Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 07:47 am
Hi Izzie you sound excited, better fill us in with the nitty gritty, you have awakened my curiosity. Off to bed now. Good night, catch you in the morning.
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 10:25 am

was so hoping to have slept.... <note to self I.MUST.UNPLUG.THE.PHONE.WHEN.I.GO.UPSTAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!>

hey ho - have too much pain in my tummy right now to sleep anyway.

good news is.... the Post Office called and all my cards have sold and please can I take up some more a.s.a.p. - yay! That's a bit happy! Best go make some then a?

Now... as for my excitement - which is so not good for my tummy - the plan is to go ship to shore and pay a visit to one of the best cities in the world, meet up and stay with a very good mate onboard and take in a few of the sights. It's also FQ PaPa's birthday so I then plan to drive up to Essex to stay with FQ and then onto Norfolk and possibly do a little more visiting, driving back down on Tuesday for work on Wed. I've arranged for someone to stay at the house with the cats and dawgs and all that - so that is sorted if I can make this happen Shocked

At the moment - certainly not well enough - and I won't go if I'm still in as much pain coz a) it wouldn't be safe and b) the port authority don't need no sickly gal to deal with - BUT......... this would be a really good thing for me to do - or else I will sit in the house for 5 days on my own (little fella is gonna be at his Dad's new house with the horses and the tennis court and his Dad's 50th birthday celebrations which my family will all be part of!!!!!! <ahem - bless>).

So, I'm trying to be incredibly big and brave and make this happen - now..... if the pain would just settle - NO WORRIES - LONDON, here I come!

(if I can't go, that will be OK too - I have a cottage industry to forge ahead with hohoho! Razz No, really, if I can't do it, then I will do it in at half term as we'll be off school for 9 days and I should feel a lot better by then - so, not gonna get upset if the plan doesn't happen <really really really hope to do this tho!> Very Happy

<goes off in search of some double sided tape...>
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 02:18 pm
Hoping all your plans work out with great smoothness and providing much joy, but why does you tummy hurt Hon?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 03:30 pm
Izzie, What's wrong with your stomach? Oy. Cogitate on the finance stuff. Decide what's best for you.

Had my computer repaired today from afar. I linked into some kinda work area, and the geek (the name of the repair company uses the word geek) maneuvered around in my computer while he was far away. What a strange world. He ended up not charging me. Smile Why? I know this guy since he was seven. He was supposed to show up in the flesh and cancelled at the last minute (glad I didn't clean on his account). And I think all the whispering got to him. Whatever the reason, the machine works, I didn't clean, and I didn't pay.

Get better, Izzie! That's an order. Whispered, but emphatic.
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 03:49 pm
Hey hey FF and Boida....

<I have an ulcer but I have meds for it now and the doc says it should feel a lot better soon... side effect of meds and ... internalising stuff is not helping... hurts like <ahem>... A LOT! nasty nasty> Thanku - all should be fine soon.

HEY HO! I've been making photo cards!!!!! Great distraction. That was quite exciting getting a phone call to say they needed more - they took about 50 or so - so that's pretty coco a?

I seem to have lost another day that has disappeared all too quickly, but it's good being busy.... I do a little, come back to A2K, do a little more, back to A2K, do something else, back onto A2K - no discipline whatsoever Razz Love it! Tomorrow I am going to make a concerted effort to do all the things I need to do BEFORE I GO AWAY (she says confidently) ..... oh scratch that already - I have the meeting with Social Services and the BigBoy at lunchtime - ugh ugh ugh. Nem'mind - it will be good to see R, I hope.

BOIDA - glad you got the computer sorted - isn't it amazing how folk can remote in to your computer - bit scary too actually - I had Norton do that a while back (in fact, they need to do it again as I can't download the software, oh Rolling Eyes another job to do which I've been putting off) - but it is all a bit clever, isn't it. Even better - FREE OF CHARGE - happy days! So how is the whispering going - can I add a little more green for a couple of snarls yet????????

