Reply Thu 23 Apr, 2009 09:43 pm
@Tai Chi,
Congrats brooke Smile
mismi....your comment - "I see you being a good mom to either...just made me smile Smile" U said it at the right time Smile
Yeah izzzziiiiieee arrange for the flowers & chocolates & hugs..to come my way as well ;P
Well ..well folks..Im not 100% sure..just a doubt.gt it clarified with a home test ..yet to consult a doc.. I was supposed to travel Kerala tonight..perhas well cancel the plan if things are Positive!! That is a sad thing..but then it maybe for a happy cause!! Since it is not yet positive I have not yet told a single soul!!!!!
Except you folks Smile muahhhhhh izzieee....guess what it is gonna be a capri baby ;P if incase ..it is there Smile a sign we both get along very well with ;PPPPPPP U gotta be the "cyber Godmother" for him/her just incase smething is there.... Smile
Im brimming with excitement/anxiety/fear/happiness..know not what what...all you experienced mothers out there..better mail me all the good things i need to do in ths period Smile
And sorry guys ths was not exactly a cup of tea for you people ..just cudnt help blabbering out the girlie thing Smile)))

Reply Thu 23 Apr, 2009 10:28 pm
Dear verbivore let the Beagle be the first member here to congratulate you if there is going to be a happy event for you and Eby, thrilled for you both. You talk to the girls here as much as you like about it, I'll just sit quietly and listen. Smile I'm certain you're going to get heaps of good advice. So hope your feelings are correct! Izzie a Cyber Godmother she'll be over the moon about that.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 03:04 am
sshhhhhhhhhhh.... i'm at work


OH MY GOODNESS - that is just the very best news to read first thing in the morning - I am delighted for you and Eby.... SERIOUSLY CANNOT STOP SMILING HERE....

OK.... sensible head on now... yep - go to the doc and get the confirmation OK OK OK.... let us know as soon as you can - then you have to take it easy girl, none of this running around ...

I know how much this means to you...oh oh oh

Vegemite - I'm so happy for you and I know how much you wanted this and how often we talked about it - I know this joy for you is what you have been dreaming of

Please go to the doc as soon as you can and let us know OK

Can hardly contain myself here - your delight and a CyberGodMaMa - well.... what can I say - honoured!! And a Capricorn - oh... the babe is set!!!!

So so happy for you sweet child - love youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(I can't access any images here.... will have to wait til I get home to post you my emotion)


0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 03:10 am
Hey is that good news or what for Verbivore! Had a quick read back, great photos from all of you.

Iz, S girl's flower also has those purple/blue flowers and she loves it.

At work and need to get on! wishing you all well X
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 03:45 am
Tulip - will call you when I leave work - what time are you leaving??? - are you picking S-boy up on way back???? He's back at 4.40ish at bus???? or... call me on the mobile at work - have it with me in office x
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 03:48 am
Oooh congrats!
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 04:46 am
I've got my fingers and toes crossed verbi ! Capri babes are the best.I should know,I am one.
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 07:04 am
@Barry The Mod,
Mine are too! That is so exciting! Deep breaths...can't wait to hear!

Hugs to all...busy, busy, busy day.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 07:15 am
@Barry The Mod,
<in........ going to lie down for a bit........ex-horse-ted>

still smiling for our Vegemite..... have had a permanent grin on my face at her news........ hoping, wishing and praying all will be right and we have a PreggieVeggie

Kimmie too........ fab!

TC - off up North and school's out

DjjD waiting to see what colours will bloom and soon to see his sis

PaPaBabbling doing better - Brooklyn being beautiful

Missy taking art class for the twins and avoiding the ball we hope

BEAgle stretching his toots and bearing fruit

Tulip off to college, learning heaps and having S-boy for the nite

FQ on her way here for a cuppa before going out tonite

Blue being Blue and doing a flyby

Alex cooking up a BEAgle menu

Boida's quietly slurping

RH gardener extraordinaire

Bazza preparing for "the girls" arriving

Stormy baseballing and big smiles going on there

Bethie still bellydancing and HIM sashaying with the pack

jw giving Annie a voice and showing us her fantastic HOT PINK specs - way cool

Indeedee whuping BEAgle and finally getting time with hubby

FoxyF posting us the sounds of music

BigRed loving school, loathing algebra - but having a ball

db's done with chemo

O'Bill keeping us all informed about O-hi-O

lmur crossing his words and smiling for Ireland

and our Jes is truly a superstar...

