@Barry The Mod,
<in........ going to lie down for a bit........ex-horse-ted>
still smiling for our Vegemite..... have had a permanent grin on my face at her news........ hoping, wishing and praying all will be right and we have a PreggieVeggie
Kimmie too........ fab!
TC - off up North and school's out
DjjD waiting to see what colours will bloom and soon to see his sis
PaPaBabbling doing better - Brooklyn being beautiful
Missy taking art class for the twins and avoiding the ball we hope
BEAgle stretching his toots and bearing fruit
Tulip off to college, learning heaps and having S-boy for the nite
FQ on her way here for a cuppa before going out tonite
Blue being Blue and doing a flyby
Alex cooking up a BEAgle menu
Boida's quietly slurping
RH gardener extraordinaire
Bazza preparing for "the girls" arriving
Stormy baseballing and big smiles going on there
Bethie still bellydancing and HIM sashaying with the pack
jw giving Annie a voice and showing us her fantastic HOT PINK specs - way cool
Indeedee whuping BEAgle and finally getting time with hubby
FoxyF posting us the sounds of music
BigRed loving school, loathing algebra - but having a ball
db's done with chemo
O'Bill keeping us all informed about O-hi-O
lmur crossing his words and smiling for Ireland
and our Jes is truly a superstar...
well - 'tis a pretty good world right now a? Sure the rest of the crew who we see from time to time have all got some good goings on too
now... JPBigSista.... where are you gal!!!!!? a? a? a? we so gotta talk this weekend hun!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love you x