Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 08:42 am
I am a little better Iz - thank you. A little fuzzy headed. I just woke up! It's 9:30AM - I NEVER sleep that late. Of course I got up and got the kids off to school..but went back to bed - I NEVER go back to bed. The right side of my face is not hurting right now which is an improvement!

Oh Izzie, I know you are scared to take on a new job. I am praying that you have a peace about whatever it is you decide to do. You will be great if you do it. If you decide it is better not to...that will be fine too I am sure. Hope the Dr's visit goes well this afternoon.

I am going to get myself a cuppa as well...
hugs hun,
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 08:59 am
Glad you're feeling a little better today hun - try not to wear yourself out with a busy day. Enjoy your cuppa.

Off for a bit now - will catch y'all later, if I can. x
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 01:05 pm
Hello Izzie. Tuesday. You may indeed count for others, can always count on us, we certainly count on you.
Mismi. I must of missed something. Why the sore right side of face?

Leaving a path of fire and destruction.

Other then that, all is well. Good day.
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 01:41 pm
Hey Crew

Well........ my goodness gracious me!

Sometimes " you just see something and then another piece to the puzzle is found

I’ve been chasing rainbows!

Had a good long talk with the GP and... well, everything makes sense tho there’s no easy solution " a past can’t be undone, my decisions can’t be redecided " it is what it is " I need to believe I am not a bad person "which I’m not but...it’s hard to live with the BigBoy decision I took " rightly or wrongly, judging myself is harsher than what others do. Things bubble beneath the surface " eventually they find a way to seep through. Hence, overload, blackouts and chronic insomnia " tho I am happy enough in myself " euphoric to a point " provided I don’t think about the past and that and those which hurt me and I need to stop allowing other's behaviour to wear me down. Mmmmm....easy to say. I need to change some of my heavy duty pain and sleeping meds over a long time frame - which, along with the “underlying bubbling of past events” " all needs to be addressed " which I will do with the GP’s watchful eye.

First tho, I need some major sleep " which means knock out drops so that I do sleep. The lack of sleep is the first step. The reasoning is sound " tho I don’t like much having to be reasonable about these meds. There is a plan of action " but it’s gonna take some time. I will be doozy for a while longer so that I can still work " then, come the summer holidays " the plan will be actioned. I start tomorrow nite with being "knocked out"!

So, as I left the GP " the heavens opened " huge hailstorm and big sunshine!!!!! I got drenched. It felt good. I got in the car and started heading home...

Then this... (wee camera in car)









Little bit of cloud, little bit of sunshine " great big rainbow. Kinda sums it up really. Alex... sharing my rainbow with you " rain will put out the fire and pot of gold to cover up the destruction. ((Alex))

Wishing our Rock all the best with his culinary skills - good onya Rock!!!! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 01:49 pm
Izzie - that is gorgeous. I just got back from the doc myself - have antibiotics and a warning to get more sleep myself. Though as you know Iz- easier said than done. Have my own little sleeping pills to take now...it's not ambien, it's something else...but it is suppose to help me sleep and NOT WAKE UP...that's my problem - I can go to sleep - I just wake up at 2:ooAM and can't go back. Drives me insane. But all in all can't (shouldn't) complain (but do)

Well sweet Iz...sounds like you have a plan. That has to feel good. Glad he is addressing the sleeping issue - that will help. God bless you sweet friend. You have a lot on your plate. But I hope that the sleep will set some of it to rights - then you can sort through the rest on a day by day basis (easier said than done I KNOW! Wink_ Hugs love you...

got to go clean - in laws coming in a bit...my house...well just won't say it. Maybe they won't notice! Razz

'nother game tonight...4 more left...we beat the pants off this team first time we played them...but they have found their game and after 4 wins in a row - we have some big headed kids...we'll see how they do. It's just a game - though a great one!