<goes to make a cuppa............... yes, another one>! Very Happy
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 04:53 pm
Morning (evening for you ) Izzie. Firstly congratulations with the success of the sale of your cards, I'm not surprised, all your pictures have been masterpieces and stunning. I want one now, and signed!!

Ulcer not so good, take good care of yourself with that one Captain, a dose of antibiotic is that what you're taking for it? Hope the pain will reduce and you can make that planned trip to London and Essex. Should be wonderful if you're able to do it.

Have a great lunchtime meeting with big-boy.
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 05:15 pm
Hey BEAgle....

your wish is my command Wink

mmmmm... nope, not antibiotics - omeprazole for a couple months - should do the trick and sort me out - no probs. It's felt a little better earlier, OK even - but, zzzzing time now and it's not so good at the moment.

Milk - going to get some milk!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 05:21 pm
Izzie, if it is a duodenal ulcer (most common kind), and the pain is really tough, try an ice pack applied to the area of the pain. Put some clothing or a thin towel or something between the ice pack and tummy though--you don't want to injure the tissue. It really does help. (Hubby had one years ago that gave him fits. It went away when he quit smoking, but that's probably not an issue for you. Smile)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 07:12 pm
Izzie wrote:
good news is.... the Post Office called and all my cards have sold and please can I take up some more a.s.a.p. - yay! That's a bit happy! Best go make some then a?

good news! let's have another round of that eh

Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 07:55 pm
Hello Crew!

Long day. Good day though. Not staying on long...peeking my head in and giving hugs to all my sweet friends here.

Iz - seriously - take care of yourself...I am constantly throwing up my hands here lately with all of this stuff. Don't make me come over there...

Hiya Bethie!

K....I am flat as a pancake tonight. Not firing on all cylinders.

Going to lay down! Nitey Nite!
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 08:18 pm
Hi to all. Thought you might like to see some pics of the easter egg hunt (finally downloaded them off the camera). In order : No. 1 granddaughter, No. 2 granddaughter, No. 1 grandson and last No. 1 granddaughter holding No. 3 granddaughter.


Izzieliz - wow, sold all your cards - good on you. I knew you would do well - you have such a talent. Hope your ulcer eases.

Missy, hope you are feeling better.

First frost here this morning really, cold, but has turned out a lovely afternoon.

Hugs to all the crew.
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 09:40 pm
Thanks for the pictures ddxx, a lovely crew, you will have your hands full from now on.

Almost 70mm of rain here of late, more tomorrow, hope you're getting some. Able to do some work in my veggie patch and get things ready for planting.

You're doing well in J/P. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 10:16 pm
Izzie wrote:

So how is the whispering going - can I add a little more green for a couple of snarls yet????????

<goes to make a cuppa............... yes, another one>! Very Happy

An ulcer! Sorry to hear this, kiddo. Not surprised. You've had enough pain and aggravation to be ulcerized. Feh.

Not even a dewdrop of additional green. Silent snarls and whispered words. Throwing in another feh.
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 10:41 pm
No, Beagle no rain here just frosty morning and lovely day. Hopefully we may get some in the next day or two.
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2009 03:30 am
Morning All......

oh great yabberings - look at those darling smunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WONDERFUL Indeedee Very Happy

I gotta dash - school sister rang and little fella is poorly, needs to come back from school. Errrrrrrrr.... fitting in the rest of the day is going to problematic - oof! Meeting in less that 2 hours - so have to get MaMa pick S-boy up and also have to get to the Post Office which is closing at lunch time, and be in the town for BigBoy for heap big teepee cafuffle.

