was so hoping to have slept.... <note to self I.MUST.UNPLUG.THE.PHONE.WHEN.I.GO.UPSTAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!>
hey ho - have too much pain in my tummy right now to sleep anyway.
good news is.... the Post Office called and all my cards have sold and please can I take up some more a.s.a.p. - yay! That's a bit happy! Best go make some then a?
Now... as for my excitement - which is so not good for my tummy - the plan is to go ship to shore and pay a visit to one of the best cities in the world, meet up and stay with a very good mate onboard and take in a few of the sights. It's also FQ PaPa's birthday so I then plan to drive up to Essex to stay with FQ and then onto Norfolk and possibly do a little more visiting, driving back down on Tuesday for work on Wed. I've arranged for someone to stay at the house with the cats and dawgs and all that - so that is sorted if I can make this happen
At the moment - certainly not well enough - and I won't go if I'm still in as much pain coz a) it wouldn't be safe and b) the port authority don't need no sickly gal to deal with - BUT......... this would be a really good thing for me to do - or else I will sit in the house for 5 days on my own (little fella is gonna be at his Dad's new house with the horses and the tennis court and his Dad's 50th birthday celebrations which my family will all be part of!!!!!! <ahem - bless>).
So, I'm trying to be incredibly big and brave and make this happen - now..... if the pain would just settle - NO WORRIES - LONDON, here I come!
(if I can't go, that will be OK too - I have a cottage industry to forge ahead with hohoho!

No, really, if I can't do it, then I will do it in at half term as we'll be off school for 9 days and I should feel a lot better by then - so, not gonna get upset if the plan doesn't happen <really really really hope to do this tho!>
<goes off in search of some double sided tape...>