Love y'all....
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 04:21 pm
Love a rainbow. Enjoy the same (forget the cleaning) - lots of water wih the anitbiotics and an early nite. love you x

I am doing the same- can't keep eyes open - taking the usual and doubled... have to be up at 6.45..... need to go now -e eyes are closingl

Love y'all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 04:22 pm
Good Night Dear...sweet dreams
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 04:38 pm
Arrived just in time to wish you goodnight Izzie, late myself for once, woke up at 7.30am! Be guided by your GP Captain and things will turn out fine, just relax a little, you have so many things on your plate, I sometimes wonder how do you cope with it all. Easier said than done I suppose. Smile

Same goes for you mismi, you appear to have an extremely busy life too but with threee little ones it is probably forced upon you. Hope you both find the solution for a good night's rest as sleep is so important for feeling well. Dr. Beagle has spoken. Smile

Off to have a hearty breakfast. Hugs ladies.
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 06:04 pm
Izzie, I'm so glad you seem to be coming up with some answers. Nobody should have to bear as much as you seem to be carrying. Hope it all comes clear.

mismi, (both of you, really) that "waking at 2" pattern seems to be associated with not enough calcium in the diet. It's worth a shot.

(waves to the rest of the crew)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 07:08 pm
busy day, just said goodbye to tai chi, mr fix-it and #2 son

had a nice day, went to lunch at a very nice restaurant, wander around downtown, back home for more visit and some supper, they're staying with mr fix-it's sister and tomorrow back to home
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 07:12 pm
I sure hope your camera was tuned-up prior to the get-together.

good evening
good morning
good night
good afternoon
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 07:13 pm

too much going on, forgot to get pics
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 07:17 pm
That would have been a nice family gathering djjd, Tai Chi would have enjoyed the day out. Is all your snow gone by now?

Plugging away in the garden after the rain and storm, quite a bit of cleaning up to do. The wet has transformed things overnight, everything is turning to green and the weeds as usual are growing the fastest. Smile

Good morning from downunder ehBeth.
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 07:22 pm
cold today, but the snow is long gone, it was actually almost 30 C this past weekend

good visit, they head home for few days and then up to the schoolhouse for the summer
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 07:26 pm

of course I've just reminded myself that I need to recharge the phone, the camera and the Zen player
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 07:27 pm
G'day Dutchy - always good to see you around the promenade.
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 09:41 pm
izzziieee... as you always say..one day ..at a time...Live today..and jst dnt thnk of those yesterdays..Im positive ull move well enuf..hugs to u dear
BOTH of u..izziee & mismi..im worried that you are resorting to pills for sleep..im sure there are more healthier ways..as spike says..a glass of milk..n th night & "pranayama" or yoga in the morning..
and it is not tough..atleast pranayama is not in the least tough.. it is just a breathing exercise..do resort to more healthier ways that pills..
even a hot oil bath is said to bring u sleep
if not in teh first few days..make it a routine and ull sleep..
well..well..thats all Dr. Verby knows ;P and Ive spoken too Smile
BEAgle ..u still havent stopped muching away have u?
hiya to all of u..Ddx, ehbeth..babbling girl..
WHERE IS DEV?? i guess i have to log in frm home to fb and check with her
Blueboy..do turn out nce in a blue moon! missing ur jokes!
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 09:57 pm
Hi verbivore, your advice to the ladies is good, you obviously talk from experience, and yes I'm still munching, that is good for body and mind too. I don't have to worry like you ladies to look svelte. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Apr, 2009 10:06 pm
hugs to the muffin.

excerpt from the first night on the job...

boss lady:
gee, you've done this before, can you cook breakfast, too?

sure, if we start serving it at 11...

(rimshot here)

I will get paid weekly, verra weakly...

ok, I'm outta here, please tip your servers.
Reply Wed 29 Apr, 2009 07:10 am
hey hey crew

oooooooooooooooh... can't talk right now - been so, so busy at work - need to go lie down quick smart.

Lovely to see y'all yabbering tho - carry on crew - you are the best! Very Happy

<i have plans in the making with a possible trip outside my comfort zone - verra VERRA excited if i can do this.... huge massive mahousive step forward if I can and am well enough - Harbour Master - turn the port lights on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoping to rev up the car and take some shoreleave !> Wink

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