((((Missy)))) - feel better soon gal

Best get off and try and sort stuff. Catchy'all when I can. Love y'all - have great days. x
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2009 04:29 am
Good morning Izzie, please take your time and don't rush so much, think of your ulcer. Wishing you a happy day. (((Izzie)))
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2009 04:33 am
Where did the last hour go.......

late..... gotta get to the PO and back over in the other direction and be there by 12.30 - ooooof.... and get little fella picked up from ... i don't yet - darn mobiles -no signal here

off.... whoosh and GONE

Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2009 06:05 am
For crying out loud girlie, slow down.......... Smile
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2009 11:19 am
sssssssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooowwwwwwed... to a stop - it's 6pm already.... HOW!!!

anyhooooooooooo £83.65 Shocked for the cards - after they took their 40% - (yep, %age is high but they are a nice old couple) AND they threw in a pot of MANUKA HONEY Shocked when they heard I had a poorly tummy - apparently it's meant to be good for tummies (ugh - honey, eeeeeuw - I iz not a bee - but - will give it a try Razz) - maybe with some milk.

Then - went to the meeting - that was errrrrrrr.... OK ish - usual apologies and platitudes - ha - R makes me laugh - he's so protective of the "staff" and quite the opposite to me - "why should you care, you put me there" sorta thing. However, some good came of it - I said that I hoped to go away in the summer with S-boy and it'd be nice if he would join us - he said "yep - can we go to the US so I can seek out Eminem?" .... mmmmm.... not quite what I had in plan - but, he's up for going away so we discussed the passport issues (being he's a US citizen and the rigmarole/beaurocracy of UK voluntary care placement - nightmare paperwork to sort out) with Social Services and the House - and we'll see what we can arrange. Still not sure if we'll be East or West yet - West will certainly be the much safer option if R-boy is with us - but, I'm not worried in that way - he's grown up a lot. Heck - he'll be nearly 17!

So then - S-boy is home off school and ... not "proper" poorly - he's not overly happy about my possibly going away for a few days - and he's not used to me leaving the house but he did the "you're always going away" guilt trip with me - errrr.... yep, last year took him to Texas and before my surgery last year I went to Bristol with FQ for one night. Hey ho. I did set him straight on that score and he seems to be alright now.

Still not sure I'm gonna do it yet - but am feeling a lot better today than yesterday and I really wanna do this.

K - back to the chores and gonna try and get an early nite in tonite - work on the morrow. Very Happy S-boy is calling so gotta go.

Hope crew are doing well - Missy, how ya feeling gal???

Lovin' y'all x
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2009 11:56 am
I am in WORK mode...but I wanted to let you know sweet Iz and DeeDee - I am fine...my teeth aren't hurting anymore from the infected sinuses and I slept all night long...I feel like a new woman today.

I am getting some stuff done.

Iz - I am so pleased your cards are selling well. Isn't that something like $4o? I think that is amazing! Though I am not surprised...your pictures are every bit as good if not better than what I see other places.

I got crafty and made a little nap mat for one of my little girls at work. It is pink with brown polka dots - it has a pillow and a blanket all attached....kind of like a sleeping bag but not as heavy duty and very girly - how often do I get to do something like that? She was so happy...kept rolling it and unrolling it and hugging it. Sweet baby. Ooooo I love those babies. I have to make two more for my other two babies. Can't leave one out!

Okay - R spending some time with you this summer will be great - though I know hard. You cannot worry (though I know you do) about his little barby words. He is frustrated obviously and knows he can take it out on you - because you love him. I know he knows that Iz...I KNOW IT.

(((IZZIE))) -

Back to work - I have much to do before Saturday. My house is yucky. I have been washing baseboards and door facings today - I almost feel like I did when I was nesting when I was pregnant...no - not pregnant - I must be having sympathy nesting issues for Verby! ((Verby))

How's the foot Dutch?

DeeDee - those are beautiful babies...I would love to be squeezing that baby. adorable.

Brooke - tell us how you are hun when you have a chance - you are still in my thoughts and prayers as well as your family - Sis, Dad, Mom all...

Bethie - Set made a yummy dinner last night...he's good for something anyway Wink

OKAY - vibrating gotta go get out this excess energy - see's y'all latah!


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