goodun. x

Well, I've struggled a little this morning - only just getting going really - body is so useless. Slept a good 7-8 hours - was totally exhausted beyond belief, haven't done so much since..... Texas - and my joints are letting me know about it today. However, the weather is great so we are going to get out and about in a bit - then, driving on up to FQ's in Essex and staying there tonite and Monday nite.

Ooooooooooooof - painkillers kicking in, so here goes. Barry is being very patient with me - he must be so tired too coz his whole schedule has been thrown up in the air and bless him, he's been sleeping on the sofa - so, he won't have got much sleep. Ha - he doesn't whine as much as me - in fact, he hasn't complained once - even when I took my makeup off - poor sod! hahahaha. Very generous and kind man - oh, he'll hate me for saying that again - but really he is.

Gosh, this A2K family really are amazing. Have great days everyone. Mis - hope Gbaby had a wonderful time. Love y'all. x Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 02:50 pm
I can’t speak for Warren Buffett, but then he didn’t have the kinda day I did…

I had the choice; take a stopover in Paris France, and get to eat my favorite burger at McDonald’s 184, Rue Rivoli " you know the one right opposite the Jardin des Tuileries. Boy those French sure know how to make fries; ceptin they call them pommes frites!

But no! I choose London Heathrow; to make a surprise call on Lzzie! I get through customs in like five minutes and then this official stands up and looks me straight in the chest and said, “Are you wearing an endangered species? I replied, “A Stetson may be rare in these here parts but you would have to ask John B. Stetson Company of St. Joseph, Missouri iffin they were endangered”. He said, “I am referring to your alligator boots!” I said, Heck no! Everybody wears them in Abilene.”

Once outside I called a cab and asked to be taken to Devonshire. “I am only licensed for 20 miles from Charring Cross” He said. Ok, take me to the boarder and I’ll walk from there!

Little did I know that I was still some 150 miles from the moors, so I hired a car, but wait…they all drive on the wrong side of the road!!! So to avoid being hit I had to reverse all the way there. When I finally got to a village post office I asked if they knew where Izzie lived. I was somewhat surprised when they said they had not heard of her! I said, “Man you must be out in the sticks here; everybody on A2K knows of her!”

Just then I saw one of her postcards! I said, “That’s her, I need to find her address.” Straight away the guy was in defense mode, “Why?” Quick as a flash I said, Coz she is my mom!”. A nano second later I realized my mistake…I should have said, “She is my daughter!” Still, the sight of me crying was enough for him to point me in the right direction.

By and by and with my heart pumping like the exhaust from a 1949 John Deere B tractor, I knocked on the glass dragon fly fronted door…To be greeted by…strangers!!! Oh my they said, she has gone to visit with Rod the mod in London, he lives the other side of Heathrow! Oh well, I still have a stack of great picture postcards. Enjoy your trip Izzie.

After starlet Brooke’s salutary words; I’m off to Ohio…I will swing by about eight babe, put on your best Daisy Dukes and we will party like it was 1984!

Glad to see you are getting some fresh air Diane " keep going.

Wonderful news Veggy; amazing what you can get on eBay nowerdays!

Spring has sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder how dear Dutchy iz?

Greetings to all the rest of the crew, and happy birthday to ‘G’ boy!
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 03:07 pm
Well, well look what the wind just blew in, our long lost friend tryagain, welcome back. You'll have to do some more reversing if you want to catch up with Izzie old son, right now she's travelling north to see her soul sister FlavourQueen. Smile

Just for info, all well down under and getting back on my feet. Great to see you escaped the 'swine flu', really amazed, as I know you frequent the Mexican highlands. Hasta la proxima vez, adios amigo. Laughing

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