well - 'tis a pretty good world right now a? Sure the rest of the crew who we see from time to time have all got some good goings on too

now... JPBigSista.... where are you gal!!!!!? a? a? a? we so gotta talk this weekend hun! Razz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love you x

0 Replies
Tai Chi
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 07:22 am
Verbivore, how exciting! (I never get tired of baby pictures.)
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 07:29 am
@Tai Chi,
Good night 'fairy godmother', catch you tomorrow, say hi to F/Q for me when you catch up today. Smile
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 07:45 am
ANZAC day for you Down Under - are you going to the celebrations???? Breakfast?

oh......... i'm going to lie down now - was pottering in the garden....

will give sis a big hug from you - she'll only be here a coupla hours - but no doubt we won't stop talking for the entire time - HA!

right....... zzzzzzzzzz... i gotta be up again in an hour and a fifteen!

smooches x

<waves to TC ............ oh, I LOVE the jewellery - LOVE IT LOVE IT.... the star especially and the one with the ball in the middle.... STUNNING - Clever Mr Fix It> Very Happy
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 08:20 am
ahhhhhh..... the phone has rung twice now... so I'm giving up on the zzzzing idea and going to make a cuppa... actually, i had about 10mins of "in a difference space" or "spaced out".... but it's really weird, I kept smiling about lots of different things and feel a little rejuvenated just from that - which is verra happy!

Excited that FQ will be here today - I wish I could just bottle up all these lovely feelings right now, send y'all a piece of my cottage garden and get the reggae band over and have a party here with the crew - wouldn't that be fab!

Oh... the pink fan plant is bursting out blues - so so pretty!

Rightio - off to put on a brew and potter off down to my babbling brook. Very Happy
0 Replies
Tai Chi
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 08:29 am
Izzie wrote:
<waves to TC ............ oh, I LOVE the jewellery - LOVE IT LOVE IT.... the star especially and the one with the ball in the middle.... STUNNING - Clever Mr Fix It> Very Happy

It's a black pearl. Nice, eh? I'm hinting rather broadly that I would be thrilled if it ended up in my jewelry box. I've noticed men don't do hinting very well. I may need a hammer...
Mr. Fix-it appeared in our local paper last night with his "showcase" at school. There'll be no living with him now...

(Aren't you s'posed to be napping?)
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 08:43 am
@Tai Chi,
Oh.......... a Black Pearl.... well, of course, as we're sailing the Black Pearl here - that's why it must've caught my eye Wink Really, it is beautiful TC - more than beautiful - and if you get the hammer, then can you put a hint my way too please.... I would LOVE to be able to enjoy something as precious like that. He really is verra clever and artistic - what a gift to have. You must be very proud of him <passes hammer, hits hint over head>!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... newspaper clipping.... gosh, with MrFix-It and our Jes - we really do know the famous folk a? HA - A2K Media Genies.

mmmm yep - Izzie No Nap today - Tulip is picking the little fella up from the school bus and is coming by in an hour or so and FQ will be here soonish - and the grocery shopping is about to be delivered too around 4pm - so, no worries - too much to do, too little time and a phone that rings a lot (not that I got to answer it as the battery had gone on the upstairs one and I couldn't get downstairs quick enough) Rolling Eyes - that's good tho! Razz The days just go so fast.
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 09:06 am
Ring Ring, Ring Ring..... "babe, put the kettle on"

yay - she'll be here in 5 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Razz
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 11:46 am
Tulip, S-boy - been and gone
FQ been and gone
groceries been delivered
greenhouse men been and gone - they've lost one of the struts on the greenhouse Shocked

ahhhhhhhhhh.... that was a lovely coupla hours - put the world to rights.


<cream crackered>
Tai Chi
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 12:02 pm
Well, I was just going to put the kettle on. Join me for a cup of tea?
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 12:28 pm
@Tai Chi,
A crew brew... that would be nice. Yes, please!
Tai Chi
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2009 01:12 pm
Plain old orange pekoe I'm afraid, but I do have Rice Krispie squares!


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