ooooooooooooooooookay.... I haven't left yet!

just got the little fella off and then have to get housesitters sorted - they're running late!!!!!!!
now, I knows a couple folk are worried - so, the plan is - get in car - crank up the volume - sing the 60's, little bit of Leona, little bit of Lee Mead and the driving Power Ballads very loudly so Bazza knows I'm on my way - and IF, IF, IF I can't manage the journey (no idea what my foot is gonna be like but I will be braced up) - then I shall pull off the motorway and stay in a Travelodge overnite and continue on in the morning.
Hopefully tho, in about 6 hours, I will be back to tell you I am there and all is ticketyboo.
Oil is check. Tyres are check. CD's are check.
Now, it should take between 4.5 and 5 hours - according to google - but that doesn't take into account any blonde moments, arguements with the SatNav or "ooooohing" and "aahhhhhhhing" as I drive thru the centre of London in the dark (yep, Baz, I'm doing the London drive thru, not the South Circular) - I gotta see those bridges and drive across... will fit in as many as I can - HA! No doubt, I may cross London Bridge twice!
So, leaving as soon as folksies arrive here - hopefully in the next hour.
Love y'all and catch y'all in LONDON!
edit: oh, might need diesel.... DOH!
(how excited am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)?